var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); if (process.argv[2] === 'child') child(); else parent(); function parent() { test('foo,tud,bar', true); test('foo,tud', true); test('tud,bar', true); test('tud', true); test('foo,bar', false); test('', false); } function test(environ, shouldWrite) { var expectErr = ''; if (shouldWrite) { expectErr = 'TUD %PID%: this { is: \'a\' } /debugging/\n' + 'TUD %PID%: number=1234 string=asdf obj={"foo":"bar"}\n'; } var expectOut = 'ok\n'; var didTest = false; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var child = spawn(process.execPath, [__filename, 'child'], { // Lttng requires the HOME env variable or it prints to stderr, // This is not really ideal, as it breaks this test, so the HOME // env variable is passed to the child to make the test pass. // this is fixed in the next version of lttng (2.7+), so we can // remove it at sometime in the future. env: { NODE_DEBUG: environ, HOME: process.env.HOME } }); expectErr = expectErr.split('%PID%').join(; var err = ''; child.stderr.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stderr.on('data', function(c) { err += c; }); var out = ''; child.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stdout.on('data', function(c) { out += c; }); child.on('close', function(c) { assert(!c); assert.equal(err, expectErr); assert.equal(out, expectOut); didTest = true; console.log('ok %j %j', environ, shouldWrite); }); process.on('exit', function() { assert(didTest); }); } function child() { var util = require('util'); var debug = util.debuglog('tud'); debug('this', { is: 'a' }, /debugging/); debug('number=%d string=%s obj=%j', 1234, 'asdf', { foo: 'bar' }); console.log('ok'); }