#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2014 IBM Corporation and Others. All Rights Reserved. # # @author Steven R. Loomis # # This tool slims down an ICU data (.dat) file according to a config file. # # See: http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/10922 # # Usage: # Use "-h" to get help options. import sys import shutil # for utf-8 reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") import optparse import os import json import re endian=sys.byteorder parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: mkdir tmp ; %prog -D ~/Downloads/icudt53l.dat -T tmp -F trim_en.json -O icudt53l.dat" ) parser.add_option("-P","--tool-path", action="store", dest="toolpath", help="set the prefix directory for ICU tools") parser.add_option("-D","--input-file", action="store", dest="datfile", help="input data file (icudt__.dat)", ) # required parser.add_option("-F","--filter-file", action="store", dest="filterfile", help="filter file (JSON format)", ) # required parser.add_option("-T","--tmp-dir", action="store", dest="tmpdir", help="working directory.", ) # required parser.add_option("--delete-tmp", action="count", dest="deltmpdir", help="delete working directory.", default=0) parser.add_option("-O","--outfile", action="store", dest="outfile", help="outfile (NOT a full path)", ) # required parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="count", default=0) parser.add_option('-e', '--endian', action='store', dest='endian', help='endian, big, little or host, your default is "%s".' % endian, default=endian, metavar='endianness') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() optVars = vars(options) for opt in [ "datfile", "filterfile", "tmpdir", "outfile" ]: if optVars[opt] is None: print "Missing required option: %s" % opt sys.exit(1) if options.verbose>0: print "Options: "+str(options) if (os.path.isdir(options.tmpdir) and options.deltmpdir): if options.verbose>1: print "Deleting tmp dir %s.." % (options.tmpdir) shutil.rmtree(options.tmpdir) if not (os.path.isdir(options.tmpdir)): os.mkdir(options.tmpdir) else: print "Please delete tmpdir %s before beginning." % options.tmpdir sys.exit(1) if options.endian not in ("big","little","host"): print "Unknown endianness: %s" % options.endian sys.exit(1) if options.endian is "host": options.endian = endian if not os.path.isdir(options.tmpdir): print "Error, tmpdir not a directory: %s" % (options.tmpdir) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(options.filterfile): print "Filterfile doesn't exist: %s" % (options.filterfile) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(options.datfile): print "Datfile doesn't exist: %s" % (options.datfile) sys.exit(1) if not options.datfile.endswith(".dat"): print "Datfile doesn't end with .dat: %s" % (options.datfile) sys.exit(1) outfile = os.path.join(options.tmpdir, options.outfile) if os.path.isfile(outfile): print "Error, output file does exist: %s" % (outfile) sys.exit(1) if not options.outfile.endswith(".dat"): print "Outfile doesn't end with .dat: %s" % (options.outfile) sys.exit(1) dataname=options.outfile[0:-4] ## TODO: need to improve this. Quotes, etc. def runcmd(tool, cmd, doContinue=False): if(options.toolpath): cmd = os.path.join(options.toolpath, tool) + " " + cmd else: cmd = tool + " " + cmd if(options.verbose>4): print "# " + cmd rc = os.system(cmd) if rc is not 0 and not doContinue: print "FAILED: %s" % cmd sys.exit(1) return rc ## STEP 0 - read in json config fi= open(options.filterfile, "rb") config=json.load(fi) fi.close() if (options.verbose > 6): print config if(config.has_key("comment")): print "%s: %s" % (options.filterfile, config["comment"]) ## STEP 1 - copy the data file, swapping endianness endian_letter = "l" runcmd("icupkg", "-t%s %s %s""" % (endian_letter, options.datfile, outfile)) ## STEP 2 - get listing listfile = os.path.join(options.tmpdir,"icudata.lst") runcmd("icupkg", "-l %s > %s""" % (outfile, listfile)) fi = open(listfile, 'rb') items = fi.readlines() items = [items[i].strip() for i in range(len(items))] fi.close() itemset = set(items) if (options.verbose>1): print "input file: %d items" % (len(items)) # list of all trees trees = {} RES_INDX = "res_index.res" remove = None # remove - always remove these if config.has_key("remove"): remove = set(config["remove"]) else: remove = set() # keep - always keep these if config.has_key("keep"): keep = set(config["keep"]) else: keep = set() def queueForRemoval(tree): global remove if not config.has_key("trees"): # no config return if not config["trees"].has_key(tree): return mytree = trees[tree] if(options.verbose>0): print "* %s: %d items" % (tree, len(mytree["locs"])) # do varible substitution for this tree here if type(config["trees"][tree]) == str or type(config["trees"][tree]) == unicode: treeStr = config["trees"][tree] if(options.verbose>5): print " Substituting $%s for tree %s" % (treeStr, tree) if(not config.has_key("variables") or not config["variables"].has_key(treeStr)): print " ERROR: no variable: variables.%s for tree %s" % (treeStr, tree) sys.exit(1) config["trees"][tree] = config["variables"][treeStr] myconfig = config["trees"][tree] if(options.verbose>4): print " Config: %s" % (myconfig) # Process this tree if(len(myconfig)==0 or len(mytree["locs"])==0): if(options.verbose>2): print " No processing for %s - skipping" % (tree) else: only = None if myconfig.has_key("only"): only = set(myconfig["only"]) if (len(only)==0) and (mytree["treeprefix"] != ""): thePool = "%spool.res" % (mytree["treeprefix"]) if (thePool in itemset): if(options.verbose>0): print "Removing %s because tree %s is empty." % (thePool, tree) remove.add(thePool) else: print "tree %s - no ONLY" for l in range(len(mytree["locs"])): loc = mytree["locs"][l] if (only is not None) and not loc in only: # REMOVE loc toRemove = "%s%s%s" % (mytree["treeprefix"], loc, mytree["extension"]) if(options.verbose>6): print "Queueing for removal: %s" % toRemove remove.add(toRemove) def addTreeByType(tree, mytree): if(options.verbose>1): print "(considering %s): %s" % (tree, mytree) trees[tree] = mytree mytree["locs"]=[] for i in range(len(items)): item = items[i] if item.startswith(mytree["treeprefix"]) and item.endswith(mytree["extension"]): mytree["locs"].append(item[len(mytree["treeprefix"]):-4]) # now, process queueForRemoval(tree) addTreeByType("converters",{"treeprefix":"", "extension":".cnv"}) addTreeByType("stringprep",{"treeprefix":"", "extension":".spp"}) addTreeByType("translit",{"treeprefix":"translit/", "extension":".res"}) addTreeByType("brkfiles",{"treeprefix":"brkitr/", "extension":".brk"}) addTreeByType("brkdict",{"treeprefix":"brkitr/", "extension":"dict"}) addTreeByType("confusables",{"treeprefix":"", "extension":".cfu"}) for i in range(len(items)): item = items[i] if item.endswith(RES_INDX): treeprefix = item[0:item.rindex(RES_INDX)] tree = None if treeprefix == "": tree = "ROOT" else: tree = treeprefix[0:-1] if(options.verbose>6): print "procesing %s" % (tree) trees[tree] = { "extension": ".res", "treeprefix": treeprefix, "hasIndex": True } # read in the resource list for the tree treelistfile = os.path.join(options.tmpdir,"%s.lst" % tree) runcmd("iculslocs", "-i %s -N %s -T %s -l > %s" % (outfile, dataname, tree, treelistfile)) fi = open(treelistfile, 'rb') treeitems = fi.readlines() trees[tree]["locs"] = [treeitems[i].strip() for i in range(len(treeitems))] fi.close() if(not config.has_key("trees") or not config["trees"].has_key(tree)): print " Warning: filter file %s does not mention trees.%s - will be kept as-is" % (options.filterfile, tree) else: queueForRemoval(tree) def removeList(count=0): # don't allow "keep" items to creep in here. global remove remove = remove - keep if(count > 10): print "Giving up - %dth attempt at removal." % count sys.exit(1) if(options.verbose>1): print "%d items to remove - try #%d" % (len(remove),count) if(len(remove)>0): oldcount = len(remove) hackerrfile=os.path.join(options.tmpdir, "REMOVE.err") removefile = os.path.join(options.tmpdir, "REMOVE.lst") fi = open(removefile, 'wb') for i in remove: print >>fi, i fi.close() rc = runcmd("icupkg","-r %s %s 2> %s" % (removefile,outfile,hackerrfile),True) if rc is not 0: if(options.verbose>5): print "## Damage control, trying to parse stderr from icupkg.." fi = open(hackerrfile, 'rb') erritems = fi.readlines() fi.close() #Item zone/zh_Hant_TW.res depends on missing item zone/zh_Hant.res pat = re.compile("""^Item ([^ ]+) depends on missing item ([^ ]+).*""") for i in range(len(erritems)): line = erritems[i].strip() m = pat.match(line) if m: toDelete = m.group(1) if(options.verbose > 5): print "<< %s added to delete" % toDelete remove.add(toDelete) else: print "ERROR: could not match errline: %s" % line sys.exit(1) if(options.verbose > 5): print " now %d items to remove" % len(remove) if(oldcount == len(remove)): print " ERROR: could not add any mor eitems to remove. Fail." sys.exit(1) removeList(count+1) # fire it up removeList(1) # now, fixup res_index, one at a time for tree in trees: # skip trees that don't have res_index if not trees[tree].has_key("hasIndex"): continue treebunddir = options.tmpdir if(trees[tree]["treeprefix"]): treebunddir = os.path.join(treebunddir, trees[tree]["treeprefix"]) if not (os.path.isdir(treebunddir)): os.mkdir(treebunddir) treebundres = os.path.join(treebunddir,RES_INDX) treebundtxt = "%s.txt" % (treebundres[0:-4]) runcmd("iculslocs", "-i %s -N %s -T %s -b %s" % (outfile, dataname, tree, treebundtxt)) runcmd("genrb","-d %s -s %s res_index.txt" % (treebunddir, treebunddir)) runcmd("icupkg","-s %s -a %s%s %s" % (options.tmpdir, trees[tree]["treeprefix"], RES_INDX, outfile))