module.exports = helpSearch var fs = require("graceful-fs") , path = require("path") , asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap , cliDocsPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "doc", "cli") , apiDocsPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "doc", "api") , log = require("npmlog") , npm = require("./npm.js") helpSearch.usage = "npm help-search " function helpSearch (args, silent, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = silent, silent = false if (!args.length) return cb(helpSearch.usage) // see if we're actually searching the api docs. var argv = npm.config.get("argv").cooked , docsPath = cliDocsPath , cmd = "help" if (argv.length && argv[0].indexOf("api") !== -1) { docsPath = apiDocsPath cmd = "apihelp" } fs.readdir(docsPath, function(er, files) { if (er) { log.error("helpSearch", "Could not load documentation") return cb(er) } var search = args.join(" ") , results = [] asyncMap(files, function (file, cb) { fs.lstat(path.resolve(docsPath, file), function (er, st) { if (er) return cb(er) if (!st.isFile()) return cb(null, []) fs.readFile(path.resolve(docsPath, file), "utf8", function (er, data) { if (er) return cb(er) var match = false for (var a = 0, l = args.length; a < l && !match; a ++) { match = data.toLowerCase().indexOf(args[a].toLowerCase()) !== -1 } if (!match) return cb(null, []) var lines = data.split(/\n+/) , context = [] // if a line has a search term, then skip it and the next line. // if the next line has a search term, then skip all 3 // otherwise, set the line to null. for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i ++) { var line = lines[i] , nextLine = lines[i + 1] , match = false if (nextLine) { for (var a = 0, ll = args.length; a < ll && !match; a ++) { match = nextLine.toLowerCase() .indexOf(args[a].toLowerCase()) !== -1 } if (match) { // skip over the next line, and the line after it. i += 2 continue } } match = false for (var a = 0, ll = args.length; a < ll && !match; a ++) { match = line.toLowerCase().indexOf(args[a].toLowerCase()) !== -1 } if (match) { // skip over the next line i ++ continue } lines[i] = null } // now squish any string of nulls into a single null lines = lines.reduce(function (l, r) { if (!(r === null && l[l.length-1] === null)) l.push(r) return l }, []) if (lines[lines.length - 1] === null) lines.pop() if (lines[0] === null) lines.shift() // now see how many args were found at all. var found = {} , totalHits = 0 lines.forEach(function (line) { args.forEach(function (arg) { var hit = (line || "").toLowerCase() .split(arg.toLowerCase()).length - 1 if (hit > 0) { found[arg] = (found[arg] || 0) + hit totalHits += hit } }) }) return cb(null, { file: file, lines: lines, found: Object.keys(found) , hits: found, totalHits: totalHits }) }) }) }, function (er, results) { if (er) return cb(er) // if only one result, then just show that help section. if (results.length === 1) { return[results[0].file.replace(/\.md$/, "")], cb) } if (results.length === 0) { console.log("No results for " +" ")) return cb() } // sort results by number of results found, then by number of hits // then by number of matching lines results = results.sort(function (a, b) { return a.found.length > b.found.length ? -1 : a.found.length < b.found.length ? 1 : a.totalHits > b.totalHits ? -1 : a.totalHits < b.totalHits ? 1 : a.lines.length > b.lines.length ? -1 : a.lines.length < b.lines.length ? 1 : 0 }) var out = (res, i, results) { var out = "npm " + cmd + " "+res.file.replace(/\.md$/, "") , r = Object.keys(res.hits).map(function (k) { return k + ":" + res.hits[k] }).sort(function (a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : -1 }).join(" ") out += ((new Array(Math.max(1, 81 - out.length - r.length))) .join (" ")) + r if (!npm.config.get("long")) return out var out = "\n\n" + out + "\n" + (new Array(81)).join("—") + "\n" + (line, i) { if (line === null || i > 3) return "" for (var out = line, a = 0, l = args.length; a < l; a ++) { var finder = out.toLowerCase().split(args[a].toLowerCase()) , newOut = [] , p = 0 finder.forEach(function (f) { newOut.push( out.substr(p, f.length) , "\1" , out.substr(p + f.length, args[a].length) , "\2" ) p += f.length + args[a].length }) out = newOut.join("") } if (npm.color) { var color = "\033[31;40m" , reset = "\033[0m" } else { var color = "" , reset = "" } out = out.split("\1").join(color) .split("\2").join(reset) return out }).join("\n").trim() return out }).join("\n") if (results.length && !npm.config.get("long")) { out = "Top hits for "+(" ")) + "\n" + (new Array(81)).join("—") + "\n" + out + "\n" + (new Array(81)).join("—") + "\n" + "(run with -l or --long to see more context)" } console.log(out.trim()) cb(null, results) }) }) }