# Performance Timing API > Stability: 1 - Experimental The Performance Timing API provides an implementation of the [W3C Performance Timeline][] specification. The purpose of the API is to support collection of high resolution performance metrics. This is the same Performance API as implemented in modern Web browsers. ```js const { performance } = require('perf_hooks'); performance.mark('A'); doSomeLongRunningProcess(() => { performance.mark('B'); performance.measure('A to B', 'A', 'B'); const measure = performance.getEntriesByName('A to B')[0]; console.log(measure.duration); // Prints the number of milliseconds between Mark 'A' and Mark 'B' }); ``` ## Class: Performance The `Performance` provides access to performance metric data. A single instance of this class is provided via the `performance` property. ### performance.clearFunctions([name]) * `name` {string} If `name` is not provided, removes all `PerformanceFunction` objects from the Performance Timeline. If `name` is provided, removes entries with `name`. ### performance.clearMarks([name]) * `name` {string} If `name` is not provided, removes all `PerformanceMark` objects from the Performance Timeline. If `name` is provided, removes only the named mark. ### performance.clearMeasures([name]) * `name` {string} If `name` is not provided, removes all `PerformanceMeasure` objects from the Performance Timeline. If `name` is provided, removes only objects whose `performanceEntry.name` matches `name`. ### performance.getEntries() * Returns: {Array} Returns a list of all `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime`. ### performance.getEntriesByName(name[, type]) * `name` {string} * `type` {string} * Returns: {Array} Returns a list of all `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.name` is equal to `name`, and optionally, whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to `type`. ### performance.getEntriesByType(type) * `type` {string} * Returns: {Array} Returns a list of all `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to `type`. ### performance.mark([name]) * `name` {string} Creates a new `PerformanceMark` entry in the Performance Timeline. A `PerformanceMark` is a subclass of `PerformanceEntry` whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is always `'mark'`, and whose `performanceEntry.duration` is always `0`. Performance marks are used to mark specific significant moments in the Performance Timeline. ### performance.measure(name, startMark, endMark) * `name` {string} * `startMark` {string} * `endMark` {string} Creates a new `PerformanceMeasure` entry in the Performance Timeline. A `PerformanceMeasure` is a subclass of `PerformanceEntry` whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is always `'measure'`, and whose `performanceEntry.duration` measures the number of milliseconds elapsed since `startMark` and `endMark`. The `startMark` argument may identify any *existing* `PerformanceMark` in the the Performance Timeline, or *may* identify any of the timestamp properties provided by the `PerformanceNodeTiming` class. If the named `startMark` does not exist, then `startMark` is set to [`timeOrigin`][] by default. The `endMark` argument must identify any *existing* `PerformanceMark` in the the Performance Timeline or any of the timestamp properties provided by the `PerformanceNodeTiming` class. If the named `endMark` does not exist, an error will be thrown. ### performance.nodeFrame * {PerformanceFrame} An instance of the `PerformanceFrame` class that provides performance metrics for the event loop. ### performance.nodeTiming * {PerformanceNodeTiming} An instance of the `PerformanceNodeTiming` class that provides performance metrics for specific Node.js operational milestones. ### performance.now() * Returns: {number} Returns the current high resolution millisecond timestamp. ### performance.timeOrigin * {number} The [`timeOrigin`][] specifies the high resolution millisecond timestamp from which all performance metric durations are measured. ### performance.timerify(fn) * `fn` {Function} Wraps a function within a new function that measures the running time of the wrapped function. A `PerformanceObserver` must be subscribed to the `'function'` event type in order for the timing details to be accessed. ```js const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks'); function someFunction() { console.log('hello world'); } const wrapped = performance.timerify(someFunction); const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list) => { console.log(list.getEntries()[0].duration); obs.disconnect(); performance.clearFunctions(); }); obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['function'] }); // A performance timeline entry will be created wrapped(); ``` ## Class: PerformanceEntry ### performanceEntry.duration * {number} The total number of milliseconds elapsed for this entry. This value will not be meaningful for all Performance Entry types. ### performanceEntry.name * {string} The name of the performance entry. ### performanceEntry.startTime * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp marking the starting time of the Performance Entry. ### performanceEntry.entryType * {string} The type of the performance entry. Current it may be one of: `'node'`, `'mark'`, `'measure'`, `'gc'`, or `'function'`. ### performanceEntry.kind * {number} When `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to `'gc'`, the `performance.kind` property identifies the type of garbage collection operation that occurred. The value may be one of: * `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MAJOR` * `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MINOR` * `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_INCREMENTAL` * `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_WEAKCB` ## Class: PerformanceNodeFrame extends PerformanceEntry Provides timing details for the Node.js event loop. ### performanceNodeFrame.frameCheck The high resolution timestamp when `uv_check_t` processing occurred on the current loop. ### performanceNodeFrame.frameCount The total number of event loop iterations (iterated when `uv_idle_t` processing occurrs). ### performanceNodeFrame.frameIdle The high resolution timestamp when `uv_idle_t` processing occurred on the current loop. ### performanceNodeFrame.framesPerSecond The number of event loop iterations per second. ### performanceNodeFrame.framePrepare The high resolution timestamp when `uv_prepare_t` processing occurred on the current loop. ## Class: PerformanceNodeTiming extends PerformanceEntry Provides timing details for Node.js itself. ### performanceNodeTiming.bootstrapComplete * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js process completed bootstrap. ### performanceNodeTiming.clusterSetupEnd * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which cluster processing ended. ### performanceNodeTiming.clusterSetupStart * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which cluster processing started. ### performanceNodeTiming.loopExit * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js event loop exited. ### performanceNodeTiming.loopStart * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js event loop started. ### performanceNodeTiming.moduleLoadEnd * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which main module load ended. ### performanceNodeTiming.moduleLoadStart * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which main module load started. ### performanceNodeTiming.nodeStart * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js process was initialized. ### performanceNodeTiming.preloadModuleLoadEnd * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which preload module load ended. ### performanceNodeTiming.preloadModuleLoadStart * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which preload module load started. ### performanceNodeTiming.thirdPartyMainEnd * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which third_party_main processing ended. ### performanceNodeTiming.thirdPartyMainStart * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which third_party_main processing started. ### performanceNodeTiming.v8Start * {number} The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the V8 platform was initialized. ## Class: PerformanceObserver(callback) * `callback` {Function} A `PerformanceObserverCallback` callback function. `PerformanceObserver` objects provide notifications when new `PerformanceEntry` instances have been added to the Performance Timeline. ```js const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks'); const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { console.log(list.getEntries()); observer.disconnect(); }); obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark'], buffered: true }); performance.mark('test'); ``` Because `PerformanceObserver` instances introduce their own additional performance overhead, instances should not be left subscribed to notifications indefinitely. Users should disconnect observers as soon as they are no longer needed. ### Callback: PerformanceObserverCallback(list, observer) * `list` {PerformanceObserverEntryList} * `observer` {PerformanceObserver} The `PerformanceObserverCallback` is invoked when a `PerformanceObserver` is notified about new `PerformanceEntry` instances. The callback receives a `PerformanceObserverEntryList` instance and a reference to the `PerformanceObserver`. ### Class: PerformanceObserverEntryList The `PerformanceObserverEntryList` class is used to provide access to the `PerformanceEntry` instances passed to a `PerformanceObserver`. #### performanceObserverEntryList.getEntries() * Returns: {Array} Returns a list of `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime`. #### performanceObserverEntryList.getEntriesByName(name[, type]) * `name` {string} * `type` {string} * Returns: {Array} Returns a list of `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.name` is equal to `name`, and optionally, whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to `type`. #### performanceObserverEntryList.getEntriesByType(type) * `type` {string} * Returns: {Array} Returns a list of `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to `type`. ### performanceObserver.disconnect() Disconnects the `PerformanceObserver` instance from all notifications. ### performanceObserver.observe(options) * `options` {Object} * `entryTypes` {Array} An array of strings identifying the types of `PerformanceEntry` instances the observer is interested in. If not provided an error will be thrown. * `buffered` {boolean} If true, the notification callback will be called using `setImmediate()` and multiple `PerformanceEntry` instance notifications will be buffered internally. If `false`, notifications will be immediate and synchronous. Defaults to `false`. Subscribes the `PerformanceObserver` instance to notifications of new `PerformanceEntry` instances identified by `options.entryTypes`. When `options.buffered` is `false`, the `callback` will be invoked once for every `PerformanceEntry` instance: ```js const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks'); const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { // called three times synchronously. list contains one item }); obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark'] }); for (let n = 0; n < 3; n++) performance.mark(`test${n}`); ``` ```js const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks'); const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { // called once. list contains three items }); obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark'], buffered: true }); for (let n = 0; n < 3; n++) performance.mark(`test${n}`); ``` ## Examples ### Measuring the duration of async operations The following example uses the [Async Hooks][] and Performance APIs to measure the actual duration of a Timeout operation (including the amount of time it to execute the callback). ```js 'use strict'; const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks'); const set = new Set(); const hook = async_hooks.createHook({ init(id, type) { if (type === 'Timeout') { performance.mark(`Timeout-${id}-Init`); set.add(id); } }, destroy(id) { if (set.has(id)) { set.delete(id); performance.mark(`Timeout-${id}-Destroy`); performance.measure(`Timeout-${id}`, `Timeout-${id}-Init`, `Timeout-${id}-Destroy`); } } }); hook.enable(); const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { console.log(list.getEntries()[0]); performance.clearMarks(); performance.clearMeasures(); observer.disconnect(); }); obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['measure'], buffered: true }); setTimeout(() => {}, 1000); ``` ### Measuring how long it takes to load dependencies The following example measures the duration of `require()` operations to load dependencies: ```js 'use strict'; const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks'); const mod = require('module'); // Monkey patch the require function mod.Module.prototype.require = performance.timerify(mod.Module.prototype.require); require = performance.timerify(require); // Activate the observer const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list) => { const entries = list.getEntries(); entries.forEach((entry) => { console.log(`require('${entry[0]}')`, entry.duration); }); obs.disconnect(); // Free memory performance.clearFunctions(); }); obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['function'], buffered: true }); require('some-module'); ``` [`timeOrigin`]: https://w3c.github.io/hr-time/#dom-performance-timeorigin [Async Hooks]: async_hooks.html [W3C Performance Timeline]: https://w3c.github.io/performance-timeline/