// Everything in this file uses child processes, because we're // testing a command line utility. var chain = require("slide").chain var child_process = require("child_process") var path = require("path") , testdir = __dirname , fs = require("graceful-fs") , npmpkg = path.dirname(testdir) , npmcli = path.join(__dirname, "bin", "npm-cli.js") var temp = process.env.TMPDIR || process.env.TMP || process.env.TEMP || ( process.platform === "win32" ? "c:\\windows\\temp" : "/tmp" ) temp = path.resolve(temp, "npm-test-" + process.pid) var root = path.resolve(temp, "root") var failures = 0 , mkdir = require("mkdirp") , rimraf = require("rimraf") var pathEnvSplit = process.platform === "win32" ? ";" : ":" , pathEnv = process.env.PATH.split(pathEnvSplit) , npmPath = process.platform === "win32" ? root : path.join(root, "bin") pathEnv.unshift(npmPath, path.join(root, "node_modules", ".bin")) // lastly, make sure that we get the same node that is being used to do // run this script. That's very important, especially when running this // test file from in the node source folder. pathEnv.unshift(path.dirname(process.execPath)) // the env for all the test installs etc. var env = {} Object.keys(process.env).forEach(function (i) { env[i] = process.env[i] }) env.npm_config_prefix = root env.npm_config_color = "always" env.npm_config_global = "true" // have to set this to false, or it'll try to test itself forever env.npm_config_npat = "false" env.PATH = pathEnv.join(pathEnvSplit) env.NODE_PATH = path.join(root, "node_modules") function cleanup (cb) { if (failures !== 0) return rimraf(root, function (er) { if (er) cb(er) mkdir(root, 0755, cb) }) } function prefix (content, pref) { return pref + (content.trim().split(/\r?\n/).join("\n" + pref)) } var execCount = 0 function exec (cmd, shouldFail, cb) { if (typeof shouldFail === "function") { cb = shouldFail, shouldFail = false } console.error("\n+"+cmd + (shouldFail ? " (expect failure)" : "")) // special: replace 'node' with the current execPath, // and 'npm' with the thing we installed. var cmdShow = cmd cmd = cmd.replace(/^npm /, path.resolve(npmPath, "npm") + " ") cmd = cmd.replace(/^node /, process.execPath + " ") child_process.exec(cmd, {env: env}, function (er, stdout, stderr) { if (stdout) { console.error(prefix(stdout, " 1> ")) } if (stderr) { console.error(prefix(stderr, " 2> ")) } execCount ++ if (!shouldFail && !er || shouldFail && er) { // stdout = (""+stdout).trim() console.log("ok " + execCount + " " + cmdShow) return cb() } else { console.log("not ok " + execCount + " " + cmdShow) cb(new Error("failed "+cmdShow)) } }) } function execChain (cmds, cb) { chain(cmds.reduce(function (l, r) { return l.concat(r) }, []).map(function (cmd) { return [exec, cmd] }), cb) } function flatten (arr) { return arr.reduce(function (l, r) { return l.concat(r) }, []) } function setup (cb) { cleanup(function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) execChain([ "node \""+path.resolve(npmpkg, "bin", "npm-cli.js") + "\" install \""+npmpkg+"\"" , "npm config set package-config:foo boo" ], cb) }) } function main (cb) { console.log("# testing in %s", temp) console.log("# global prefix = %s", root) failures = 0 process.chdir(testdir) // get the list of packages var packages = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(testdir, "packages")) packages = packages.filter(function (p) { return p && !p.match(/^\./) }) installAllThenTestAll() function installAllThenTestAll () { chain ( [ setup , [ exec, "npm install "+npmpkg ] , [ execChain, packages.map(function (p) { return "npm install packages/"+p }) ] , [ execChain, packages.map(function (p) { return "npm test "+p }) ] , [ execChain, packages.concat("npm").map(function (p) { return "npm rm " + p }) ] , installAndTestEach ] , cb ) } function installAndTestEach (cb) { chain ( [ setup , [ execChain, packages.map(function (p) { return [ "npm install packages/"+p , "npm test "+p , "npm rm "+p ] }) ] , [exec, "npm rm npm"] , publishTest ], cb ) } function publishTest (cb) { if (process.env.npm_package_config_publishtest !== "true") { console.error("To test publishing: "+ "npm config set npm:publishtest true") return cb() } chain ( [ setup , [ execChain, packages.filter(function (p) { return !p.match(/private/) }).map(function (p) { return [ "npm publish packages/"+p , "npm install "+p , "npm unpublish "+p+" --force" ] }) ] , publishPrivateTest ], cb ) } function publishPrivateTest (cb) { exec("npm publish packages/npm-test-private -s", true, function (er) { if (er) { exec( "npm unpublish npm-test-private --force" , function (e2) { cb(er || e2) }) } cleanup(cb) }) } } main(function (er) { console.log("1.." + execCount) if (er) throw er })