var tap = require("tap") var server = require("./lib/server.js") var common = require("./lib/common.js") var client = common.freshClient({ username : "username", password : "%1234@asdf%", email : "", _auth : new Buffer("username:%1234@asdf%").toString("base64"), "always-auth" : true }) tap.test("get the URL for the bugs page on a package", function (t) { server.expect("GET", "/sample/latest", function (req, res) { t.equal(req.method, "GET") res.json({ bugs : { url : "", email : "" } }) }) client.bugs("http://localhost:1337/sample", function (error, info) { t.notOk(error, "no errors") t.ok(info.url, "got the URL") t.ok(, "got the email address") t.end() }) })