module.exports = errorHandler var cbCalled = false , log = require("npmlog") , npm = require("../npm.js") , rm = require("rimraf") , itWorked = false , path = require("path") , wroteLogFile = false , exitCode = 0 , rollbacks = npm.rollbacks , chain = require("slide").chain , writeStream = require("fs-write-stream-atomic") , nameValidator = require("validate-npm-package-name") process.on("exit", function (code) { // console.error("exit", code) if (!npm.config || !npm.config.loaded) return if (code) itWorked = false if (itWorked)"ok") else { if (!cbCalled) { log.error("", "cb() never called!") } if (wroteLogFile) { // just a line break if (log.levels[log.level] <= log.levels.error) console.error("") log.error("", ["Please include the following file with any support request:" ," " + path.resolve("npm-debug.log") ].join("\n")) wroteLogFile = false } if (code) { log.error("code", code) } } var doExit = npm.config.get("_exit") if (doExit) { // actually exit. if (exitCode === 0 && !itWorked) { exitCode = 1 } if (exitCode !== 0) process.exit(exitCode) } else { itWorked = false // ready for next exit } }) function exit (code, noLog) { exitCode = exitCode || process.exitCode || code var doExit = npm.config ? npm.config.get("_exit") : true log.verbose("exit", [code, doExit]) if (log.level === "silent") noLog = true if (rollbacks.length) { chain( (f) { return function (cb) { npm.commands.unbuild([f], true, cb) } }), function (er) { if (er) { log.error("error rolling back", er) if (!code) errorHandler(er) else if (noLog) rm("npm-debug.log", reallyExit.bind(null, er)) else writeLogFile(reallyExit.bind(this, er)) } else { if (!noLog && code) writeLogFile(reallyExit) else rm("npm-debug.log", reallyExit) } }) rollbacks.length = 0 } else if (code && !noLog) writeLogFile(reallyExit) else rm("npm-debug.log", reallyExit) function reallyExit (er) { if (er && !code) code = typeof er.errno === "number" ? er.errno : 1 // truncate once it's been written. log.record.length = 0 itWorked = !code // just emit a fake exit event. // if we're really exiting, then let it exit on its own, so that // in-process stuff can finish or clean up first. if (!doExit) process.emit("exit", code) npm.spinner.stop() } } function errorHandler (er) { // console.error("errorHandler", er) if (!npm.config || !npm.config.loaded) { // logging won't work unless we pretend that it's ready er = er || new Error("Exit prior to config file resolving.") console.error(er.stack || er.message) } if (cbCalled) { er = er || new Error("Callback called more than once.") } cbCalled = true if (!er) return exit(0) if (typeof er === "string") { log.error("", er) return exit(1, true) } else if (!(er instanceof Error)) { log.error("weird error", er) return exit(1, true) } var m = er.code || er.message.match(/^(?:Error: )?(E[A-Z]+)/) if (m && !er.code) er.code = m ; [ "type" , "fstream_path" , "fstream_unc_path" , "fstream_type" , "fstream_class" , "fstream_finish_call" , "fstream_linkpath" , "stack" , "fstream_stack" , "statusCode" , "pkgid" ].forEach(function (k) { var v = er[k] if (!v) return if (k === "fstream_stack") v = v.join("\n") log.verbose(k, v) }) log.verbose("cwd", process.cwd()) var os = require("os") // log.error("System", os.type() + " " + os.release()) // log.error("command"," ")) // log.error("node -v", process.version) // log.error("npm -v", npm.version) log.error("", os.type() + " " + os.release()) log.error("argv"," ")) log.error("node", process.version) log.error("npm ", "v" + npm.version) ; [ "file" , "path" , "code" , "errno" , "syscall" ].forEach(function (k) { var v = er[k] if (v) log.error(k, v) }) // just a line break if (log.levels[log.level] <= log.levels.error) console.error("") switch (er.code) { case "ECONNREFUSED": log.error("", er) log.error("", ["\nIf you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the" ,"'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'" ].join("\n")) break case "EACCES": case "EPERM": log.error("", er) log.error("", ["\nPlease try running this command again as root/Administrator." ].join("\n")) break case "ELIFECYCLE": log.error("", er.message) log.error("", ["","Failed at the "+er.pkgid+" "+er.stage+" script '"+er.script+"'." ,"This is most likely a problem with the "+er.pkgname+" package," ,"not with npm itself." ,"Tell the author that this fails on your system:" ," "+er.script ,"You can get their info via:" ," npm owner ls "+er.pkgname ,"There is likely additional logging output above." ].join("\n")) break case "ENOGIT": log.error("", er.message) log.error("", ["","Failed using git." ,"This is most likely not a problem with npm itself." ,"Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH." ].join("\n")) break case "EJSONPARSE": log.error("", er.message) log.error("", "File: "+er.file) log.error("", ["Failed to parse package.json data." ,"package.json must be actual JSON, not just JavaScript." ,"","This is not a bug in npm." ,"Tell the package author to fix their package.json file." ].join("\n"), "JSON.parse") break // TODO(isaacs) // Add a special case here for E401 and E403 explaining auth issues? case "E404": var msg = [er.message] if (er.pkgid && er.pkgid !== "-") { msg.push("", "'" + er.pkgid + "' is not in the npm registry.") var valResult = nameValidator(er.pkgid) if (valResult.validForNewPackages) { msg.push("You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)") } else { msg.push("Your package name is not valid, because", "") var errorsArray = (valResult.errors || []).concat(valResult.warnings || []) errorsArray.forEach(function(item, idx) { msg.push(" " + (idx + 1) + ". " + item) }) } if (er.parent) { msg.push("It was specified as a dependency of '"+er.parent+"'") } msg.push("\nNote that you can also install from a" ,"tarball, folder, http url, or git url.") } // There's no need to have 404 in the message as well. msg[0] = msg[0].replace(/^404\s+/, "") log.error("404", msg.join("\n")) break case "EPUBLISHCONFLICT": log.error("publish fail", ["Cannot publish over existing version." ,"Update the 'version' field in package.json and try again." ,"" ,"To automatically increment version numbers, see:" ," npm help version" ].join("\n")) break case "EISGIT": log.error("git", [er.message ," "+er.path ,"Refusing to remove it. Update manually," ,"or move it out of the way first." ].join("\n")) break case "ECYCLE": log.error("cycle", [er.message ,"While installing: "+er.pkgid ,"Found a pathological dependency case that npm cannot solve." ,"Please report this to the package author." ].join("\n")) break case "EBADPLATFORM": log.error("notsup", [er.message ,"Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: "+er.pkgid ,"Valid OS: "+er.os.join(",") ,"Valid Arch: "+er.cpu.join(",") ,"Actual OS: "+process.platform ,"Actual Arch: "+process.arch ].join("\n")) break case "EEXIST": log.error([er.message ,"File exists: "+er.path ,"Move it away, and try again."].join("\n")) break case "ENEEDAUTH": log.error("need auth", [er.message ,"You need to authorize this machine using `npm adduser`" ].join("\n")) break case "EPEERINVALID": var peerErrors = Object.keys(er.peersDepending).map(function (peer) { return "Peer " + peer + " wants " + er.packageName + "@" + er.peersDepending[peer] }) log.error("peerinvalid", [er.message].concat(peerErrors).join("\n")) break case "ECONNRESET": case "ENOTFOUND": case "ETIMEDOUT": case "EAI_FAIL": log.error("network", [er.message ,"This is most likely not a problem with npm itself" ,"and is related to network connectivity." ,"In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings." ,"\nIf you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the" ,"'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'" ].join("\n")) break case "ENOPACKAGEJSON": log.error("package.json", [er.message ,"This is most likely not a problem with npm itself." ,"npm can't find a package.json file in your current directory." ].join("\n")) break case "ETARGET": var msg = [er.message ,"This is most likely not a problem with npm itself." ,"In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting" ,"a package version that doesn't exist." ] if (er.parent) { msg.push("\nIt was specified as a dependency of '"+er.parent+"'\n") } log.error("notarget", msg.join("\n")) break case "ENOTSUP": if (er.required) { log.error("notsup", [er.message ,"Not compatible with your version of node/npm: "+er.pkgid ,"Required: "+JSON.stringify(er.required) ,"Actual: " +JSON.stringify({npm:npm.version ,node:npm.config.get("node-version")}) ].join("\n")) break } // else passthrough case "ENOSPC": log.error("nospc", [er.message ,"This is most likely not a problem with npm itself" ,"and is related to insufficient space on your system." ].join("\n")) break case "EROFS": log.error("rofs", [er.message ,"This is most likely not a problem with npm itself" ,"and is related to the file system being read-only." ,"\nOften virtualized file systems, or other file systems" ,"that don't support symlinks, give this error." ].join("\n")) break case "ENOENT": log.error("enoent", [er.message ,"This is most likely not a problem with npm itself" ,"and is related to npm not being able to find a file." ,er.file?"\nCheck if the file '"+er.file+"' is present.":"" ].join("\n")) break default: log.error("", er.message || er) log.error("", ["", "If you need help, you may report this error at:" ," " ].join("\n")) break } exit(typeof er.errno === "number" ? er.errno : 1) } var writingLogFile = false function writeLogFile (cb) { if (writingLogFile) return cb() writingLogFile = true wroteLogFile = true var fstr = writeStream("npm-debug.log") , os = require("os") , out = "" log.record.forEach(function (m) { var pref = [, m.level] if (m.prefix) pref.push(m.prefix) pref = pref.join(" ") m.message.trim().split(/\r?\n/).map(function (line) { return (pref + " " + line).trim() }).forEach(function (line) { out += line + os.EOL }) }) fstr.end(out) fstr.on("close", cb) }