'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var cluster = require('cluster'); var net = require('net'); if (process.platform === 'win32') { console.log('Skipping test, not reliable on Windows.'); process.exit(0); } if (process.getuid() === 0) { console.log('Do not run this test as root.'); process.exit(0); } if (cluster.isMaster) { // Master opens and binds the socket and shares it with the worker. cluster.schedulingPolicy = cluster.SCHED_NONE; cluster.fork().on('exit', common.mustCall(function(exitCode) { assert.equal(exitCode, 0); })); } else { var s = net.createServer(assert.fail); s.listen(42, assert.fail.bind(null, 'listen should have failed')); s.on('error', common.mustCall(function(err) { assert.equal(err.code, 'EACCES'); process.disconnect(); })); }