"""SCons.SConf Autoconf-like configuration support. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/SConf.py 3842 2008/12/20 22:59:52 scons" import os import re import string import StringIO import sys import traceback import types import SCons.Action import SCons.Builder import SCons.Errors import SCons.Job import SCons.Node.FS import SCons.Taskmaster import SCons.Util import SCons.Warnings import SCons.Conftest from SCons.Debug import Trace # Turn off the Conftest error logging SCons.Conftest.LogInputFiles = 0 SCons.Conftest.LogErrorMessages = 0 # Set build_type = None build_types = ['clean', 'help'] def SetBuildType(type): global build_type build_type = type # to be set, if we are in dry-run mode dryrun = 0 AUTO=0 # use SCons dependency scanning for up-to-date checks FORCE=1 # force all tests to be rebuilt CACHE=2 # force all tests to be taken from cache (raise an error, if necessary) cache_mode = AUTO def SetCacheMode(mode): """Set the Configure cache mode. mode must be one of "auto", "force", or "cache".""" global cache_mode if mode == "auto": cache_mode = AUTO elif mode == "force": cache_mode = FORCE elif mode == "cache": cache_mode = CACHE else: raise ValueError, "SCons.SConf.SetCacheMode: Unknown mode " + mode progress_display = SCons.Util.display # will be overwritten by SCons.Script def SetProgressDisplay(display): """Set the progress display to use (called from SCons.Script)""" global progress_display progress_display = display SConfFS = None _ac_build_counter = 0 # incremented, whenever TryBuild is called _ac_config_logs = {} # all config.log files created in this build _ac_config_hs = {} # all config.h files created in this build sconf_global = None # current sconf object def _createConfigH(target, source, env): t = open(str(target[0]), "w") defname = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', string.upper(str(target[0]))) t.write("""#ifndef %(DEFNAME)s_SEEN #define %(DEFNAME)s_SEEN """ % {'DEFNAME' : defname}) t.write(source[0].get_contents()) t.write(""" #endif /* %(DEFNAME)s_SEEN */ """ % {'DEFNAME' : defname}) t.close() def _stringConfigH(target, source, env): return "scons: Configure: creating " + str(target[0]) def CreateConfigHBuilder(env): """Called just before the building targets phase begins.""" if len(_ac_config_hs) == 0: return action = SCons.Action.Action(_createConfigH, _stringConfigH) sconfigHBld = SCons.Builder.Builder(action=action) env.Append( BUILDERS={'SConfigHBuilder':sconfigHBld} ) for k in _ac_config_hs.keys(): env.SConfigHBuilder(k, env.Value(_ac_config_hs[k])) class SConfWarning(SCons.Warnings.Warning): pass SCons.Warnings.enableWarningClass(SConfWarning) # some error definitions class SConfError(SCons.Errors.UserError): def __init__(self,msg): SCons.Errors.UserError.__init__(self,msg) class ConfigureDryRunError(SConfError): """Raised when a file or directory needs to be updated during a Configure process, but the user requested a dry-run""" def __init__(self,target): if not isinstance(target, SCons.Node.FS.File): msg = 'Cannot create configure directory "%s" within a dry-run.' % str(target) else: msg = 'Cannot update configure test "%s" within a dry-run.' % str(target) SConfError.__init__(self,msg) class ConfigureCacheError(SConfError): """Raised when a use explicitely requested the cache feature, but the test is run the first time.""" def __init__(self,target): SConfError.__init__(self, '"%s" is not yet built and cache is forced.' % str(target)) # define actions for building text files def _createSource( target, source, env ): fd = open(str(target[0]), "w") fd.write(source[0].get_contents()) fd.close() def _stringSource( target, source, env ): return (str(target[0]) + ' <-\n |' + string.replace( source[0].get_contents(), '\n', "\n |" ) ) # python 2.2 introduces types.BooleanType BooleanTypes = [types.IntType] if hasattr(types, 'BooleanType'): BooleanTypes.append(types.BooleanType) class SConfBuildInfo(SCons.Node.FS.FileBuildInfo): """ Special build info for targets of configure tests. Additional members are result (did the builder succeed last time?) and string, which contains messages of the original build phase. """ result = None # -> 0/None -> no error, != 0 error string = None # the stdout / stderr output when building the target def set_build_result(self, result, string): self.result = result self.string = string class Streamer: """ 'Sniffer' for a file-like writable object. Similar to the unix tool tee. """ def __init__(self, orig): self.orig = orig self.s = StringIO.StringIO() def write(self, str): if self.orig: self.orig.write(str) self.s.write(str) def writelines(self, lines): for l in lines: self.write(l + '\n') def getvalue(self): """ Return everything written to orig since the Streamer was created. """ return self.s.getvalue() def flush(self): if self.orig: self.orig.flush() self.s.flush() class SConfBuildTask(SCons.Taskmaster.Task): """ This is almost the same as SCons.Script.BuildTask. Handles SConfErrors correctly and knows about the current cache_mode. """ def display(self, message): if sconf_global.logstream: sconf_global.logstream.write("scons: Configure: " + message + "\n") def display_cached_string(self, bi): """ Logs the original builder messages, given the SConfBuildInfo instance bi. """ if not isinstance(bi, SConfBuildInfo): SCons.Warnings.warn(SConfWarning, "The stored build information has an unexpected class: %s" % bi.__class__) else: self.display("The original builder output was:\n" + string.replace(" |" + str(bi.string), "\n", "\n |")) def failed(self): # check, if the reason was a ConfigureDryRunError or a # ConfigureCacheError and if yes, reraise the exception exc_type = self.exc_info()[0] if issubclass(exc_type, SConfError): raise elif issubclass(exc_type, SCons.Errors.BuildError): # we ignore Build Errors (occurs, when a test doesn't pass) # Clear the exception to prevent the contained traceback # to build a reference cycle. self.exc_clear() else: self.display('Caught exception while building "%s":\n' % self.targets[0]) try: excepthook = sys.excepthook except AttributeError: # Earlier versions of Python don't have sys.excepthook... def excepthook(type, value, tb): traceback.print_tb(tb) print type, value apply(excepthook, self.exc_info()) return SCons.Taskmaster.Task.failed(self) def collect_node_states(self): # returns (is_up_to_date, cached_error, cachable) # where is_up_to_date is 1, if the node(s) are up_to_date # cached_error is 1, if the node(s) are up_to_date, but the # build will fail # cachable is 0, if some nodes are not in our cache T = 0 changed = False cached_error = False cachable = True for t in self.targets: if T: Trace('%s' % (t)) bi = t.get_stored_info().binfo if isinstance(bi, SConfBuildInfo): if T: Trace(': SConfBuildInfo') if cache_mode == CACHE: t.set_state(SCons.Node.up_to_date) if T: Trace(': set_state(up_to-date)') else: if T: Trace(': get_state() %s' % t.get_state()) if T: Trace(': changed() %s' % t.changed()) if (t.get_state() != SCons.Node.up_to_date and t.changed()): changed = True if T: Trace(': changed %s' % changed) cached_error = cached_error or bi.result else: if T: Trace(': else') # the node hasn't been built in a SConf context or doesn't # exist cachable = False changed = ( t.get_state() != SCons.Node.up_to_date ) if T: Trace(': changed %s' % changed) if T: Trace('\n') return (not changed, cached_error, cachable) def execute(self): if not self.targets[0].has_builder(): return sconf = sconf_global is_up_to_date, cached_error, cachable = self.collect_node_states() if cache_mode == CACHE and not cachable: raise ConfigureCacheError(self.targets[0]) elif cache_mode == FORCE: is_up_to_date = 0 if cached_error and is_up_to_date: self.display("Building \"%s\" failed in a previous run and all " "its sources are up to date." % str(self.targets[0])) binfo = self.targets[0].get_stored_info().binfo self.display_cached_string(binfo) raise SCons.Errors.BuildError # will be 'caught' in self.failed elif is_up_to_date: self.display("\"%s\" is up to date." % str(self.targets[0])) binfo = self.targets[0].get_stored_info().binfo self.display_cached_string(binfo) elif dryrun: raise ConfigureDryRunError(self.targets[0]) else: # note stdout and stderr are the same here s = sys.stdout = sys.stderr = Streamer(sys.stdout) try: env = self.targets[0].get_build_env() env['PSTDOUT'] = env['PSTDERR'] = s try: sconf.cached = 0 self.targets[0].build() finally: sys.stdout = sys.stderr = env['PSTDOUT'] = \ env['PSTDERR'] = sconf.logstream except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: exc_value = sys.exc_info()[1] raise SCons.Errors.ExplicitExit(self.targets[0],exc_value.code) except Exception, e: for t in self.targets: binfo = t.get_binfo() binfo.__class__ = SConfBuildInfo binfo.set_build_result(1, s.getvalue()) sconsign_entry = SCons.SConsign.SConsignEntry() sconsign_entry.binfo = binfo #sconsign_entry.ninfo = self.get_ninfo() # We'd like to do this as follows: # t.store_info(binfo) # However, we need to store it as an SConfBuildInfo # object, and store_info() will turn it into a # regular FileNodeInfo if the target is itself a # regular File. sconsign = t.dir.sconsign() sconsign.set_entry(t.name, sconsign_entry) sconsign.merge() raise e else: for t in self.targets: binfo = t.get_binfo() binfo.__class__ = SConfBuildInfo binfo.set_build_result(0, s.getvalue()) sconsign_entry = SCons.SConsign.SConsignEntry() sconsign_entry.binfo = binfo #sconsign_entry.ninfo = self.get_ninfo() # We'd like to do this as follows: # t.store_info(binfo) # However, we need to store it as an SConfBuildInfo # object, and store_info() will turn it into a # regular FileNodeInfo if the target is itself a # regular File. sconsign = t.dir.sconsign() sconsign.set_entry(t.name, sconsign_entry) sconsign.merge() class SConfBase: """This is simply a class to represent a configure context. After creating a SConf object, you can call any tests. After finished with your tests, be sure to call the Finish() method, which returns the modified environment. Some words about caching: In most cases, it is not necessary to cache Test results explicitely. Instead, we use the scons dependency checking mechanism. For example, if one wants to compile a test program (SConf.TryLink), the compiler is only called, if the program dependencies have changed. However, if the program could not be compiled in a former SConf run, we need to explicitely cache this error. """ def __init__(self, env, custom_tests = {}, conf_dir='$CONFIGUREDIR', log_file='$CONFIGURELOG', config_h = None, _depth = 0): """Constructor. Pass additional tests in the custom_tests-dictinary, e.g. custom_tests={'CheckPrivate':MyPrivateTest}, where MyPrivateTest defines a custom test. Note also the conf_dir and log_file arguments (you may want to build tests in the VariantDir, not in the SourceDir) """ global SConfFS if not SConfFS: SConfFS = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs or \ SCons.Node.FS.FS(env.fs.pathTop) if not sconf_global is None: raise (SCons.Errors.UserError, "Only one SConf object may be active at one time") self.env = env if log_file != None: log_file = SConfFS.File(env.subst(log_file)) self.logfile = log_file self.logstream = None self.lastTarget = None self.depth = _depth self.cached = 0 # will be set, if all test results are cached # add default tests default_tests = { 'CheckCC' : CheckCC, 'CheckCXX' : CheckCXX, 'CheckSHCC' : CheckSHCC, 'CheckSHCXX' : CheckSHCXX, 'CheckFunc' : CheckFunc, 'CheckType' : CheckType, 'CheckTypeSize' : CheckTypeSize, 'CheckDeclaration' : CheckDeclaration, 'CheckHeader' : CheckHeader, 'CheckCHeader' : CheckCHeader, 'CheckCXXHeader' : CheckCXXHeader, 'CheckLib' : CheckLib, 'CheckLibWithHeader' : CheckLibWithHeader, } self.AddTests(default_tests) self.AddTests(custom_tests) self.confdir = SConfFS.Dir(env.subst(conf_dir)) if not config_h is None: config_h = SConfFS.File(config_h) self.config_h = config_h self._startup() def Finish(self): """Call this method after finished with your tests: env = sconf.Finish() """ self._shutdown() return self.env def Define(self, name, value = None, comment = None): """ Define a pre processor symbol name, with the optional given value in the current config header. If value is None (default), then #define name is written. If value is not none, then #define name value is written. comment is a string which will be put as a C comment in the header, to explain the meaning of the value (appropriate C comments /* and */ will be put automatically.""" lines = [] if comment: comment_str = "/* %s */" % comment lines.append(comment_str) if value is not None: define_str = "#define %s %s" % (name, value) else: define_str = "#define %s" % name lines.append(define_str) lines.append('') self.config_h_text = self.config_h_text + string.join(lines, '\n') def BuildNodes(self, nodes): """ Tries to build the given nodes immediately. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error. """ if self.logstream != None: # override stdout / stderr to write in log file oldStdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.logstream oldStderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = self.logstream # the engine assumes the current path is the SConstruct directory ... old_fs_dir = SConfFS.getcwd() old_os_dir = os.getcwd() SConfFS.chdir(SConfFS.Top, change_os_dir=1) # Because we take responsibility here for writing out our # own .sconsign info (see SConfBuildTask.execute(), above), # we override the store_info() method with a null place-holder # so we really control how it gets written. for n in nodes: n.store_info = n.do_not_store_info ret = 1 try: # ToDo: use user options for calc save_max_drift = SConfFS.get_max_drift() SConfFS.set_max_drift(0) tm = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster(nodes, SConfBuildTask) # we don't want to build tests in parallel jobs = SCons.Job.Jobs(1, tm ) jobs.run() for n in nodes: state = n.get_state() if (state != SCons.Node.executed and state != SCons.Node.up_to_date): # the node could not be built. we return 0 in this case ret = 0 finally: SConfFS.set_max_drift(save_max_drift) os.chdir(old_os_dir) SConfFS.chdir(old_fs_dir, change_os_dir=0) if self.logstream != None: # restore stdout / stderr sys.stdout = oldStdout sys.stderr = oldStderr return ret def pspawn_wrapper(self, sh, escape, cmd, args, env): """Wrapper function for handling piped spawns. This looks to the calling interface (in Action.py) like a "normal" spawn, but associates the call with the PSPAWN variable from the construction environment and with the streams to which we want the output logged. This gets slid into the construction environment as the SPAWN variable so Action.py doesn't have to know or care whether it's spawning a piped command or not. """ return self.pspawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env, self.logstream, self.logstream) def TryBuild(self, builder, text = None, extension = ""): """Low level TryBuild implementation. Normally you don't need to call that - you can use TryCompile / TryLink / TryRun instead """ global _ac_build_counter # Make sure we have a PSPAWN value, and save the current # SPAWN value. try: self.pspawn = self.env['PSPAWN'] except KeyError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Missing PSPAWN construction variable.') try: save_spawn = self.env['SPAWN'] except KeyError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Missing SPAWN construction variable.') nodesToBeBuilt = [] f = "conftest_" + str(_ac_build_counter) pref = self.env.subst( builder.builder.prefix ) suff = self.env.subst( builder.builder.suffix ) target = self.confdir.File(pref + f + suff) try: # Slide our wrapper into the construction environment as # the SPAWN function. self.env['SPAWN'] = self.pspawn_wrapper sourcetext = self.env.Value(text) if text != None: textFile = self.confdir.File(f + extension) textFileNode = self.env.SConfSourceBuilder(target=textFile, source=sourcetext) nodesToBeBuilt.extend(textFileNode) source = textFileNode else: source = None nodes = builder(target = target, source = source) if not SCons.Util.is_List(nodes): nodes = [nodes] nodesToBeBuilt.extend(nodes) result = self.BuildNodes(nodesToBeBuilt) finally: self.env['SPAWN'] = save_spawn _ac_build_counter = _ac_build_counter + 1 if result: self.lastTarget = nodes[0] else: self.lastTarget = None return result def TryAction(self, action, text = None, extension = ""): """Tries to execute the given action with optional source file contents and optional source file extension , Returns the status (0 : failed, 1 : ok) and the contents of the output file. """ builder = SCons.Builder.Builder(action=action) self.env.Append( BUILDERS = {'SConfActionBuilder' : builder} ) ok = self.TryBuild(self.env.SConfActionBuilder, text, extension) del self.env['BUILDERS']['SConfActionBuilder'] if ok: outputStr = self.lastTarget.get_contents() return (1, outputStr) return (0, "") def TryCompile( self, text, extension): """Compiles the program given in text to an env.Object, using extension as file extension (e.g. '.c'). Returns 1, if compilation was successful, 0 otherwise. The target is saved in self.lastTarget (for further processing). """ return self.TryBuild(self.env.Object, text, extension) def TryLink( self, text, extension ): """Compiles the program given in text to an executable env.Program, using extension as file extension (e.g. '.c'). Returns 1, if compilation was successful, 0 otherwise. The target is saved in self.lastTarget (for further processing). """ return self.TryBuild(self.env.Program, text, extension ) def TryRun(self, text, extension ): """Compiles and runs the program given in text, using extension as file extension (e.g. '.c'). Returns (1, outputStr) on success, (0, '') otherwise. The target (a file containing the program's stdout) is saved in self.lastTarget (for further processing). """ ok = self.TryLink(text, extension) if( ok ): prog = self.lastTarget pname = str(prog) output = SConfFS.File(pname+'.out') node = self.env.Command(output, prog, [ [ pname, ">", "${TARGET}"] ]) ok = self.BuildNodes(node) if ok: outputStr = output.get_contents() return( 1, outputStr) return (0, "") class TestWrapper: """A wrapper around Tests (to ensure sanity)""" def __init__(self, test, sconf): self.test = test self.sconf = sconf def __call__(self, *args, **kw): if not self.sconf.active: raise (SCons.Errors.UserError, "Test called after sconf.Finish()") context = CheckContext(self.sconf) ret = apply(self.test, (context,) + args, kw) if not self.sconf.config_h is None: self.sconf.config_h_text = self.sconf.config_h_text + context.config_h context.Result("error: no result") return ret def AddTest(self, test_name, test_instance): """Adds test_class to this SConf instance. It can be called with self.test_name(...)""" setattr(self, test_name, SConfBase.TestWrapper(test_instance, self)) def AddTests(self, tests): """Adds all the tests given in the tests dictionary to this SConf instance """ for name in tests.keys(): self.AddTest(name, tests[name]) def _createDir( self, node ): dirName = str(node) if dryrun: if not os.path.isdir( dirName ): raise ConfigureDryRunError(dirName) else: if not os.path.isdir( dirName ): os.makedirs( dirName ) node._exists = 1 def _startup(self): """Private method. Set up logstream, and set the environment variables necessary for a piped build """ global _ac_config_logs global sconf_global global SConfFS self.lastEnvFs = self.env.fs self.env.fs = SConfFS self._createDir(self.confdir) self.confdir.up().add_ignore( [self.confdir] ) if self.logfile != None and not dryrun: # truncate logfile, if SConf.Configure is called for the first time # in a build if _ac_config_logs.has_key(self.logfile): log_mode = "a" else: _ac_config_logs[self.logfile] = None log_mode = "w" fp = open(str(self.logfile), log_mode) self.logstream = SCons.Util.Unbuffered(fp) # logfile may stay in a build directory, so we tell # the build system not to override it with a eventually # existing file with the same name in the source directory self.logfile.dir.add_ignore( [self.logfile] ) tb = traceback.extract_stack()[-3-self.depth] old_fs_dir = SConfFS.getcwd() SConfFS.chdir(SConfFS.Top, change_os_dir=0) self.logstream.write('file %s,line %d:\n\tConfigure(confdir = %s)\n' % (tb[0], tb[1], str(self.confdir)) ) SConfFS.chdir(old_fs_dir) else: self.logstream = None # we use a special builder to create source files from TEXT action = SCons.Action.Action(_createSource, _stringSource) sconfSrcBld = SCons.Builder.Builder(action=action) self.env.Append( BUILDERS={'SConfSourceBuilder':sconfSrcBld} ) self.config_h_text = _ac_config_hs.get(self.config_h, "") self.active = 1 # only one SConf instance should be active at a time ... sconf_global = self def _shutdown(self): """Private method. Reset to non-piped spawn""" global sconf_global, _ac_config_hs if not self.active: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Finish may be called only once!" if self.logstream != None and not dryrun: self.logstream.write("\n") self.logstream.close() self.logstream = None # remove the SConfSourceBuilder from the environment blds = self.env['BUILDERS'] del blds['SConfSourceBuilder'] self.env.Replace( BUILDERS=blds ) self.active = 0 sconf_global = None if not self.config_h is None: _ac_config_hs[self.config_h] = self.config_h_text self.env.fs = self.lastEnvFs class CheckContext: """Provides a context for configure tests. Defines how a test writes to the screen and log file. A typical test is just a callable with an instance of CheckContext as first argument: def CheckCustom(context, ...) context.Message('Checking my weird test ... ') ret = myWeirdTestFunction(...) context.Result(ret) Often, myWeirdTestFunction will be one of context.TryCompile/context.TryLink/context.TryRun. The results of those are cached, for they are only rebuild, if the dependencies have changed. """ def __init__(self, sconf): """Constructor. Pass the corresponding SConf instance.""" self.sconf = sconf self.did_show_result = 0 # for Conftest.py: self.vardict = {} self.havedict = {} self.headerfilename = None self.config_h = "" # config_h text will be stored here # we don't regenerate the config.h file after each test. That means, # that tests won't be able to include the config.h file, and so # they can't do an #ifdef HAVE_XXX_H. This shouldn't be a major # issue, though. If it turns out, that we need to include config.h # in tests, we must ensure, that the dependencies are worked out # correctly. Note that we can't use Conftest.py's support for config.h, # cause we will need to specify a builder for the config.h file ... def Message(self, text): """Inform about what we are doing right now, e.g. 'Checking for SOMETHING ... ' """ self.Display(text) self.sconf.cached = 1 self.did_show_result = 0 def Result(self, res): """Inform about the result of the test. res may be an integer or a string. In case of an integer, the written text will be 'ok' or 'failed'. The result is only displayed when self.did_show_result is not set. """ if type(res) in BooleanTypes: if res: text = "yes" else: text = "no" elif type(res) == types.StringType: text = res else: raise TypeError, "Expected string, int or bool, got " + str(type(res)) if self.did_show_result == 0: # Didn't show result yet, do it now. self.Display(text + "\n") self.did_show_result = 1 def TryBuild(self, *args, **kw): return apply(self.sconf.TryBuild, args, kw) def TryAction(self, *args, **kw): return apply(self.sconf.TryAction, args, kw) def TryCompile(self, *args, **kw): return apply(self.sconf.TryCompile, args, kw) def TryLink(self, *args, **kw): return apply(self.sconf.TryLink, args, kw) def TryRun(self, *args, **kw): return apply(self.sconf.TryRun, args, kw) def __getattr__( self, attr ): if( attr == 'env' ): return self.sconf.env elif( attr == 'lastTarget' ): return self.sconf.lastTarget else: raise AttributeError, "CheckContext instance has no attribute '%s'" % attr #### Stuff used by Conftest.py (look there for explanations). def BuildProg(self, text, ext): self.sconf.cached = 1 # TODO: should use self.vardict for $CC, $CPPFLAGS, etc. return not self.TryBuild(self.env.Program, text, ext) def CompileProg(self, text, ext): self.sconf.cached = 1 # TODO: should use self.vardict for $CC, $CPPFLAGS, etc. return not self.TryBuild(self.env.Object, text, ext) def CompileSharedObject(self, text, ext): self.sconf.cached = 1 # TODO: should use self.vardict for $SHCC, $CPPFLAGS, etc. return not self.TryBuild(self.env.SharedObject, text, ext) def RunProg(self, text, ext): self.sconf.cached = 1 # TODO: should use self.vardict for $CC, $CPPFLAGS, etc. st, out = self.TryRun(text, ext) return not st, out def AppendLIBS(self, lib_name_list): oldLIBS = self.env.get( 'LIBS', [] ) self.env.Append(LIBS = lib_name_list) return oldLIBS def SetLIBS(self, val): oldLIBS = self.env.get( 'LIBS', [] ) self.env.Replace(LIBS = val) return oldLIBS def Display(self, msg): if self.sconf.cached: # We assume that Display is called twice for each test here # once for the Checking for ... message and once for the result. # The self.sconf.cached flag can only be set between those calls msg = "(cached) " + msg self.sconf.cached = 0 progress_display(msg, append_newline=0) self.Log("scons: Configure: " + msg + "\n") def Log(self, msg): if self.sconf.logstream != None: self.sconf.logstream.write(msg) #### End of stuff used by Conftest.py. def SConf(*args, **kw): if kw.get(build_type, True): kw['_depth'] = kw.get('_depth', 0) + 1 for bt in build_types: try: del kw[bt] except KeyError: pass return apply(SConfBase, args, kw) else: return SCons.Util.Null() def CheckFunc(context, function_name, header = None, language = None): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckFunc(context, function_name, header = header, language = language) context.did_show_result = 1 return not res def CheckType(context, type_name, includes = "", language = None): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckType(context, type_name, header = includes, language = language) context.did_show_result = 1 return not res def CheckTypeSize(context, type_name, includes = "", language = None, expect = None): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckTypeSize(context, type_name, header = includes, language = language, expect = expect) context.did_show_result = 1 return res def CheckDeclaration(context, declaration, includes = "", language = None): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckDeclaration(context, declaration, includes = includes, language = language) context.did_show_result = 1 return not res def createIncludesFromHeaders(headers, leaveLast, include_quotes = '""'): # used by CheckHeader and CheckLibWithHeader to produce C - #include # statements from the specified header (list) if not SCons.Util.is_List(headers): headers = [headers] l = [] if leaveLast: lastHeader = headers[-1] headers = headers[:-1] else: lastHeader = None for s in headers: l.append("#include %s%s%s\n" % (include_quotes[0], s, include_quotes[1])) return string.join(l, ''), lastHeader def CheckHeader(context, header, include_quotes = '<>', language = None): """ A test for a C or C++ header file. """ prog_prefix, hdr_to_check = \ createIncludesFromHeaders(header, 1, include_quotes) res = SCons.Conftest.CheckHeader(context, hdr_to_check, prog_prefix, language = language, include_quotes = include_quotes) context.did_show_result = 1 return not res def CheckCC(context): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckCC(context) return not res def CheckCXX(context): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckCXX(context) return not res def CheckSHCC(context): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckSHCC(context) return not res def CheckSHCXX(context): res = SCons.Conftest.CheckSHCXX(context) return not res # Bram: Make this function obsolete? CheckHeader() is more generic. def CheckCHeader(context, header, include_quotes = '""'): """ A test for a C header file. """ return CheckHeader(context, header, include_quotes, language = "C") # Bram: Make this function obsolete? CheckHeader() is more generic. def CheckCXXHeader(context, header, include_quotes = '""'): """ A test for a C++ header file. """ return CheckHeader(context, header, include_quotes, language = "C++") def CheckLib(context, library = None, symbol = "main", header = None, language = None, autoadd = 1): """ A test for a library. See also CheckLibWithHeader. Note that library may also be None to test whether the given symbol compiles without flags. """ if library == []: library = [None] if not SCons.Util.is_List(library): library = [library] # ToDo: accept path for the library res = SCons.Conftest.CheckLib(context, library, symbol, header = header, language = language, autoadd = autoadd) context.did_show_result = 1 return not res # XXX # Bram: Can only include one header and can't use #ifdef HAVE_HEADER_H. def CheckLibWithHeader(context, libs, header, language, call = None, autoadd = 1): # ToDo: accept path for library. Support system header files. """ Another (more sophisticated) test for a library. Checks, if library and header is available for language (may be 'C' or 'CXX'). Call maybe be a valid expression _with_ a trailing ';'. As in CheckLib, we support library=None, to test if the call compiles without extra link flags. """ prog_prefix, dummy = \ createIncludesFromHeaders(header, 0) if libs == []: libs = [None] if not SCons.Util.is_List(libs): libs = [libs] res = SCons.Conftest.CheckLib(context, libs, None, prog_prefix, call = call, language = language, autoadd = autoadd) context.did_show_result = 1 return not res