// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1998-2015, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ****************************************************************************** * * File ufile.cpp * * Modification History: * * Date Name Description * 11/19/98 stephen Creation. * 03/12/99 stephen Modified for new C API. * 06/16/99 stephen Changed T_LocaleBundle to u_locbund * 07/19/99 stephen Fixed to use ucnv's default codepage. ****************************************************************************** */ #include "unicode/platform.h" #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) && defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) // g++, fileno isn't defined if __STRICT_ANSI__ is defined. // clang fails to compile the header unless __STRICT_ANSI__ is defined. // __GNUC__ is set by both gcc and clang. #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ #endif #include "locmap.h" #include "unicode/ustdio.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_CONVERSION #include #include "ufile.h" #include "unicode/uloc.h" #include "unicode/ures.h" #include "unicode/ucnv.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "cmemory.h" #if U_PLATFORM_USES_ONLY_WIN32_API && !defined(fileno) /* Windows likes to rename Unix-like functions */ #define fileno _fileno #endif static UFILE* finit_owner(FILE *f, const char *locale, const char *codepage, UBool takeOwnership ) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UFILE *result; if(f == NULL) { return 0; } result = (UFILE*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UFILE)); if(result == NULL) { return 0; } uprv_memset(result, 0, sizeof(UFILE)); result->fFileno = fileno(f); result->fFile = f; result->str.fBuffer = result->fUCBuffer; result->str.fPos = result->fUCBuffer; result->str.fLimit = result->fUCBuffer; #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING /* if locale is 0, use the default */ if(u_locbund_init(&result->str.fBundle, locale) == 0) { /* DO NOT FCLOSE HERE! */ uprv_free(result); return 0; } #endif /* If the codepage is not "" use the ucnv_open default behavior */ if(codepage == NULL || *codepage != '\0') { result->fConverter = ucnv_open(codepage, &status); } /* else result->fConverter is already memset'd to NULL. */ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { result->fOwnFile = takeOwnership; } else { #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING u_locbund_close(&result->str.fBundle); #endif /* DO NOT fclose here!!!!!! */ uprv_free(result); result = NULL; } return result; } U_CAPI UFILE* U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_finit(FILE *f, const char *locale, const char *codepage) { return finit_owner(f, locale, codepage, FALSE); } U_CAPI UFILE* U_EXPORT2 u_fadopt(FILE *f, const char *locale, const char *codepage) { return finit_owner(f, locale, codepage, TRUE); } U_CAPI UFILE* U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fopen(const char *filename, const char *perm, const char *locale, const char *codepage) { UFILE *result; FILE *systemFile = fopen(filename, perm); if(systemFile == 0) { return 0; } result = finit_owner(systemFile, locale, codepage, TRUE); if (!result) { /* Something bad happened. Maybe the converter couldn't be opened. */ fclose(systemFile); } return result; /* not a file leak */ } U_CAPI UFILE* U_EXPORT2 u_fopen_u(const UChar *filename, const char *perm, const char *locale, const char *codepage) { UFILE *result; char buffer[256]; u_austrcpy(buffer, filename); result = u_fopen(buffer, perm, locale, codepage); #if U_PLATFORM_USES_ONLY_WIN32_API /* Try Windows API _wfopen if the above fails. */ if (!result) { // TODO: test this code path, including wperm. wchar_t wperm[40] = {}; size_t retVal; mbstowcs_s(&retVal, wperm, perm, _TRUNCATE); FILE *systemFile = _wfopen((const wchar_t *)filename, wperm); if (systemFile) { result = finit_owner(systemFile, locale, codepage, TRUE); } if (!result) { /* Something bad happened. Maybe the converter couldn't be opened. */ fclose(systemFile); } } #endif return result; /* not a file leak */ } U_CAPI UFILE* U_EXPORT2 u_fstropen(UChar *stringBuf, int32_t capacity, const char *locale) { UFILE *result; if (capacity < 0) { return NULL; } result = (UFILE*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UFILE)); /* Null pointer test */ if (result == NULL) { return NULL; /* Just get out. */ } uprv_memset(result, 0, sizeof(UFILE)); result->str.fBuffer = stringBuf; result->str.fPos = stringBuf; result->str.fLimit = stringBuf+capacity; #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING /* if locale is 0, use the default */ if(u_locbund_init(&result->str.fBundle, locale) == 0) { /* DO NOT FCLOSE HERE! */ uprv_free(result); return 0; } #endif return result; } U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 u_feof(UFILE *f) { UBool endOfBuffer; if (f == NULL) { return TRUE; } endOfBuffer = (UBool)(f->str.fPos >= f->str.fLimit); if (f->fFile != NULL) { return endOfBuffer && feof(f->fFile); } return endOfBuffer; } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 u_fflush(UFILE *file) { ufile_flush_translit(file); ufile_flush_io(file); if (file->fFile) { fflush(file->fFile); } else if (file->str.fPos < file->str.fLimit) { *(file->str.fPos++) = 0; } /* TODO: flush input */ } U_CAPI void u_frewind(UFILE *file) { u_fflush(file); ucnv_reset(file->fConverter); if (file->fFile) { rewind(file->fFile); file->str.fLimit = file->fUCBuffer; file->str.fPos = file->fUCBuffer; } else { file->str.fPos = file->str.fBuffer; } } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fclose(UFILE *file) { if (file) { u_fflush(file); ufile_close_translit(file); if(file->fOwnFile) fclose(file->fFile); #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING u_locbund_close(&file->str.fBundle); #endif ucnv_close(file->fConverter); uprv_free(file); } } U_CAPI FILE* U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fgetfile( UFILE *f) { return f->fFile; } #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fgetlocale( UFILE *file) { return file->str.fBundle.fLocale; } U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fsetlocale(UFILE *file, const char *locale) { u_locbund_close(&file->str.fBundle); return u_locbund_init(&file->str.fBundle, locale) == 0 ? -1 : 0; } #endif U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fgetcodepage(UFILE *file) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *codepage = NULL; if (file->fConverter) { codepage = ucnv_getName(file->fConverter, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) return 0; } return codepage; } U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fsetcodepage( const char *codepage, UFILE *file) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t retVal = -1; /* We use the normal default codepage for this system, and not the one for the locale. */ if ((file->str.fPos == file->str.fBuffer) && (file->str.fLimit == file->str.fBuffer)) { ucnv_close(file->fConverter); file->fConverter = ucnv_open(codepage, &status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { retVal = 0; } } return retVal; } U_CAPI UConverter * U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */ u_fgetConverter(UFILE *file) { return file->fConverter; } #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING U_CAPI const UNumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 u_fgetNumberFormat(UFILE *file) { return u_locbund_getNumberFormat(&file->str.fBundle, UNUM_DECIMAL); } #endif #endif