#include "inspector_socket.h" #include "util.h" #include "util-inl.h" #define NODE_WANT_INTERNALS 1 #include "base64.h" #include "openssl/sha.h" // Sha-1 hash #include #include #define ACCEPT_KEY_LENGTH base64_encoded_size(20) #define BUFFER_GROWTH_CHUNK_SIZE 1024 #define DUMP_READS 0 #define DUMP_WRITES 0 namespace node { namespace inspector { static const char CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x00'}; enum ws_decode_result { FRAME_OK, FRAME_INCOMPLETE, FRAME_CLOSE, FRAME_ERROR }; #if DUMP_READS || DUMP_WRITES static void dump_hex(const char* buf, size_t len) { const char* ptr = buf; const char* end = ptr + len; const char* cptr; char c; int i; while (ptr < end) { cptr = ptr; for (i = 0; i < 16 && ptr < end; i++) { printf("%2.2X ", static_cast(*(ptr++))); } for (i = 72 - (i * 4); i > 0; i--) { printf(" "); } for (i = 0; i < 16 && cptr < end; i++) { c = *(cptr++); printf("%c", (c > 0x19) ? c : '.'); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n\n"); } #endif static void remove_from_beginning(std::vector* buffer, size_t count) { buffer->erase(buffer->begin(), buffer->begin() + count); } static void dispose_inspector(uv_handle_t* handle) { InspectorSocket* inspector = inspector_from_stream(handle); inspector_cb close = inspector->ws_mode ? inspector->ws_state->close_cb : nullptr; inspector->buffer.clear(); delete inspector->ws_state; inspector->ws_state = nullptr; if (close) { close(inspector, 0); } } static void close_connection(InspectorSocket* inspector) { uv_handle_t* socket = reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp); if (!uv_is_closing(socket)) { uv_read_stop(reinterpret_cast(socket)); uv_close(socket, dispose_inspector); } } struct WriteRequest { WriteRequest(InspectorSocket* inspector, const char* data, size_t size) : inspector(inspector) , storage(data, data + size) , buf(uv_buf_init(&storage[0], storage.size())) {} static WriteRequest* from_write_req(uv_write_t* req) { return node::ContainerOf(&WriteRequest::req, req); } InspectorSocket* const inspector; std::vector storage; uv_write_t req; uv_buf_t buf; }; // Cleanup static void write_request_cleanup(uv_write_t* req, int status) { delete WriteRequest::from_write_req(req); } static int write_to_client(InspectorSocket* inspector, const char* msg, size_t len, uv_write_cb write_cb = write_request_cleanup) { #if DUMP_WRITES printf("%s (%ld bytes):\n", __FUNCTION__, len); dump_hex(msg, len); #endif // Freed in write_request_cleanup WriteRequest* wr = new WriteRequest(inspector, msg, len); uv_stream_t* stream = reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp); return uv_write(&wr->req, stream, &wr->buf, 1, write_cb) < 0; } // Constants for hybi-10 frame format. typedef int OpCode; const OpCode kOpCodeContinuation = 0x0; const OpCode kOpCodeText = 0x1; const OpCode kOpCodeBinary = 0x2; const OpCode kOpCodeClose = 0x8; const OpCode kOpCodePing = 0x9; const OpCode kOpCodePong = 0xA; const unsigned char kFinalBit = 0x80; const unsigned char kReserved1Bit = 0x40; const unsigned char kReserved2Bit = 0x20; const unsigned char kReserved3Bit = 0x10; const unsigned char kOpCodeMask = 0xF; const unsigned char kMaskBit = 0x80; const unsigned char kPayloadLengthMask = 0x7F; const size_t kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength = 125; const size_t kTwoBytePayloadLengthField = 126; const size_t kEightBytePayloadLengthField = 127; const size_t kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes = 4; static std::vector encode_frame_hybi17(const char* message, size_t data_length) { std::vector frame; OpCode op_code = kOpCodeText; frame.push_back(kFinalBit | op_code); if (data_length <= kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength) { frame.push_back(static_cast(data_length)); } else if (data_length <= 0xFFFF) { frame.push_back(kTwoBytePayloadLengthField); frame.push_back((data_length & 0xFF00) >> 8); frame.push_back(data_length & 0xFF); } else { frame.push_back(kEightBytePayloadLengthField); char extended_payload_length[8]; size_t remaining = data_length; // Fill the length into extended_payload_length in the network byte order. for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { extended_payload_length[7 - i] = remaining & 0xFF; remaining >>= 8; } frame.insert(frame.end(), extended_payload_length, extended_payload_length + 8); ASSERT_EQ(0, remaining); } frame.insert(frame.end(), message, message + data_length); return frame; } static ws_decode_result decode_frame_hybi17(const std::vector& buffer, bool client_frame, int* bytes_consumed, std::vector* output, bool* compressed) { *bytes_consumed = 0; if (buffer.size() < 2) return FRAME_INCOMPLETE; auto it = buffer.begin(); unsigned char first_byte = *it++; unsigned char second_byte = *it++; bool final = (first_byte & kFinalBit) != 0; bool reserved1 = (first_byte & kReserved1Bit) != 0; bool reserved2 = (first_byte & kReserved2Bit) != 0; bool reserved3 = (first_byte & kReserved3Bit) != 0; int op_code = first_byte & kOpCodeMask; bool masked = (second_byte & kMaskBit) != 0; *compressed = reserved1; if (!final || reserved2 || reserved3) return FRAME_ERROR; // Only compression extension is supported. bool closed = false; switch (op_code) { case kOpCodeClose: closed = true; break; case kOpCodeText: break; case kOpCodeBinary: // We don't support binary frames yet. case kOpCodeContinuation: // We don't support binary frames yet. case kOpCodePing: // We don't support binary frames yet. case kOpCodePong: // We don't support binary frames yet. default: return FRAME_ERROR; } // In Hybi-17 spec client MUST mask its frame. if (client_frame && !masked) { return FRAME_ERROR; } uint64_t payload_length64 = second_byte & kPayloadLengthMask; if (payload_length64 > kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength) { int extended_payload_length_size; if (payload_length64 == kTwoBytePayloadLengthField) { extended_payload_length_size = 2; } else if (payload_length64 == kEightBytePayloadLengthField) { extended_payload_length_size = 8; } else { return FRAME_ERROR; } if ((buffer.end() - it) < extended_payload_length_size) return FRAME_INCOMPLETE; payload_length64 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < extended_payload_length_size; ++i) { payload_length64 <<= 8; payload_length64 |= static_cast(*it++); } } static const uint64_t max_payload_length = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull; static const size_t max_length = SIZE_MAX; if (payload_length64 > max_payload_length || payload_length64 > max_length - kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes) { // WebSocket frame length too large. return FRAME_ERROR; } size_t payload_length = static_cast(payload_length64); if (buffer.size() - kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes < payload_length) return FRAME_INCOMPLETE; std::vector::const_iterator masking_key = it; std::vector::const_iterator payload = it + kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes; for (size_t i = 0; i < payload_length; ++i) // Unmask the payload. output->insert(output->end(), payload[i] ^ masking_key[i % kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes]); size_t pos = it + kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes + payload_length - buffer.begin(); *bytes_consumed = pos; return closed ? FRAME_CLOSE : FRAME_OK; } static void invoke_read_callback(InspectorSocket* inspector, int status, const uv_buf_t* buf) { if (inspector->ws_state->read_cb) { inspector->ws_state->read_cb( reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp), status, buf); } } static void shutdown_complete(InspectorSocket* inspector) { close_connection(inspector); } static void on_close_frame_written(uv_write_t* req, int status) { WriteRequest* wr = WriteRequest::from_write_req(req); InspectorSocket* inspector = wr->inspector; delete wr; inspector->ws_state->close_sent = true; if (inspector->ws_state->received_close) { shutdown_complete(inspector); } } static void close_frame_received(InspectorSocket* inspector) { inspector->ws_state->received_close = true; if (!inspector->ws_state->close_sent) { invoke_read_callback(inspector, 0, 0); write_to_client(inspector, CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLOSE_FRAME), on_close_frame_written); } else { shutdown_complete(inspector); } } static int parse_ws_frames(InspectorSocket* inspector) { int bytes_consumed = 0; std::vector output; bool compressed = false; ws_decode_result r = decode_frame_hybi17(inspector->buffer, true /* client_frame */, &bytes_consumed, &output, &compressed); // Compressed frame means client is ignoring the headers and misbehaves if (compressed || r == FRAME_ERROR) { invoke_read_callback(inspector, UV_EPROTO, nullptr); close_connection(inspector); bytes_consumed = 0; } else if (r == FRAME_CLOSE) { close_frame_received(inspector); bytes_consumed = 0; } else if (r == FRAME_OK && inspector->ws_state->alloc_cb && inspector->ws_state->read_cb) { uv_buf_t buffer; size_t len = output.size(); inspector->ws_state->alloc_cb( reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp), len, &buffer); CHECK_GE(buffer.len, len); memcpy(buffer.base, &output[0], len); invoke_read_callback(inspector, len, &buffer); } return bytes_consumed; } static void prepare_buffer(uv_handle_t* stream, size_t len, uv_buf_t* buf) { *buf = uv_buf_init(new char[len], len); } static void reclaim_uv_buf(InspectorSocket* inspector, const uv_buf_t* buf, ssize_t read) { if (read > 0) { std::vector& buffer = inspector->buffer; buffer.insert(buffer.end(), buf->base, buf->base + read); } delete[] buf->base; } static void websockets_data_cb(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { InspectorSocket* inspector = inspector_from_stream(stream); reclaim_uv_buf(inspector, buf, nread); if (nread < 0 || nread == UV_EOF) { inspector->connection_eof = true; if (!inspector->shutting_down && inspector->ws_state->read_cb) { inspector->ws_state->read_cb(stream, nread, nullptr); } if (inspector->ws_state->close_sent && !inspector->ws_state->received_close) { shutdown_complete(inspector); // invoke callback } } else { #if DUMP_READS printf("%s read %ld bytes\n", __FUNCTION__, nread); if (nread > 0) { dump_hex(inspector->buffer.data() + inspector->buffer.size() - nread, nread); } #endif // 2. Parse. int processed = 0; do { processed = parse_ws_frames(inspector); // 3. Fix the buffer size & length if (processed > 0) { remove_from_beginning(&inspector->buffer, processed); } } while (processed > 0 && !inspector->buffer.empty()); } } int inspector_read_start(InspectorSocket* inspector, uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb, uv_read_cb read_cb) { ASSERT(inspector->ws_mode); ASSERT(!inspector->shutting_down || read_cb == nullptr); inspector->ws_state->close_sent = false; inspector->ws_state->alloc_cb = alloc_cb; inspector->ws_state->read_cb = read_cb; int err = uv_read_start(reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp), prepare_buffer, websockets_data_cb); if (err < 0) { close_connection(inspector); } return err; } void inspector_read_stop(InspectorSocket* inspector) { uv_read_stop(reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp)); inspector->ws_state->alloc_cb = nullptr; inspector->ws_state->read_cb = nullptr; } static void generate_accept_string(const std::string& client_key, char (*buffer)[ACCEPT_KEY_LENGTH]) { // Magic string from websockets spec. static const char ws_magic[] = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; std::string input(client_key + ws_magic); char hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA1(reinterpret_cast(&input[0]), input.size(), reinterpret_cast(hash)); node::base64_encode(hash, sizeof(hash), *buffer, sizeof(*buffer)); } static int header_value_cb(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { static const char SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY_HEADER[] = "Sec-WebSocket-Key"; auto inspector = static_cast(parser->data); auto state = inspector->http_parsing_state; state->parsing_value = true; if (state->current_header.size() == sizeof(SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY_HEADER) - 1 && node::StringEqualNoCaseN(state->current_header.data(), SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY_HEADER, sizeof(SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY_HEADER) - 1)) { state->ws_key.append(at, length); } return 0; } static int header_field_cb(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { auto inspector = static_cast(parser->data); auto state = inspector->http_parsing_state; if (state->parsing_value) { state->parsing_value = false; state->current_header.clear(); } state->current_header.append(at, length); return 0; } static int path_cb(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { auto inspector = static_cast(parser->data); auto state = inspector->http_parsing_state; state->path.append(at, length); return 0; } static void handshake_complete(InspectorSocket* inspector) { uv_read_stop(reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp)); handshake_cb callback = inspector->http_parsing_state->callback; inspector->ws_state = new ws_state_s(); inspector->ws_mode = true; callback(inspector, kInspectorHandshakeUpgraded, inspector->http_parsing_state->path); } static void cleanup_http_parsing_state(InspectorSocket* inspector) { delete inspector->http_parsing_state; inspector->http_parsing_state = nullptr; } static void report_handshake_failure_cb(uv_handle_t* handle) { dispose_inspector(handle); InspectorSocket* inspector = inspector_from_stream(handle); handshake_cb cb = inspector->http_parsing_state->callback; cleanup_http_parsing_state(inspector); cb(inspector, kInspectorHandshakeFailed, std::string()); } static void close_and_report_handshake_failure(InspectorSocket* inspector) { uv_handle_t* socket = reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp); if (uv_is_closing(socket)) { report_handshake_failure_cb(socket); } else { uv_read_stop(reinterpret_cast(socket)); uv_close(socket, report_handshake_failure_cb); } } static void then_close_and_report_failure(uv_write_t* req, int status) { InspectorSocket* inspector = WriteRequest::from_write_req(req)->inspector; write_request_cleanup(req, status); close_and_report_handshake_failure(inspector); } static void handshake_failed(InspectorSocket* inspector) { const char HANDSHAKE_FAILED_RESPONSE[] = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n" "WebSockets request was expected\r\n"; write_to_client(inspector, HANDSHAKE_FAILED_RESPONSE, sizeof(HANDSHAKE_FAILED_RESPONSE) - 1, then_close_and_report_failure); } // init_handshake references message_complete_cb static void init_handshake(InspectorSocket* socket); static int message_complete_cb(http_parser* parser) { InspectorSocket* inspector = static_cast(parser->data); struct http_parsing_state_s* state = inspector->http_parsing_state; if (parser->method != HTTP_GET) { handshake_failed(inspector); } else if (!parser->upgrade) { if (state->callback(inspector, kInspectorHandshakeHttpGet, state->path)) { init_handshake(inspector); } else { handshake_failed(inspector); } } else if (state->ws_key.empty()) { handshake_failed(inspector); } else if (state->callback(inspector, kInspectorHandshakeUpgrading, state->path)) { char accept_string[ACCEPT_KEY_LENGTH]; generate_accept_string(state->ws_key, &accept_string); const char accept_ws_prefix[] = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: "; const char accept_ws_suffix[] = "\r\n\r\n"; std::string reply(accept_ws_prefix, sizeof(accept_ws_prefix) - 1); reply.append(accept_string, sizeof(accept_string)); reply.append(accept_ws_suffix, sizeof(accept_ws_suffix) - 1); if (write_to_client(inspector, &reply[0], reply.size()) >= 0) { handshake_complete(inspector); inspector->http_parsing_state->done = true; } else { close_and_report_handshake_failure(inspector); } } else { handshake_failed(inspector); } return 0; } static void data_received_cb(uv_stream_s* tcp, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { #if DUMP_READS if (nread >= 0) { printf("%s (%ld bytes)\n", __FUNCTION__, nread); dump_hex(buf->base, nread); } else { printf("[%s:%d] %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, uv_err_name(nread)); } #endif InspectorSocket* inspector = inspector_from_stream(tcp); reclaim_uv_buf(inspector, buf, nread); if (nread < 0 || nread == UV_EOF) { close_and_report_handshake_failure(inspector); } else { http_parsing_state_s* state = inspector->http_parsing_state; http_parser* parser = &state->parser; http_parser_execute(parser, &state->parser_settings, inspector->buffer.data(), nread); remove_from_beginning(&inspector->buffer, nread); if (parser->http_errno != HPE_OK) { handshake_failed(inspector); } if (inspector->http_parsing_state->done) { cleanup_http_parsing_state(inspector); } } } static void init_handshake(InspectorSocket* socket) { http_parsing_state_s* state = socket->http_parsing_state; CHECK_NE(state, nullptr); state->current_header.clear(); state->ws_key.clear(); state->path.clear(); state->done = false; http_parser_init(&state->parser, HTTP_REQUEST); state->parser.data = socket; http_parser_settings* settings = &state->parser_settings; http_parser_settings_init(settings); settings->on_header_field = header_field_cb; settings->on_header_value = header_value_cb; settings->on_message_complete = message_complete_cb; settings->on_url = path_cb; } int inspector_accept(uv_stream_t* server, InspectorSocket* socket, handshake_cb callback) { ASSERT_NE(callback, nullptr); CHECK_EQ(socket->http_parsing_state, nullptr); socket->http_parsing_state = new http_parsing_state_s(); uv_stream_t* tcp = reinterpret_cast(&socket->tcp); int err = uv_tcp_init(server->loop, &socket->tcp); if (err == 0) { err = uv_accept(server, tcp); } if (err == 0) { init_handshake(socket); socket->http_parsing_state->callback = callback; err = uv_read_start(tcp, prepare_buffer, data_received_cb); } if (err != 0) { uv_close(reinterpret_cast(tcp), NULL); } return err; } void inspector_write(InspectorSocket* inspector, const char* data, size_t len) { if (inspector->ws_mode) { std::vector output = encode_frame_hybi17(data, len); write_to_client(inspector, &output[0], output.size()); } else { write_to_client(inspector, data, len); } } void inspector_close(InspectorSocket* inspector, inspector_cb callback) { // libuv throws assertions when closing stream that's already closed - we // need to do the same. ASSERT(!uv_is_closing(reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp))); ASSERT(!inspector->shutting_down); inspector->shutting_down = true; inspector->ws_state->close_cb = callback; if (inspector->connection_eof) { close_connection(inspector); } else { inspector_read_stop(inspector); write_to_client(inspector, CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLOSE_FRAME), on_close_frame_written); inspector_read_start(inspector, nullptr, nullptr); } } bool inspector_is_active(const InspectorSocket* inspector) { const uv_handle_t* tcp = reinterpret_cast(&inspector->tcp); return !inspector->shutting_down && !uv_is_closing(tcp); } void InspectorSocket::reinit() { http_parsing_state = nullptr; ws_state = nullptr; buffer.clear(); ws_mode = false; shutting_down = false; connection_eof = false; } } // namespace inspector } // namespace node