var isolates = process.binding('isolates'); var assert = require('assert'); var N_ISOLATES = 4; var N_MESSAGES = 20; var N_MESSAGES_PER_TICK = 4; assert(N_MESSAGES % N_MESSAGES_PER_TICK == 0); if (process.tid === 1) master(); else child(); function master() { for (var i = 0; i < N_ISOLATES; ++i) spawn(); function spawn() { var isolate = isolates.create(process.argv); var gotExit = false; // exit event emitted? var msgId = 0; // message IDs seen so far var tick = 0; isolate.onexit = function() { gotExit = true; }; isolate.onmessage = function(buf) { var msg = JSON.parse(buf); assert.equal(, msgId + 1); // verify that messages arrive in order assert.equal(msg.tick, tick); // and on the proper tick (=full mq drain) msgId =; if (msgId % N_MESSAGES_PER_TICK == 0) tick++; isolate.send(buf); }; process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(gotExit, true); assert.equal(msgId, N_MESSAGES); assert.equal(tick, N_MESSAGES / N_MESSAGES_PER_TICK); }); } } function child() { var msgId = 0; var tick = 0; function send() { // Send multiple messages, verify that the message queue // is completely drained on each tick of the event loop. for (var i = 0; i < N_MESSAGES_PER_TICK; ++i) { process.send({tick:tick, id:++msgId}); } if (msgId < N_MESSAGES) { setTimeout(send, 10); } tick++; } send(); process._onmessage = function(m) { }; }