'use strict'; /* * Useful expressions. */ var EXPRESSION_DOT = /\./; var EXPRESSION_LAST_DOT = /\.[^.]*$/; /* * Allowed alignment values. */ var LEFT = 'l'; var RIGHT = 'r'; var CENTER = 'c'; var DOT = '.'; var NULL = ''; var ALLIGNMENT = [LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, DOT, NULL]; /* * Characters. */ var COLON = ':'; var DASH = '-'; var PIPE = '|'; var SPACE = ' '; var NEW_LINE = '\n'; /** * Get the length of `value`. * * @param {string} value * @return {number} */ function lengthNoop(value) { return String(value).length; } /** * Get a string consisting of `length` `character`s. * * @param {number} length * @param {string} [character=' '] * @return {string} */ function pad(length, character) { return Array(length + 1).join(character || SPACE); } /** * Get the position of the last dot in `value`. * * @param {string} value * @return {number} */ function dotindex(value) { var match = EXPRESSION_LAST_DOT.exec(value); return match ? match.index + 1 : value.length; } /** * Create a table from a matrix of strings. * * @param {Array.>} table * @param {Object?} options * @param {boolean?} [options.rule=true] * @param {string?} [options.delimiter=" | "] * @param {string?} [options.start="| "] * @param {string?} [options.end=" |"] * @param {Array.?} options.align * @param {function(string)?} options.stringLength * @return {string} Pretty table */ function markdownTable(table, options) { var settings = options || {}; var delimiter = settings.delimiter; var start = settings.start; var end = settings.end; var alignment = settings.align; var calculateStringLength = settings.stringLength || lengthNoop; var cellCount = 0; var rowIndex = -1; var rowLength = table.length; var sizes = []; var align; var rule; var rows; var row; var cells; var index; var position; var size; var value; var spacing; var before; var after; alignment = alignment ? alignment.concat() : []; if (delimiter === null || delimiter === undefined) { delimiter = SPACE + PIPE + SPACE; } if (start === null || start === undefined) { start = PIPE + SPACE; } if (end === null || end === undefined) { end = SPACE + PIPE; } while (++rowIndex < rowLength) { row = table[rowIndex]; index = -1; if (row.length > cellCount) { cellCount = row.length; } while (++index < cellCount) { position = row[index] ? dotindex(row[index]) : null; if (!sizes[index]) { sizes[index] = 3; } if (position > sizes[index]) { sizes[index] = position; } } } if (typeof alignment === 'string') { alignment = pad(cellCount, alignment).split(''); } /* * Make sure only valid alignments are used. */ index = -1; while (++index < cellCount) { align = alignment[index]; if (typeof align === 'string') { align = align.charAt(0).toLowerCase(); } if (ALLIGNMENT.indexOf(align) === -1) { align = NULL; } alignment[index] = align; } rowIndex = -1; rows = []; while (++rowIndex < rowLength) { row = table[rowIndex]; index = -1; cells = []; while (++index < cellCount) { value = row[index]; if (value === null || value === undefined) { value = ''; } else { value = String(value); } if (alignment[index] !== DOT) { cells[index] = value; } else { position = dotindex(value); size = sizes[index] + (EXPRESSION_DOT.test(value) ? 0 : 1) - (calculateStringLength(value) - position); cells[index] = value + pad(size - 1); } } rows[rowIndex] = cells; } sizes = []; rowIndex = -1; while (++rowIndex < rowLength) { cells = rows[rowIndex]; index = -1; while (++index < cellCount) { value = cells[index]; if (!sizes[index]) { sizes[index] = 3; } size = calculateStringLength(value); if (size > sizes[index]) { sizes[index] = size; } } } rowIndex = -1; while (++rowIndex < rowLength) { cells = rows[rowIndex]; index = -1; while (++index < cellCount) { value = cells[index]; position = sizes[index] - (calculateStringLength(value) || 0); spacing = pad(position); if (alignment[index] === RIGHT || alignment[index] === DOT) { value = spacing + value; } else if (alignment[index] !== CENTER) { value = value + spacing; } else { position = position / 2; if (position % 1 === 0) { before = position; after = position; } else { before = position + 0.5; after = position - 0.5; } value = pad(before) + value + pad(after); } cells[index] = value; } rows[rowIndex] = cells.join(delimiter); } if (settings.rule !== false) { index = -1; rule = []; while (++index < cellCount) { align = alignment[index]; /* * When `align` is left, don't add colons. */ value = align === RIGHT || align === NULL ? DASH : COLON; value += pad(sizes[index] - 2, DASH); value += align !== LEFT && align !== NULL ? COLON : DASH; rule[index] = value; } rows.splice(1, 0, rule.join(delimiter)); } return start + rows.join(end + NEW_LINE + start) + end; } /* * Expose `markdownTable`. */ module.exports = markdownTable;