.TH "NPM\-SEARCH" "1" "February 2015" "" "" .SH "NAME" \fBnpm-search\fR \- Search for packages .SH SYNOPSIS .P .RS 2 .nf npm search [\-\-long] [search terms \.\.\.] npm s [search terms \.\.\.] npm se [search terms \.\.\.] .fi .RE .SH DESCRIPTION .P Search the registry for packages matching the search terms\. .P If a term starts with \fB/\fR, then it's interpreted as a regular expression\. A trailing \fB/\fR will be ignored in this case\. (Note that many regular expression characters must be escaped or quoted in most shells\.) .SH CONFIGURATION .SS long .RS 0 .IP \(bu 2 Default: false .IP \(bu 2 Type: Boolean .RE .P Display full package descriptions and other long text across multiple lines\. When disabled (default) search results are truncated to fit neatly on a single line\. Modules with extremely long names will fall on multiple lines\. .SH SEE ALSO .RS 0 .IP \(bu 2 npm help 7 registry .IP \(bu 2 npm help config .IP \(bu 2 npm help 7 config .IP \(bu 2 npm help 5 npmrc .IP \(bu 2 npm help view .RE