'use strict' var path = require('path') var writeFileAtomic = require('write-file-atomic') var moduleName = require('../utils/module-name.js') var deepSortObject = require('../utils/deep-sort-object.js') var sortedObject = require('sorted-object') var sortKeys = [ 'dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'bundleDependencies', 'optionalDependencies', 'keywords', 'engines', 'scripts', 'files' ] module.exports = function (mod, buildpath, next) { var pkg = sortedObject(mod.package) var name = moduleName(mod) // Add our diagnostic keys to the package.json. // Note that there are folks relying on these, for ex, the Visual Studio // Node.js addon. pkg._requiredBy = mod.requiredBy .map(function (req) { if (req.package.devDependencies[name] && !req.package.dependencies[name]) { return '#DEV:' + req.location } else { return req.location } }) .concat(mod.userRequired ? ['#USER'] : []) .concat(mod.existing ? ['#EXISTING'] : []) .sort() pkg._location = mod.location pkg._phantomChildren = {} Object.keys(mod.phantomChildren).sort().forEach(function (name) { pkg._phantomChildren[name] = mod.phantomChildren[name].package.version }) // sort keys that are known safe to sort to produce more consistent output sortKeys.forEach(function (key) { if (pkg[key] != null) pkg[key] = deepSortObject(pkg[key]) }) var data = JSON.stringify(sortedObject(pkg), null, 2) + '\n' writeFileAtomic(path.resolve(buildpath, 'package.json'), data, next) }