/** * @fileoverview This option sets a specific tab width for your code * * This rule has been ported and modified from nodeca. * @author Vitaly Puzrin * @author Gyandeep Singh */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ let util = require("util"); let lodash = require("lodash"); module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: "enforce consistent indentation", category: "Stylistic Issues", recommended: false }, fixable: "whitespace", schema: [ { oneOf: [ { enum: ["tab"] }, { type: "integer", minimum: 0 } ] }, { type: "object", properties: { SwitchCase: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }, VariableDeclarator: { oneOf: [ { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }, { type: "object", properties: { var: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }, let: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }, const: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 } } } ] }, outerIIFEBody: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }, MemberExpression: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 } }, additionalProperties: false } ] }, create: function(context) { let MESSAGE = "Expected indentation of {{needed}} {{type}} {{characters}} but found {{gotten}}."; let DEFAULT_VARIABLE_INDENT = 1; let indentType = "space"; let indentSize = 4; let options = { SwitchCase: 0, VariableDeclarator: { var: DEFAULT_VARIABLE_INDENT, let: DEFAULT_VARIABLE_INDENT, const: DEFAULT_VARIABLE_INDENT }, outerIIFEBody: null }; let sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); if (context.options.length) { if (context.options[0] === "tab") { indentSize = 1; indentType = "tab"; } else /* istanbul ignore else : this will be caught by options validation */ if (typeof context.options[0] === "number") { indentSize = context.options[0]; indentType = "space"; } if (context.options[1]) { let opts = context.options[1]; options.SwitchCase = opts.SwitchCase || 0; let variableDeclaratorRules = opts.VariableDeclarator; if (typeof variableDeclaratorRules === "number") { options.VariableDeclarator = { var: variableDeclaratorRules, let: variableDeclaratorRules, const: variableDeclaratorRules }; } else if (typeof variableDeclaratorRules === "object") { lodash.assign(options.VariableDeclarator, variableDeclaratorRules); } if (typeof opts.outerIIFEBody === "number") { options.outerIIFEBody = opts.outerIIFEBody; } if (typeof opts.MemberExpression === "number") { options.MemberExpression = opts.MemberExpression; } } } let indentPattern = { normal: indentType === "space" ? /^ +/ : /^\t+/, excludeCommas: indentType === "space" ? /^[ ,]+/ : /^[\t,]+/ }; let caseIndentStore = {}; /** * Reports a given indent violation and properly pluralizes the message * @param {ASTNode} node Node violating the indent rule * @param {int} needed Expected indentation character count * @param {int} gotten Indentation character count in the actual node/code * @param {Object=} loc Error line and column location * @param {boolean} isLastNodeCheck Is the error for last node check * @returns {void} */ function report(node, needed, gotten, loc, isLastNodeCheck) { let msgContext = { needed: needed, type: indentType, characters: needed === 1 ? "character" : "characters", gotten: gotten }; let indentChar = indentType === "space" ? " " : "\t"; /** * Responsible for fixing the indentation issue fix * @returns {Function} function to be executed by the fixer * @private */ function getFixerFunction() { let rangeToFix = []; if (needed > gotten) { let spaces = "" + new Array(needed - gotten + 1).join(indentChar); // replace with repeat in future if (isLastNodeCheck === true) { rangeToFix = [ node.range[1] - 1, node.range[1] - 1 ]; } else { rangeToFix = [ node.range[0], node.range[0] ]; } return function(fixer) { return fixer.insertTextBeforeRange(rangeToFix, spaces); }; } else { if (isLastNodeCheck === true) { rangeToFix = [ node.range[1] - (gotten - needed) - 1, node.range[1] - 1 ]; } else { rangeToFix = [ node.range[0] - (gotten - needed), node.range[0] ]; } return function(fixer) { return fixer.removeRange(rangeToFix); }; } } if (loc) { context.report({ node: node, loc: loc, message: MESSAGE, data: msgContext, fix: getFixerFunction() }); } else { context.report({ node: node, message: MESSAGE, data: msgContext, fix: getFixerFunction() }); } } /** * Get the actual indent of node * @param {ASTNode|Token} node Node to examine * @param {boolean} [byLastLine=false] get indent of node's last line * @param {boolean} [excludeCommas=false] skip comma on start of line * @returns {int} Indent */ function getNodeIndent(node, byLastLine, excludeCommas) { let token = byLastLine ? sourceCode.getLastToken(node) : sourceCode.getFirstToken(node); let src = sourceCode.getText(token, token.loc.start.column); let regExp = excludeCommas ? indentPattern.excludeCommas : indentPattern.normal; let indent = regExp.exec(src); return indent ? indent[0].length : 0; } /** * Checks node is the first in its own start line. By default it looks by start line. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check * @param {boolean} [byEndLocation=false] Lookup based on start position or end * @returns {boolean} true if its the first in the its start line */ function isNodeFirstInLine(node, byEndLocation) { let firstToken = byEndLocation === true ? sourceCode.getLastToken(node, 1) : sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node), startLine = byEndLocation === true ? node.loc.end.line : node.loc.start.line, endLine = firstToken ? firstToken.loc.end.line : -1; return startLine !== endLine; } /** * Check indent for node * @param {ASTNode} node Node to check * @param {int} indent needed indent * @param {boolean} [excludeCommas=false] skip comma on start of line * @returns {void} */ function checkNodeIndent(node, indent, excludeCommas) { let nodeIndent = getNodeIndent(node, false, excludeCommas); if ( node.type !== "ArrayExpression" && node.type !== "ObjectExpression" && nodeIndent !== indent && isNodeFirstInLine(node) ) { report(node, indent, nodeIndent); } } /** * Check indent for nodes list * @param {ASTNode[]} nodes list of node objects * @param {int} indent needed indent * @param {boolean} [excludeCommas=false] skip comma on start of line * @returns {void} */ function checkNodesIndent(nodes, indent, excludeCommas) { nodes.forEach(function(node) { if (node.type === "IfStatement" && node.alternate) { let elseToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node.alternate); checkNodeIndent(elseToken, indent, excludeCommas); } checkNodeIndent(node, indent, excludeCommas); }); } /** * Check last node line indent this detects, that block closed correctly * @param {ASTNode} node Node to examine * @param {int} lastLineIndent needed indent * @returns {void} */ function checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, lastLineIndent) { let lastToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(node); let endIndent = getNodeIndent(lastToken, true); if (endIndent !== lastLineIndent && isNodeFirstInLine(node, true)) { report( node, lastLineIndent, endIndent, { line: lastToken.loc.start.line, column: lastToken.loc.start.column }, true ); } } /** * Check first node line indent is correct * @param {ASTNode} node Node to examine * @param {int} firstLineIndent needed indent * @returns {void} */ function checkFirstNodeLineIndent(node, firstLineIndent) { let startIndent = getNodeIndent(node, false); if (startIndent !== firstLineIndent && isNodeFirstInLine(node)) { report( node, firstLineIndent, startIndent, { line: node.loc.start.line, column: node.loc.start.column } ); } } /** * Returns a parent node of given node based on a specified type * if not present then return null * @param {ASTNode} node node to examine * @param {string} type type that is being looked for * @returns {ASTNode|void} if found then node otherwise null */ function getParentNodeByType(node, type) { let parent = node.parent; while (parent.type !== type && parent.type !== "Program") { parent = parent.parent; } return parent.type === type ? parent : null; } /** * Returns the VariableDeclarator based on the current node * if not present then return null * @param {ASTNode} node node to examine * @returns {ASTNode|void} if found then node otherwise null */ function getVariableDeclaratorNode(node) { return getParentNodeByType(node, "VariableDeclarator"); } /** * Returns the ExpressionStatement based on the current node * if not present then return null * @param {ASTNode} node node to examine * @returns {ASTNode|void} if found then node otherwise null */ function getAssignmentExpressionNode(node) { return getParentNodeByType(node, "AssignmentExpression"); } /** * Check to see if the node is part of the multi-line variable declaration. * Also if its on the same line as the varNode * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @param {ASTNode} varNode variable declaration node to check against * @returns {boolean} True if all the above condition satisfy */ function isNodeInVarOnTop(node, varNode) { return varNode && varNode.parent.loc.start.line === node.loc.start.line && varNode.parent.declarations.length > 1; } /** * Check to see if the argument before the callee node is multi-line and * there should only be 1 argument before the callee node * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @returns {boolean} True if arguments are multi-line */ function isArgBeforeCalleeNodeMultiline(node) { let parent = node.parent; if (parent.arguments.length >= 2 && parent.arguments[1] === node) { return parent.arguments[0].loc.end.line > parent.arguments[0].loc.start.line; } return false; } /** * Check to see if the node is a file level IIFE * @param {ASTNode} node The function node to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the node is the outer IIFE */ function isOuterIIFE(node) { let parent = node.parent; let stmt = parent.parent; /* * Verify that the node is an IIEF */ if ( parent.type !== "CallExpression" || parent.callee !== node) { return false; } /* * Navigate legal ancestors to determine whether this IIEF is outer */ while ( stmt.type === "UnaryExpression" && ( stmt.operator === "!" || stmt.operator === "~" || stmt.operator === "+" || stmt.operator === "-") || stmt.type === "AssignmentExpression" || stmt.type === "LogicalExpression" || stmt.type === "SequenceExpression" || stmt.type === "VariableDeclarator") { stmt = stmt.parent; } return (( stmt.type === "ExpressionStatement" || stmt.type === "VariableDeclaration") && stmt.parent && stmt.parent.type === "Program" ); } /** * Check indent for function block content * @param {ASTNode} node A BlockStatement node that is inside of a function. * @returns {void} */ function checkIndentInFunctionBlock(node) { /* * Search first caller in chain. * Ex.: * * Models <- Identifier * .User * .find() * .exec(function() { * // function body * }); * * Looks for 'Models' */ let calleeNode = node.parent; // FunctionExpression let indent; if (calleeNode.parent && (calleeNode.parent.type === "Property" || calleeNode.parent.type === "ArrayExpression")) { // If function is part of array or object, comma can be put at left indent = getNodeIndent(calleeNode, false, false); } else { // If function is standalone, simple calculate indent indent = getNodeIndent(calleeNode); } if (calleeNode.parent.type === "CallExpression") { let calleeParent = calleeNode.parent; if (calleeNode.type !== "FunctionExpression" && calleeNode.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression") { if (calleeParent && calleeParent.loc.start.line < node.loc.start.line) { indent = getNodeIndent(calleeParent); } } else { if (isArgBeforeCalleeNodeMultiline(calleeNode) && calleeParent.callee.loc.start.line === calleeParent.callee.loc.end.line && !isNodeFirstInLine(calleeNode)) { indent = getNodeIndent(calleeParent); } } } // function body indent should be indent + indent size, unless this // is the outer IIFE and that option is enabled. let functionOffset = indentSize; if (options.outerIIFEBody !== null && isOuterIIFE(calleeNode)) { functionOffset = options.outerIIFEBody * indentSize; } indent += functionOffset; // check if the node is inside a variable let parentVarNode = getVariableDeclaratorNode(node); if (parentVarNode && isNodeInVarOnTop(node, parentVarNode)) { indent += indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[parentVarNode.parent.kind]; } if (node.body.length > 0) { checkNodesIndent(node.body, indent); } checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, indent - functionOffset); } /** * Checks if the given node starts and ends on the same line * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the block starts and ends on the same line. */ function isSingleLineNode(node) { let lastToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(node), startLine = node.loc.start.line, endLine = lastToken.loc.end.line; return startLine === endLine; } /** * Check to see if the first element inside an array is an object and on the same line as the node * If the node is not an array then it will return false. * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @returns {boolean} success/failure */ function isFirstArrayElementOnSameLine(node) { if (node.type === "ArrayExpression" && node.elements[0]) { return node.elements[0].loc.start.line === node.loc.start.line && node.elements[0].type === "ObjectExpression"; } else { return false; } } /** * Check indent for array block content or object block content * @param {ASTNode} node node to examine * @returns {void} */ function checkIndentInArrayOrObjectBlock(node) { // Skip inline if (isSingleLineNode(node)) { return; } let elements = (node.type === "ArrayExpression") ? node.elements : node.properties; // filter out empty elements example would be [ , 2] so remove first element as espree considers it as null elements = elements.filter(function(elem) { return elem !== null; }); // Skip if first element is in same line with this node if (elements.length > 0 && elements[0].loc.start.line === node.loc.start.line) { return; } let nodeIndent; let elementsIndent; let parentVarNode = getVariableDeclaratorNode(node); // TODO - come up with a better strategy in future if (isNodeFirstInLine(node)) { let parent = node.parent; let effectiveParent = parent; if (parent.type === "MemberExpression") { if (isNodeFirstInLine(parent)) { effectiveParent = parent.parent.parent; } else { effectiveParent = parent.parent; } } nodeIndent = getNodeIndent(effectiveParent); if (parentVarNode && parentVarNode.loc.start.line !== node.loc.start.line) { if (parent.type !== "VariableDeclarator" || parentVarNode === parentVarNode.parent.declarations[0]) { if (parent.type === "VariableDeclarator" && parentVarNode.loc.start.line === effectiveParent.loc.start.line) { nodeIndent = nodeIndent + (indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[parentVarNode.parent.kind]); } else if ( parent.type === "ObjectExpression" || parent.type === "ArrayExpression" || parent.type === "CallExpression" || parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" || parent.type === "NewExpression" ) { nodeIndent = nodeIndent + indentSize; } } } else if (!parentVarNode && !isFirstArrayElementOnSameLine(parent) && effectiveParent.type !== "MemberExpression" && effectiveParent.type !== "ExpressionStatement" && effectiveParent.type !== "AssignmentExpression" && effectiveParent.type !== "Property") { nodeIndent = nodeIndent + indentSize; } elementsIndent = nodeIndent + indentSize; checkFirstNodeLineIndent(node, nodeIndent); } else { nodeIndent = getNodeIndent(node); elementsIndent = nodeIndent + indentSize; } /* * Check if the node is a multiple variable declaration; if so, then * make sure indentation takes that into account. */ if (isNodeInVarOnTop(node, parentVarNode)) { elementsIndent += indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[parentVarNode.parent.kind]; } // Comma can be placed before property name checkNodesIndent(elements, elementsIndent, true); if (elements.length > 0) { // Skip last block line check if last item in same line if (elements[elements.length - 1].loc.end.line === node.loc.end.line) { return; } } checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, elementsIndent - indentSize); } /** * Check if the node or node body is a BlockStatement or not * @param {ASTNode} node node to test * @returns {boolean} True if it or its body is a block statement */ function isNodeBodyBlock(node) { return node.type === "BlockStatement" || node.type === "ClassBody" || (node.body && node.body.type === "BlockStatement") || (node.consequent && node.consequent.type === "BlockStatement"); } /** * Check indentation for blocks * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @returns {void} */ function blockIndentationCheck(node) { // Skip inline blocks if (isSingleLineNode(node)) { return; } if (node.parent && ( node.parent.type === "FunctionExpression" || node.parent.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || node.parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" )) { checkIndentInFunctionBlock(node); return; } let indent; let nodesToCheck = []; /* * For this statements we should check indent from statement beginning, * not from the beginning of the block. */ let statementsWithProperties = [ "IfStatement", "WhileStatement", "ForStatement", "ForInStatement", "ForOfStatement", "DoWhileStatement", "ClassDeclaration" ]; if (node.parent && statementsWithProperties.indexOf(node.parent.type) !== -1 && isNodeBodyBlock(node)) { indent = getNodeIndent(node.parent); } else { indent = getNodeIndent(node); } if (node.type === "IfStatement" && node.consequent.type !== "BlockStatement") { nodesToCheck = [node.consequent]; } else if (util.isArray(node.body)) { nodesToCheck = node.body; } else { nodesToCheck = [node.body]; } if (nodesToCheck.length > 0) { checkNodesIndent(nodesToCheck, indent + indentSize); } if (node.type === "BlockStatement") { checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, indent); } } /** * Filter out the elements which are on the same line of each other or the node. * basically have only 1 elements from each line except the variable declaration line. * @param {ASTNode} node Variable declaration node * @returns {ASTNode[]} Filtered elements */ function filterOutSameLineVars(node) { return node.declarations.reduce(function(finalCollection, elem) { let lastElem = finalCollection[finalCollection.length - 1]; if ((elem.loc.start.line !== node.loc.start.line && !lastElem) || (lastElem && lastElem.loc.start.line !== elem.loc.start.line)) { finalCollection.push(elem); } return finalCollection; }, []); } /** * Check indentation for variable declarations * @param {ASTNode} node node to examine * @returns {void} */ function checkIndentInVariableDeclarations(node) { let elements = filterOutSameLineVars(node); let nodeIndent = getNodeIndent(node); let lastElement = elements[elements.length - 1]; let elementsIndent = nodeIndent + indentSize * options.VariableDeclarator[node.kind]; // Comma can be placed before declaration checkNodesIndent(elements, elementsIndent, true); // Only check the last line if there is any token after the last item if (sourceCode.getLastToken(node).loc.end.line <= lastElement.loc.end.line) { return; } let tokenBeforeLastElement = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(lastElement); if (tokenBeforeLastElement.value === ",") { // Special case for comma-first syntax where the semicolon is indented checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, getNodeIndent(tokenBeforeLastElement)); } else { checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, elementsIndent - indentSize); } } /** * Check and decide whether to check for indentation for blockless nodes * Scenarios are for or while statements without braces around them * @param {ASTNode} node node to examine * @returns {void} */ function blockLessNodes(node) { if (node.body.type !== "BlockStatement") { blockIndentationCheck(node); } } /** * Returns the expected indentation for the case statement * @param {ASTNode} node node to examine * @param {int} [switchIndent] indent for switch statement * @returns {int} indent size */ function expectedCaseIndent(node, switchIndent) { let switchNode = (node.type === "SwitchStatement") ? node : node.parent; let caseIndent; if (caseIndentStore[switchNode.loc.start.line]) { return caseIndentStore[switchNode.loc.start.line]; } else { if (typeof switchIndent === "undefined") { switchIndent = getNodeIndent(switchNode); } if (switchNode.cases.length > 0 && options.SwitchCase === 0) { caseIndent = switchIndent; } else { caseIndent = switchIndent + (indentSize * options.SwitchCase); } caseIndentStore[switchNode.loc.start.line] = caseIndent; return caseIndent; } } return { Program: function(node) { if (node.body.length > 0) { // Root nodes should have no indent checkNodesIndent(node.body, getNodeIndent(node)); } }, ClassBody: blockIndentationCheck, BlockStatement: blockIndentationCheck, WhileStatement: blockLessNodes, ForStatement: blockLessNodes, ForInStatement: blockLessNodes, ForOfStatement: blockLessNodes, DoWhileStatement: blockLessNodes, IfStatement: function(node) { if (node.consequent.type !== "BlockStatement" && node.consequent.loc.start.line > node.loc.start.line) { blockIndentationCheck(node); } }, VariableDeclaration: function(node) { if (node.declarations[node.declarations.length - 1].loc.start.line > node.declarations[0].loc.start.line) { checkIndentInVariableDeclarations(node); } }, ObjectExpression: function(node) { checkIndentInArrayOrObjectBlock(node); }, ArrayExpression: function(node) { checkIndentInArrayOrObjectBlock(node); }, MemberExpression: function(node) { if (typeof options.MemberExpression === "undefined") { return; } if (isSingleLineNode(node)) { return; } // The typical layout of variable declarations and assignments // alter the expectation of correct indentation. Skip them. // TODO: Add appropriate configuration options for variable // declarations and assignments. if (getVariableDeclaratorNode(node)) { return; } if (getAssignmentExpressionNode(node)) { return; } let propertyIndent = getNodeIndent(node) + indentSize * options.MemberExpression; let checkNodes = [node.property]; let dot = context.getTokenBefore(node.property); if (dot.type === "Punctuator" && dot.value === ".") { checkNodes.push(dot); } checkNodesIndent(checkNodes, propertyIndent); }, SwitchStatement: function(node) { // Switch is not a 'BlockStatement' let switchIndent = getNodeIndent(node); let caseIndent = expectedCaseIndent(node, switchIndent); checkNodesIndent(node.cases, caseIndent); checkLastNodeLineIndent(node, switchIndent); }, SwitchCase: function(node) { // Skip inline cases if (isSingleLineNode(node)) { return; } let caseIndent = expectedCaseIndent(node); checkNodesIndent(node.consequent, caseIndent + indentSize); } }; } };