{ "repositories": "'repositories' (plural) Not supported. Please pick one as the 'repository' field" ,"missingRepository": "No repository field." ,"brokenGitUrl": "Probably broken git url: %s" ,"nonObjectScripts": "scripts must be an object" ,"nonStringScript": "script values must be string commands" ,"nonArrayFiles": "Invalid 'files' member" ,"invalidFilename": "Invalid filename in 'files' list: %s" ,"nonArrayBundleDependencies": "Invalid 'bundleDependencies' list. Must be array of package names" ,"nonStringBundleDependency": "Invalid bundleDependencies member: %s" ,"nonDependencyBundleDependency": "Non-dependency in bundleDependencies: %s" ,"nonObjectDependencies": "%s field must be an object" ,"nonStringDependency": "Invalid dependency: %s %s" ,"deprecatedArrayDependencies": "specifying %s as array is deprecated" ,"deprecatedModules": "modules field is deprecated" ,"nonArrayKeywords": "keywords should be an array of strings" ,"nonStringKeyword": "keywords should be an array of strings" ,"conflictingName": "%s is also the name of a node core module." ,"nonStringDescription": "'description' field should be a string" ,"missingDescription": "No description" ,"missingReadme": "No README data" ,"nonEmailUrlBugsString": "Bug string field must be url, email, or {email,url}" ,"nonUrlBugsUrlField": "bugs.url field must be a string url. Deleted." ,"nonEmailBugsEmailField": "bugs.email field must be a string email. Deleted." ,"emptyNormalizedBugs": "Normalized value of bugs field is an empty object. Deleted." ,"nonUrlHomepage": "homepage field must be a string url. Deleted." ,"missingProtocolHomepage": "homepage field must start with a protocol." ,"typo": "%s should probably be %s." }