require("../common-tap.js") var test = require("tap").test var npm = require("../../lib/npm.js") // this is the narrowest way to replace a function in the module cache var found = true var remoteGitPath = require.resolve("../../lib/cache/add-remote-git.js") require("module")._cache[remoteGitPath] = { id: remoteGitPath, exports: function stub(_, __, cb) { if (found) { cb(null, {}) } else { cb(new Error("not on filesystem")) } } } // only load maybeGithub now, so it gets the stub from cache var maybeGithub = require("../../lib/cache/maybe-github.js") test("should throw with no parameters", function (t) { t.plan(1) t.throws(function () { maybeGithub() }, "throws when called without parameters") }) test("should throw with wrong parameter types", function (t) { t.plan(2) t.throws(function () { maybeGithub({}, function () {}) }, "expects only a package name") t.throws(function () { maybeGithub("npm/xxx-noexist", "ham") }, "is always async") }) test("should find an existing package on Github", function (t) { found = true npm.load({}, function (error) { t.notOk(error, "bootstrapping succeeds") t.doesNotThrow(function () { maybeGithub("npm/npm", function (error, data) { t.notOk(error, "no issues in looking things up") t.ok(data, "received metadata from Github") t.end() }) }) }) }) test("shouldn't find a nonexistent package on Github", function (t) { found = false npm.load({}, function () { t.doesNotThrow(function () { maybeGithub("npm/xxx-noexist", function (error, data) { t.equal( error.message, "not on filesystem", "passed through original error message" ) t.notOk(data, "didn't pass any metadata") t.end() }) }) }) })