// Flags: --expose_internals 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const cp = require('child_process'); if (process.argv[2] === 'child') { setInterval(() => {}, 1000); } else { const internalCp = require('internal/child_process'); const oldSpawnSync = internalCp.spawnSync; const { SIGKILL } = process.binding('constants').os.signals; function spawn(killSignal, beforeSpawn) { if (beforeSpawn) { internalCp.spawnSync = common.mustCall(function(opts) { beforeSpawn(opts); return oldSpawnSync(opts); }); } const child = cp.spawnSync(process.execPath, [__filename, 'child'], {killSignal, timeout: 100}); if (beforeSpawn) internalCp.spawnSync = oldSpawnSync; assert.strictEqual(child.status, null); assert.strictEqual(child.error.code, 'ETIMEDOUT'); return child; } // Verify that an error is thrown for unknown signals. assert.throws(() => { spawn('SIG_NOT_A_REAL_SIGNAL'); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL', type: TypeError })); // Verify that the default kill signal is SIGTERM. { const child = spawn(undefined, (opts) => { assert.strictEqual(opts.options.killSignal, undefined); }); assert.strictEqual(child.signal, 'SIGTERM'); } // Verify that a string signal name is handled properly. { const child = spawn('SIGKILL', (opts) => { assert.strictEqual(opts.options.killSignal, SIGKILL); }); assert.strictEqual(child.signal, 'SIGKILL'); } // Verify that a numeric signal is handled properly. { assert.strictEqual(typeof SIGKILL, 'number'); const child = spawn(SIGKILL, (opts) => { assert.strictEqual(opts.options.killSignal, SIGKILL); }); assert.strictEqual(child.signal, 'SIGKILL'); } }