// Query String Utilities var QueryString = exports; var urlDecode = process.binding("http_parser").urlDecode; // a safe fast alternative to decodeURIComponent QueryString.unescape = urlDecode; QueryString.escape = function (str) { return encodeURIComponent(str); }; var stack = []; /** *

Converts an arbitrary value to a Query String representation.

* *

Objects with cyclical references will trigger an exception.

* * @method stringify * @param obj {Variant} any arbitrary value to convert to query string * @param sep {String} (optional) Character that should join param k=v pairs together. Default: "&" * @param eq {String} (optional) Character that should join keys to their values. Default: "=" * @param munge {Boolean} (optional) Indicate whether array/object params should be munged, PHP/Rails-style. Default: true * @param name {String} (optional) Name of the current key, for handling children recursively. * @static */ QueryString.stringify = QueryString.encode = function (obj, sep, eq, munge, name) { munge = typeof munge == "undefined" || munge; sep = sep || "&"; eq = eq || "="; var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); if (obj == null || type == "[object Function]" || type == "[object Number]" && !isFinite(obj)) { return name ? QueryString.escape(name) + eq : ""; } switch (type) { case '[object Boolean]': obj = +obj; // fall through case '[object Number]': case '[object String]': return QueryString.escape(name) + eq + QueryString.escape(obj); case '[object Array]': name = name + (munge ? "[]" : ""); return obj.map(function (item) { return QueryString.stringify(item, sep, eq, munge, name); }).join(sep); } // now we know it's an object. // Check for cyclical references in nested objects for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (stack[i] === obj) { throw new Error("querystring.stringify. Cyclical reference"); } stack.push(obj); var begin = name ? name + "[" : "", end = name ? "]" : "", keys = Object.keys(obj), n, s = Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { n = begin + key + end; return QueryString.stringify(obj[key], sep, eq, munge, n); }).join(sep); stack.pop(); if (!s && name) { return name + "="; } return s; }; // matches .xxxxx or [xxxxx] or ['xxxxx'] or ["xxxxx"] with optional [] at the end var chunks = /(?:(?:^|\.)([^\[\(\.]+)(?=\[|\.|$|\()|\[([^"'][^\]]*?)\]|\["([^\]"]*?)"\]|\['([^\]']*?)'\])(\[\])?/g; // Parse a key=val string. QueryString.parse = QueryString.decode = function (qs, sep, eq) { var obj = {}; String(qs).split(sep || "&").map(function (keyValue) { var res = obj, next, kv = keyValue.split(eq || "="), key = QueryString.unescape(kv.shift(), true), value = QueryString.unescape(kv.join(eq || "="), true); key.replace(chunks, function (all, name, nameInBrackets, nameIn2Quotes, nameIn1Quotes, isArray, offset) { var end = offset + all.length == key.length; name = name || nameInBrackets || nameIn2Quotes || nameIn1Quotes; next = end ? value : {}; next = next && (+next == next ? +next : next); if (Array.isArray(res[name])) { res[name].push(next); res = next; } else { if (name in res) { if (isArray || end) { res = (res[name] = [res[name], next])[1]; } else { res = res[name]; } } else { if (isArray) { res = (res[name] = [next])[0]; } else { res = res[name] = next; } } } }); }); return obj; };