// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // Inspiration for this code comes from Salvatore Sanfilippo's linenoise. // https://github.com/antirez/linenoise // Reference: // * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html // * http://www.3waylabs.com/nw/WWW/products/wizcon/vt220.html var kHistorySize = 30; var kBufSize = 10 * 1024; var util = require('util'); var inherits = require('util').inherits; var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; exports.createInterface = function(input, output, completer, terminal) { var rl; if (arguments.length === 1) { rl = new Interface(input); } else { rl = new Interface(input, output, completer, terminal); } return rl; }; function Interface(input, output, completer, terminal) { if (!(this instanceof Interface)) { return new Interface(input, output, completer, terminal); } if (arguments.length === 1) { // an options object was given output = input.output; completer = input.completer; terminal = input.terminal; input = input.input; } EventEmitter.call(this); completer = completer || function() { return []; }; if (typeof completer !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Argument \'completer\' must be a function'); } // backwards compat; check the isTTY prop of the output stream // when `terminal` was not specified if (typeof terminal == 'undefined') { terminal = !!output.isTTY; } var self = this; this.output = output; this.input = input; input.resume(); // Check arity, 2 - for async, 1 for sync this.completer = completer.length === 2 ? completer : function(v, callback) { callback(null, completer(v)); }; this.setPrompt('> '); this.terminal = !!terminal; if (!this.terminal) { input.on('data', function(data) { self._normalWrite(data); }); input.on('end', function() { self.close(); }); var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; // lazy load this._decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8'); } else { exports.emitKeypressEvents(input); // input usually refers to stdin input.on('keypress', function(s, key) { self._ttyWrite(s, key); }); // Current line this.line = ''; this._setRawMode(true); this.terminal = true; // Cursor position on the line. this.cursor = 0; this.history = []; this.historyIndex = -1; output.on('resize', function() { self._refreshLine(); }); } } inherits(Interface, EventEmitter); Interface.prototype.__defineGetter__('columns', function() { return this.output.columns || Infinity; }); Interface.prototype.setPrompt = function(prompt, length) { this._prompt = prompt; if (length) { this._promptLength = length; } else { var lines = prompt.split(/[\r\n]/); var lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; this._promptLength = Buffer.byteLength(lastLine); } }; Interface.prototype._setRawMode = function(mode) { if (typeof this.input.setRawMode === 'function') { return this.input.setRawMode(mode); } }; Interface.prototype.prompt = function(preserveCursor) { if (this.paused) this.resume(); if (this.terminal) { if (!preserveCursor) this.cursor = 0; this._refreshLine(); } else { this.output.write(this._prompt); } }; Interface.prototype.question = function(query, cb) { if (typeof cb === 'function') { if (this._questionCallback) { this.prompt(); } else { this._oldPrompt = this._prompt; this.setPrompt(query); this._questionCallback = cb; this.prompt(); } } }; Interface.prototype._onLine = function(line) { if (this._questionCallback) { var cb = this._questionCallback; this._questionCallback = null; this.setPrompt(this._oldPrompt); cb(line); } else { this.emit('line', line); } }; Interface.prototype._addHistory = function() { if (this.line.length === 0) return ''; this.history.unshift(this.line); this.historyIndex = -1; // Only store so many if (this.history.length > kHistorySize) this.history.pop(); return this.history[0]; }; Interface.prototype._refreshLine = function() { var columns = this.columns; // line length var line = this._prompt + this.line; var lineLength = line.length; var lineCols = lineLength % columns; var lineRows = (lineLength - lineCols) / columns; // cursor position var cursorPos = this._getCursorPos(); // first move to the bottom of the current line, based on cursor pos var prevRows = this.prevRows || 0; if (prevRows > 0) { exports.moveCursor(this.output, 0, -prevRows); } // Cursor to left edge. exports.cursorTo(this.output, 0); // erase data exports.clearScreenDown(this.output); // Write the prompt and the current buffer content. this.output.write(line); // Force terminal to allocate a new line if (lineCols === 0) { this.output.write(' '); } // Move cursor to original position. exports.cursorTo(this.output, cursorPos.cols); var diff = lineRows - cursorPos.rows; if (diff > 0) { exports.moveCursor(this.output, 0, -diff); } this.prevRows = cursorPos.rows; }; Interface.prototype.close = function() { if (this.closed) return; if (this.terminal) { this._setRawMode(false); } this.pause(); this.closed = true; this.emit('close'); }; Interface.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.paused) return; this.input.pause(); this.paused = true; this.emit('pause'); }; Interface.prototype.resume = function() { if (!this.paused) return; this.input.resume(); this.paused = false; this.emit('resume'); }; Interface.prototype.write = function(d, key) { if (this.paused) this.resume(); this.terminal ? this._ttyWrite(d, key) : this._normalWrite(d); }; Interface.prototype._normalWrite = function(b) { if (b === undefined) { return; } var string = this._decoder.write(b); if (this._line_buffer) { string = this._line_buffer + string; this._line_buffer = null; } if (string.indexOf('\n') !== -1) { // got one or more newlines; process into "line" events var lines = string.split('\n'); // either '' or (concievably) the unfinished portion of the next line string = lines.pop(); this._line_buffer = string; lines.forEach(function(line) { this._onLine(line + '\n'); }, this); } else if (string) { // no newlines this time, save what we have for next time this._line_buffer = string; } }; Interface.prototype._insertString = function(c) { //BUG: Problem when adding tabs with following content. // Perhaps the bug is in _refreshLine(). Not sure. // A hack would be to insert spaces instead of literal '\t'. if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { var beg = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); var end = this.line.slice(this.cursor, this.line.length); this.line = beg + c + end; this.cursor += c.length; this._refreshLine(); } else { this.line += c; this.cursor += c.length; if (this._getCursorPos().cols === 0) { this._refreshLine(); } else { this.output.write(c); } // a hack to get the line refreshed if it's needed this._moveCursor(0); } }; Interface.prototype._tabComplete = function() { var self = this; self.pause(); self.completer(self.line.slice(0, self.cursor), function(err, rv) { self.resume(); if (err) { // XXX Log it somewhere? return; } var completions = rv[0], completeOn = rv[1]; // the text that was completed if (completions && completions.length) { // Apply/show completions. if (completions.length === 1) { self._insertString(completions[0].slice(completeOn.length)); } else { self.output.write('\r\n'); var width = completions.reduce(function(a, b) { return a.length > b.length ? a : b; }).length + 2; // 2 space padding var maxColumns = Math.floor(self.columns / width) || 1; function handleGroup(group) { if (group.length == 0) { return; } var minRows = Math.ceil(group.length / maxColumns); for (var row = 0; row < minRows; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < maxColumns; col++) { var idx = row * maxColumns + col; if (idx >= group.length) { break; } var item = group[idx]; self.output.write(item); if (col < maxColumns - 1) { for (var s = 0, itemLen = item.length; s < width - itemLen; s++) { self.output.write(' '); } } } self.output.write('\r\n'); } self.output.write('\r\n'); } var group = [], c; for (var i = 0, compLen = completions.length; i < compLen; i++) { c = completions[i]; if (c === '') { handleGroup(group); group = []; } else { group.push(c); } } handleGroup(group); // If there is a common prefix to all matches, then apply that // portion. var f = completions.filter(function(e) { if (e) return e; }); var prefix = commonPrefix(f); if (prefix.length > completeOn.length) { self._insertString(prefix.slice(completeOn.length)); } } self._refreshLine(); } }); }; function commonPrefix(strings) { if (!strings || strings.length == 0) { return ''; } var sorted = strings.slice().sort(); var min = sorted[0]; var max = sorted[sorted.length - 1]; for (var i = 0, len = min.length; i < len; i++) { if (min[i] != max[i]) { return min.slice(0, i); } } return min; } Interface.prototype._wordLeft = function() { if (this.cursor > 0) { var leading = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); var match = leading.match(/([^\w\s]+|\w+|)\s*$/); this._moveCursor(-match[0].length); } }; Interface.prototype._wordRight = function() { if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { var trailing = this.line.slice(this.cursor); var match = trailing.match(/^(\s+|\W+|\w+)\s*/); this._moveCursor(match[0].length); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteLeft = function() { if (this.cursor > 0 && this.line.length > 0) { this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor - 1) + this.line.slice(this.cursor, this.line.length); this.cursor--; this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteRight = function() { this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor) + this.line.slice(this.cursor + 1, this.line.length); this._refreshLine(); }; Interface.prototype._deleteWordLeft = function() { if (this.cursor > 0) { var leading = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); var match = leading.match(/([^\w\s]+|\w+|)\s*$/); leading = leading.slice(0, leading.length - match[0].length); this.line = leading + this.line.slice(this.cursor, this.line.length); this.cursor = leading.length; this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteWordRight = function() { if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { var trailing = this.line.slice(this.cursor); var match = trailing.match(/^(\s+|\W+|\w+)\s*/); this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor) + trailing.slice(match[0].length); this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteLineLeft = function() { this.line = this.line.slice(this.cursor); this.cursor = 0; this._refreshLine(); }; Interface.prototype._deleteLineRight = function() { this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); this._refreshLine(); }; Interface.prototype.clearLine = function() { this._moveCursor(+Infinity); this.output.write('\r\n'); this.line = ''; this.cursor = 0; this.prevRows = 0; }; Interface.prototype._line = function() { var line = this._addHistory(); this.clearLine(); this._onLine(line); }; Interface.prototype._historyNext = function() { if (this.historyIndex > 0) { this.historyIndex--; this.line = this.history[this.historyIndex]; this.cursor = this.line.length; // set cursor to end of line. this._refreshLine(); } else if (this.historyIndex === 0) { this.historyIndex = -1; this.cursor = 0; this.line = ''; this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._historyPrev = function() { if (this.historyIndex + 1 < this.history.length) { this.historyIndex++; this.line = this.history[this.historyIndex]; this.cursor = this.line.length; // set cursor to end of line. this._refreshLine(); } }; // Returns current cursor's position and line Interface.prototype._getCursorPos = function() { var columns = this.columns; var cursorPos = this.cursor + this._promptLength; var cols = cursorPos % columns; var rows = (cursorPos - cols) / columns; return {cols: cols, rows: rows}; }; // This function moves cursor dx places to the right // (-dx for left) and refreshes the line if it is needed Interface.prototype._moveCursor = function(dx) { var oldcursor = this.cursor; var oldPos = this._getCursorPos(); this.cursor += dx; // bounds check if (this.cursor < 0) this.cursor = 0; if (this.cursor > this.line.length) this.cursor = this.line.length; var newPos = this._getCursorPos(); // check if cursors are in the same line if (oldPos.rows === newPos.rows) { exports.moveCursor(this.output, this.cursor - oldcursor, 0); this.prevRows = newPos.rows; } else { this._refreshLine(); } }; // handle a write from the tty Interface.prototype._ttyWrite = function(s, key) { key = key || {}; // Ignore escape key - Fixes #2876 if (key.name == 'escape') return; if (key.ctrl && key.shift) { /* Control and shift pressed */ switch (key.name) { case 'backspace': this._deleteLineLeft(); break; case 'delete': this._deleteLineRight(); break; } } else if (key.ctrl) { /* Control key pressed */ switch (key.name) { case 'c': if (this.listeners('SIGINT').length) { this.emit('SIGINT'); } else { // This readline instance is finished this.close(); } break; case 'h': // delete left this._deleteLeft(); break; case 'd': // delete right or EOF if (this.cursor === 0 && this.line.length === 0) { // This readline instance is finished this.close(); } else if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { this._deleteRight(); } break; case 'u': // delete the whole line this.cursor = 0; this.line = ''; this._refreshLine(); break; case 'k': // delete from current to end of line this._deleteLineRight(); break; case 'a': // go to the start of the line this._moveCursor(-Infinity); break; case 'e': // go to the end of the line this._moveCursor(+Infinity); break; case 'b': // back one character this._moveCursor(-1); break; case 'f': // forward one character this._moveCursor(+1); break; case 'n': // next history item this._historyNext(); break; case 'p': // previous history item this._historyPrev(); break; case 'z': if (process.platform == 'win32') break; if (this.listeners('SIGTSTP').length) { this.emit('SIGTSTP'); } else { process.once('SIGCONT', (function(self) { return function() { // Don't raise events if stream has already been abandoned. if (!self.paused) { // Stream must be paused and resumed after SIGCONT to catch // SIGINT, SIGTSTP, and EOF. self.pause(); self.emit('SIGCONT'); } // explictly re-enable "raw mode" and move the cursor to // the correct position. // See https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/3295. self._setRawMode(true); self._refreshLine(); }; })(this)); this._setRawMode(false); process.kill(process.pid, 'SIGTSTP'); } break; case 'w': // delete backwards to a word boundary case 'backspace': this._deleteWordLeft(); break; case 'delete': // delete forward to a word boundary this._deleteWordRight(); break; case 'backspace': this._deleteWordLeft(); break; case 'left': this._wordLeft(); break; case 'right': this._wordRight(); break; } } else if (key.meta) { /* Meta key pressed */ switch (key.name) { case 'b': // backward word this._wordLeft(); break; case 'f': // forward word this._wordRight(); break; case 'd': // delete forward word case 'delete': this._deleteWordRight(); break; case 'backspace': // delete backwards to a word boundary this._deleteWordLeft(); break; } } else { /* No modifier keys used */ switch (key.name) { case 'enter': this._line(); break; case 'backspace': this._deleteLeft(); break; case 'delete': this._deleteRight(); break; case 'tab': // tab completion this._tabComplete(); break; case 'left': this._moveCursor(-1); break; case 'right': this._moveCursor(+1); break; case 'home': this._moveCursor(-Infinity); break; case 'end': this._moveCursor(+Infinity); break; case 'up': this._historyPrev(); break; case 'down': this._historyNext(); break; default: if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) s = s.toString('utf-8'); if (s) { var lines = s.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/); for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) { this._line(); } this._insertString(lines[i]); } } } } }; exports.Interface = Interface; /** * accepts a readable Stream instance and makes it emit "keypress" events */ function emitKeypressEvents(stream) { if (stream._emitKeypress) return; stream._emitKeypress = true; var keypressListeners = stream.listeners('keypress'); function onData(b) { if (keypressListeners.length) { emitKey(stream, b); } else { // Nobody's watching anyway stream.removeListener('data', onData); stream.on('newListener', onNewListener); } } function onNewListener(event) { if (event == 'keypress') { stream.on('data', onData); stream.removeListener('newListener', onNewListener); } } if (keypressListeners.length) { stream.on('data', onData); } else { stream.on('newListener', onNewListener); } } exports.emitKeypressEvents = emitKeypressEvents; /* Some patterns seen in terminal key escape codes, derived from combos seen at http://www.midnight-commander.org/browser/lib/tty/key.c ESC letter ESC [ letter ESC [ modifier letter ESC [ 1 ; modifier letter ESC [ num char ESC [ num ; modifier char ESC O letter ESC O modifier letter ESC O 1 ; modifier letter ESC N letter ESC [ [ num ; modifier char ESC [ [ 1 ; modifier letter ESC ESC [ num char ESC ESC O letter - char is usually ~ but $ and ^ also happen with rxvt - modifier is 1 + (shift * 1) + (left_alt * 2) + (ctrl * 4) + (right_alt * 8) - two leading ESCs apparently mean the same as one leading ESC */ // Regexes used for ansi escape code splitting var metaKeyCodeRe = /^(?:\x1b)([a-zA-Z0-9])$/; var functionKeyCodeRe = /^(?:\x1b+)(O|N|\[|\[\[)(?:(\d+)(?:;(\d+))?([~^$])|(?:1;)?(\d+)?([a-zA-Z]))/; function emitKey(stream, s) { var ch, key = { name: undefined, ctrl: false, meta: false, shift: false }, parts; if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) { if (s[0] > 127 && s[1] === undefined) { s[0] -= 128; s = '\x1b' + s.toString(stream.encoding || 'utf-8'); } else { s = s.toString(stream.encoding || 'utf-8'); } } key.sequence = s; if (s === '\r' || s === '\n') { // enter key.name = 'enter'; } else if (s === '\t') { // tab key.name = 'tab'; } else if (s === '\b' || s === '\x7f' || s === '\x1b\x7f' || s === '\x1b\b') { // backspace or ctrl+h key.name = 'backspace'; key.meta = (s.charAt(0) === '\x1b'); } else if (s === '\x1b' || s === '\x1b\x1b') { // escape key key.name = 'escape'; key.meta = (s.length === 2); } else if (s === ' ' || s === '\x1b ') { key.name = 'space'; key.meta = (s.length === 2); } else if (s <= '\x1a') { // ctrl+letter key.name = String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) + 'a'.charCodeAt(0) - 1); key.ctrl = true; } else if (s.length === 1 && s >= 'a' && s <= 'z') { // lowercase letter key.name = s; } else if (s.length === 1 && s >= 'A' && s <= 'Z') { // shift+letter key.name = s.toLowerCase(); key.shift = true; } else if (parts = metaKeyCodeRe.exec(s)) { // meta+character key key.name = parts[1].toLowerCase(); key.meta = true; key.shift = /^[A-Z]$/.test(parts[1]); } else if (parts = functionKeyCodeRe.exec(s)) { // ansi escape sequence // reassemble the key code leaving out leading \x1b's, // the modifier key bitflag and any meaningless "1;" sequence var code = (parts[1] || '') + (parts[2] || '') + (parts[4] || '') + (parts[6] || ''), modifier = (parts[3] || parts[5] || 1) - 1; // Parse the key modifier key.ctrl = !!(modifier & 4); key.meta = !!(modifier & 10); key.shift = !!(modifier & 1); key.code = code; // Parse the key itself switch (code) { /* xterm/gnome ESC O letter */ case 'OP': key.name = 'f1'; break; case 'OQ': key.name = 'f2'; break; case 'OR': key.name = 'f3'; break; case 'OS': key.name = 'f4'; break; /* xterm/rxvt ESC [ number ~ */ case '[11~': key.name = 'f1'; break; case '[12~': key.name = 'f2'; break; case '[13~': key.name = 'f3'; break; case '[14~': key.name = 'f4'; break; /* from Cygwin and used in libuv */ case '[[A': key.name = 'f1'; break; case '[[B': key.name = 'f2'; break; case '[[C': key.name = 'f3'; break; case '[[D': key.name = 'f4'; break; case '[[E': key.name = 'f5'; break; /* common */ case '[15~': key.name = 'f5'; break; case '[17~': key.name = 'f6'; break; case '[18~': key.name = 'f7'; break; case '[19~': key.name = 'f8'; break; case '[20~': key.name = 'f9'; break; case '[21~': key.name = 'f10'; break; case '[23~': key.name = 'f11'; break; case '[24~': key.name = 'f12'; break; /* xterm ESC [ letter */ case '[A': key.name = 'up'; break; case '[B': key.name = 'down'; break; case '[C': key.name = 'right'; break; case '[D': key.name = 'left'; break; case '[E': key.name = 'clear'; break; case '[F': key.name = 'end'; break; case '[H': key.name = 'home'; break; /* xterm/gnome ESC O letter */ case 'OA': key.name = 'up'; break; case 'OB': key.name = 'down'; break; case 'OC': key.name = 'right'; break; case 'OD': key.name = 'left'; break; case 'OE': key.name = 'clear'; break; case 'OF': key.name = 'end'; break; case 'OH': key.name = 'home'; break; /* xterm/rxvt ESC [ number ~ */ case '[1~': key.name = 'home'; break; case '[2~': key.name = 'insert'; break; case '[3~': key.name = 'delete'; break; case '[4~': key.name = 'end'; break; case '[5~': key.name = 'pageup'; break; case '[6~': key.name = 'pagedown'; break; /* putty */ case '[[5~': key.name = 'pageup'; break; case '[[6~': key.name = 'pagedown'; break; /* rxvt */ case '[7~': key.name = 'home'; break; case '[8~': key.name = 'end'; break; /* rxvt keys with modifiers */ case '[a': key.name = 'up'; key.shift = true; break; case '[b': key.name = 'down'; key.shift = true; break; case '[c': key.name = 'right'; key.shift = true; break; case '[d': key.name = 'left'; key.shift = true; break; case '[e': key.name = 'clear'; key.shift = true; break; case '[2$': key.name = 'insert'; key.shift = true; break; case '[3$': key.name = 'delete'; key.shift = true; break; case '[5$': key.name = 'pageup'; key.shift = true; break; case '[6$': key.name = 'pagedown'; key.shift = true; break; case '[7$': key.name = 'home'; key.shift = true; break; case '[8$': key.name = 'end'; key.shift = true; break; case 'Oa': key.name = 'up'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Ob': key.name = 'down'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Oc': key.name = 'right'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Od': key.name = 'left'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Oe': key.name = 'clear'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[2^': key.name = 'insert'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[3^': key.name = 'delete'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[5^': key.name = 'pageup'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[6^': key.name = 'pagedown'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[7^': key.name = 'home'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[8^': key.name = 'end'; key.ctrl = true; break; /* misc. */ case '[Z': key.name = 'tab'; key.shift = true; break; default: key.name = 'undefined'; break; } } else if (s.length > 1 && s[0] !== '\x1b') { // Got a longer-than-one string of characters. // Probably a paste, since it wasn't a control sequence. Array.prototype.forEach.call(s, function(c) { emitKey(stream, c); }); return; } // Don't emit a key if no name was found if (key.name === undefined) { key = undefined; } if (s.length === 1) { ch = s; } if (key || ch) { stream.emit('keypress', ch, key); } } /** * moves the cursor to the x and y coordinate on the given stream */ function cursorTo(stream, x, y) { if (typeof x !== 'number' && typeof y !== 'number') return; if (typeof x !== 'number') throw new Error("Can't set cursor row without also setting it's column"); if (typeof y !== 'number') { stream.write('\x1b[' + (x + 1) + 'G'); } else { stream.write('\x1b[' + (y + 1) + ';' + (x + 1) + 'H'); } } exports.cursorTo = cursorTo; /** * moves the cursor relative to its current location */ function moveCursor(stream, dx, dy) { if (dx < 0) { stream.write('\x1b[' + (-dx) + 'D'); } else if (dx > 0) { stream.write('\x1b[' + dx + 'C'); } if (dy < 0) { stream.write('\x1b[' + (-dy) + 'A'); } else if (dy > 0) { stream.write('\x1b[' + dy + 'B'); } } exports.moveCursor = moveCursor; /** * clears the current line the cursor is on: * -1 for left of the cursor * +1 for right of the cursor * 0 for the entire line */ function clearLine(stream, dir) { if (dir < 0) { // to the beginning stream.write('\x1b[1K'); } else if (dir > 0) { // to the end stream.write('\x1b[0K'); } else { // entire line stream.write('\x1b[2K'); } } exports.clearLine = clearLine; /** * clears the screen from the current position of the cursor down */ function clearScreenDown(stream) { stream.write('\x1b[0J'); } exports.clearScreenDown = clearScreenDown;