'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const http2 = require('http2'); const path = require('path'); const { HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD } = http2.constants; const optionsWithTypeError = { offset: 'number', length: 'number', statCheck: 'function', getTrailers: 'function' }; const types = { boolean: true, function: () => {}, number: 1, object: {}, array: [], null: null, symbol: Symbol('test') }; const fname = path.resolve(common.fixturesDir, 'elipses.txt'); const server = http2.createServer(); server.on('stream', common.mustCall((stream) => { // Check for all possible TypeError triggers on options Object.keys(optionsWithTypeError).forEach((option) => { Object.keys(types).forEach((type) => { if (type === optionsWithTypeError[option]) { return; } common.expectsError( () => stream.respondWithFile(fname, { [http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]: 'text/plain' }, { [option]: types[type] }), { type: TypeError, code: 'ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE', message: `The value "${String(types[type])}" is invalid ` + `for option "${option}"` } ); }); }); // Should throw if :status 204, 205 or 304 [204, 205, 304].forEach((status) => common.expectsError( () => stream.respondWithFile(fname, { [HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]: 'text/plain', ':status': status, }), { code: 'ERR_HTTP2_PAYLOAD_FORBIDDEN', message: `Responses with ${status} status must not have a payload` } )); // should emit an error on the stream if headers aren't valid stream.respondWithFile(fname, { [HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]: 'POST' }, { statCheck: common.mustCall(() => { // give time to the current test case to finish process.nextTick(continueTest, stream); return true; }) }); stream.once('error', common.expectsError({ code: 'ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PSEUDOHEADER', type: Error, message: '":method" is an invalid pseudoheader or is used incorrectly' })); })); function continueTest(stream) { // Should throw if headers already sent stream.respond({ ':status': 200, }); common.expectsError( () => stream.respondWithFile(fname, { [HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]: 'text/plain' }), { code: 'ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT', message: 'Response has already been initiated.' } ); // Should throw if stream already destroyed stream.destroy(); common.expectsError( () => stream.respondWithFile(fname, { [HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]: 'text/plain' }), { code: 'ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM', message: 'The stream has been destroyed' } ); } server.listen(0, common.mustCall(() => { const client = http2.connect(`http://localhost:${server.address().port}`); const req = client.request(); req.on('streamClosed', common.mustCall(() => { client.destroy(); server.close(); })); req.end(); }));