// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include "src/v8.h" #include "src/full-codegen/full-codegen.h" #include "src/global-handles.h" #include "src/heap/mark-compact-inl.h" #include "src/heap/mark-compact.h" #include "src/heap/sequential-marking-deque.h" #include "src/objects-inl.h" #include "test/cctest/cctest.h" #include "test/cctest/heap/heap-tester.h" #include "test/cctest/heap/heap-utils.h" using namespace v8::internal; using v8::Just; TEST(SequentialMarkingDeque) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); SequentialMarkingDeque s(CcTest::i_isolate()->heap()); s.SetUp(); s.StartUsing(); Address original_address = reinterpret_cast
(&s); Address current_address = original_address; while (!s.IsFull()) { s.Push(HeapObject::FromAddress(current_address)); current_address += kPointerSize; } while (!s.IsEmpty()) { Address value = s.Pop()->address(); current_address -= kPointerSize; CHECK_EQ(current_address, value); } CHECK_EQ(original_address, current_address); s.StopUsing(); CcTest::i_isolate()->cancelable_task_manager()->CancelAndWait(); s.TearDown(); } TEST(Promotion) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); { v8::HandleScope sc(CcTest::isolate()); Heap* heap = isolate->heap(); heap::SealCurrentObjects(heap); int array_length = heap::FixedArrayLenFromSize(kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize); Handle array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(array_length); // Array should be in the new space. CHECK(heap->InSpace(*array, NEW_SPACE)); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); CHECK(heap->InSpace(*array, OLD_SPACE)); } } HEAP_TEST(NoPromotion) { // Page promotion allows pages to be moved to old space even in the case of // OOM scenarios. FLAG_page_promotion = false; CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); { v8::HandleScope sc(CcTest::isolate()); Heap* heap = isolate->heap(); heap::SealCurrentObjects(heap); int array_length = heap::FixedArrayLenFromSize(kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize); Handle array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(array_length); heap->set_force_oom(true); // Array should be in the new space. CHECK(heap->InSpace(*array, NEW_SPACE)); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(); CHECK(heap->InSpace(*array, NEW_SPACE)); } } HEAP_TEST(MarkCompactCollector) { FLAG_incremental_marking = false; FLAG_retain_maps_for_n_gc = 0; CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); Heap* heap = CcTest::heap(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); v8::HandleScope sc(CcTest::isolate()); Handle global(isolate->context()->global_object()); // call mark-compact when heap is empty CcTest::CollectGarbage(OLD_SPACE); // keep allocating garbage in new space until it fails const int arraysize = 100; AllocationResult allocation; do { allocation = heap->AllocateFixedArray(arraysize); } while (!allocation.IsRetry()); CcTest::CollectGarbage(NEW_SPACE); heap->AllocateFixedArray(arraysize).ToObjectChecked(); // keep allocating maps until it fails do { allocation = heap->AllocateMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize); } while (!allocation.IsRetry()); CcTest::CollectGarbage(MAP_SPACE); heap->AllocateMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize).ToObjectChecked(); { HandleScope scope(isolate); // allocate a garbage Handle func_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("theFunction"); Handle function = factory->NewFunction(func_name); JSReceiver::SetProperty(global, func_name, function, SLOPPY).Check(); factory->NewJSObject(function); } CcTest::CollectGarbage(OLD_SPACE); { HandleScope scope(isolate); Handle func_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("theFunction"); CHECK(Just(true) == JSReceiver::HasOwnProperty(global, func_name)); Handle func_value = Object::GetProperty(global, func_name).ToHandleChecked(); CHECK(func_value->IsJSFunction()); Handle function = Handle::cast(func_value); Handle obj = factory->NewJSObject(function); Handle obj_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("theObject"); JSReceiver::SetProperty(global, obj_name, obj, SLOPPY).Check(); Handle prop_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("theSlot"); Handle twenty_three(Smi::FromInt(23), isolate); JSReceiver::SetProperty(obj, prop_name, twenty_three, SLOPPY).Check(); } CcTest::CollectGarbage(OLD_SPACE); { HandleScope scope(isolate); Handle obj_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("theObject"); CHECK(Just(true) == JSReceiver::HasOwnProperty(global, obj_name)); Handle object = Object::GetProperty(global, obj_name).ToHandleChecked(); CHECK(object->IsJSObject()); Handle prop_name = factory->InternalizeUtf8String("theSlot"); CHECK_EQ(*Object::GetProperty(object, prop_name).ToHandleChecked(), Smi::FromInt(23)); } } // TODO(1600): compaction of map space is temporary removed from GC. #if 0 static Handle CreateMap(Isolate* isolate) { return isolate->factory()->NewMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize); } TEST(MapCompact) { FLAG_max_map_space_pages = 16; CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); { v8::HandleScope sc; // keep allocating maps while pointers are still encodable and thus // mark compact is permitted. Handle root = factory->NewJSObjectFromMap(CreateMap()); do { Handle map = CreateMap(); map->set_prototype(*root); root = factory->NewJSObjectFromMap(map); } while (CcTest::heap()->map_space()->MapPointersEncodable()); } // Now, as we don't have any handles to just allocated maps, we should // be able to trigger map compaction. // To give an additional chance to fail, try to force compaction which // should be impossible right now. CcTest::CollectAllGarbage(Heap::kForceCompactionMask); // And now map pointers should be encodable again. CHECK(CcTest::heap()->map_space()->MapPointersEncodable()); } #endif #if defined(__has_feature) #if __has_feature(address_sanitizer) #define V8_WITH_ASAN 1 #endif #endif // Here is a memory use test that uses /proc, and is therefore Linux-only. We // do not care how much memory the simulator uses, since it is only there for // debugging purposes. Testing with ASAN doesn't make sense, either. #if defined(__linux__) && !defined(USE_SIMULATOR) && !defined(V8_WITH_ASAN) static uintptr_t ReadLong(char* buffer, intptr_t* position, int base) { char* end_address = buffer + *position; uintptr_t result = strtoul(buffer + *position, &end_address, base); CHECK(result != ULONG_MAX || errno != ERANGE); CHECK(end_address > buffer + *position); *position = end_address - buffer; return result; } // The memory use computed this way is not entirely accurate and depends on // the way malloc allocates memory. That's why the memory use may seem to // increase even though the sum of the allocated object sizes decreases. It // also means that the memory use depends on the kernel and stdlib. static intptr_t MemoryInUse() { intptr_t memory_use = 0; int fd = open("/proc/self/maps", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return -1; const int kBufSize = 20000; char buffer[kBufSize]; ssize_t length = read(fd, buffer, kBufSize); intptr_t line_start = 0; CHECK_LT(length, kBufSize); // Make the buffer bigger. CHECK_GT(length, 0); // We have to find some data in the file. while (line_start < length) { if (buffer[line_start] == '\n') { line_start++; continue; } intptr_t position = line_start; uintptr_t start = ReadLong(buffer, &position, 16); CHECK_EQ(buffer[position++], '-'); uintptr_t end = ReadLong(buffer, &position, 16); CHECK_EQ(buffer[position++], ' '); CHECK(buffer[position] == '-' || buffer[position] == 'r'); bool read_permission = (buffer[position++] == 'r'); CHECK(buffer[position] == '-' || buffer[position] == 'w'); bool write_permission = (buffer[position++] == 'w'); CHECK(buffer[position] == '-' || buffer[position] == 'x'); bool execute_permission = (buffer[position++] == 'x'); CHECK(buffer[position] == 's' || buffer[position] == 'p'); bool private_mapping = (buffer[position++] == 'p'); CHECK_EQ(buffer[position++], ' '); uintptr_t offset = ReadLong(buffer, &position, 16); USE(offset); CHECK_EQ(buffer[position++], ' '); uintptr_t major = ReadLong(buffer, &position, 16); USE(major); CHECK_EQ(buffer[position++], ':'); uintptr_t minor = ReadLong(buffer, &position, 16); USE(minor); CHECK_EQ(buffer[position++], ' '); uintptr_t inode = ReadLong(buffer, &position, 10); while (position < length && buffer[position] != '\n') position++; if ((read_permission || write_permission || execute_permission) && private_mapping && inode == 0) { memory_use += (end - start); } line_start = position; } close(fd); return memory_use; } intptr_t ShortLivingIsolate() { v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params; create_params.array_buffer_allocator = CcTest::array_buffer_allocator(); v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params); { v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate); v8::Locker lock(isolate); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); v8::Local context = v8::Context::New(isolate); CHECK(!context.IsEmpty()); } isolate->Dispose(); return MemoryInUse(); } TEST(RegressJoinThreadsOnIsolateDeinit) { intptr_t size_limit = ShortLivingIsolate() * 2; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { CHECK_GT(size_limit, ShortLivingIsolate()); } } TEST(Regress5829) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); v8::HandleScope sc(CcTest::isolate()); Heap* heap = isolate->heap(); heap::SealCurrentObjects(heap); i::MarkCompactCollector* collector = heap->mark_compact_collector(); i::IncrementalMarking* marking = heap->incremental_marking(); if (collector->sweeping_in_progress()) { collector->EnsureSweepingCompleted(); } CHECK(marking->IsMarking() || marking->IsStopped()); if (marking->IsStopped()) { heap->StartIncrementalMarking(i::Heap::kNoGCFlags, i::GarbageCollectionReason::kTesting); } CHECK(marking->IsMarking()); marking->StartBlackAllocationForTesting(); Handle array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(10, TENURED); Address old_end = array->address() + array->Size(); // Right trim the array without clearing the mark bits. array->set_length(9); heap->CreateFillerObjectAt(old_end - kPointerSize, kPointerSize, ClearRecordedSlots::kNo); heap->old_space()->EmptyAllocationInfo(); Page* page = Page::FromAddress(array->address()); for (auto object_and_size : LiveObjectRange(page, MarkingState::Internal(page))) { CHECK(!object_and_size.first->IsFiller()); } } #endif // __linux__ and !USE_SIMULATOR