#include "inspector_socket.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #define PORT 9444 static const int MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS = 10000; #define SPIN_WHILE(condition) \ { \ bool timed_out = false; \ timeout_timer.data = &timed_out; \ uv_timer_start(&timeout_timer, set_timeout_flag, 5000, 0); \ while (((condition)) && !timed_out) { \ uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); \ } \ ASSERT_FALSE((condition)); \ uv_timer_stop(&timeout_timer); \ } static uv_timer_t timeout_timer; static bool connected = false; static bool inspector_ready = false; static int handshake_events = 0; static enum inspector_handshake_event last_event = kInspectorHandshakeHttpGet; static uv_loop_t loop; static uv_tcp_t server, client_socket; static inspector_socket_t inspector; static std::string last_path; static void (*handshake_delegate)(enum inspector_handshake_event state, const std::string& path, bool* should_continue); struct read_expects { const char* expected; size_t expected_len; size_t pos; bool read_expected; bool callback_called; }; static const char HANDSHAKE_REQ[] = "GET /ws/path HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: localhost:9222\r\n" "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Key: aaa==\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"; static void set_timeout_flag(uv_timer_t* timer) { *(static_cast(timer->data)) = true; } static void stop_if_stop_path(enum inspector_handshake_event state, const std::string& path, bool* cont) { *cont = path.empty() || path != "/close"; } static bool connected_cb(inspector_socket_t* socket, enum inspector_handshake_event state, const std::string& path) { inspector_ready = state == kInspectorHandshakeUpgraded; last_event = state; if (path.empty()) { last_path = "@@@ Nothing received @@@"; } else { last_path = path; } handshake_events++; bool should_continue = true; handshake_delegate(state, path, &should_continue); return should_continue; } static void on_new_connection(uv_stream_t* server, int status) { GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, status); connected = true; inspector_accept(server, reinterpret_cast(server->data), connected_cb); } void write_done(uv_write_t* req, int status) { req->data = nullptr; } static void do_write(const char* data, int len) { uv_write_t req; bool done = false; req.data = &done; uv_buf_t buf[1]; buf[0].base = const_cast(data); buf[0].len = len; uv_write(&req, reinterpret_cast(&client_socket), buf, 1, write_done); SPIN_WHILE(req.data); } static void buffer_alloc_cb(uv_handle_t* stream, size_t len, uv_buf_t* buf) { buf->base = new char[len]; buf->len = len; } static void check_data_cb(read_expects* expectation, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf, bool* retval) { *retval = false; EXPECT_TRUE(nread >= 0 && nread != UV_EOF); ssize_t i; char c, actual; ASSERT_TRUE(expectation->expected_len > 0); for (i = 0; i < nread && expectation->pos <= expectation->expected_len; i++) { c = expectation->expected[expectation->pos++]; actual = buf->base[i]; if (c != actual) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected character at position %ld\n", expectation->pos - 1); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(c, actual); } } GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(i, nread); delete[] buf->base; if (expectation->pos == expectation->expected_len) { expectation->read_expected = true; *retval = true; } } static void check_data_cb(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { bool retval = false; read_expects* expects = static_cast(stream->data); expects->callback_called = true; check_data_cb(expects, nread, buf, &retval); if (retval) { stream->data = nullptr; uv_read_stop(stream); } } static read_expects prepare_expects(const char* data, size_t len) { read_expects expectation; expectation.expected = data; expectation.expected_len = len; expectation.pos = 0; expectation.read_expected = false; expectation.callback_called = false; return expectation; } static void fail_callback(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { if (nread < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "IO error: %s\n", uv_strerror(nread)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Read %ld bytes\n", nread); } ASSERT_TRUE(false); // Shouldn't have been called } static void expect_nothing_on_client() { int err = uv_read_start(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket), buffer_alloc_cb, fail_callback); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, err); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS; i++) uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); } static void expect_on_client(const char* data, size_t len) { read_expects expectation = prepare_expects(data, len); client_socket.data = ℰ uv_read_start(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket), buffer_alloc_cb, check_data_cb); SPIN_WHILE(!expectation.read_expected); } struct expectations { std::string actual_data; size_t actual_offset; size_t actual_end; int err_code; }; static void grow_expects_buffer(uv_handle_t* stream, size_t size, uv_buf_t* b) { expectations* expects = static_cast( (static_cast(stream->data))->data); size_t end = expects->actual_end; // Grow the buffer in chunks of 64k. size_t new_length = (end + size + 65535) & ~((size_t) 0xFFFF); expects->actual_data.resize(new_length); *b = uv_buf_init(&expects->actual_data[end], new_length - end); } // static void dump_hex(const char* buf, size_t len) { // const char* ptr = buf; // const char* end = ptr + len; // const char* cptr; // char c; // int i; // while (ptr < end) { // cptr = ptr; // for (i = 0; i < 16 && ptr < end; i++) { // printf("%2.2X ", *(ptr++)); // } // for (i = 72 - (i * 4); i > 0; i--) { // printf(" "); // } // for (i = 0; i < 16 && cptr < end; i++) { // c = *(cptr++); // printf("%c", (c > 0x19) ? c : '.'); // } // printf("\n"); // } // printf("\n\n"); // } static void save_read_data(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { expectations* expects =static_cast( (static_cast(stream->data))->data); expects->err_code = nread < 0 ? nread : 0; if (nread > 0) { expects->actual_end += nread; } } static void setup_inspector_expecting() { if (inspector.data) { return; } expectations* expects = new expectations(); inspector.data = expects; inspector_read_start(&inspector, grow_expects_buffer, save_read_data); } static void expect_on_server(const char* data, size_t len) { setup_inspector_expecting(); expectations* expects = static_cast(inspector.data); for (size_t i = 0; i < len;) { SPIN_WHILE(expects->actual_offset == expects->actual_end); for (; i < len && expects->actual_offset < expects->actual_end; i++) { char actual = expects->actual_data[expects->actual_offset++]; char expected = data[i]; if (expected != actual) { fprintf(stderr, "Character %ld:\n", i); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual); } } } expects->actual_end -= expects->actual_offset; if (!expects->actual_end) { memmove(&expects->actual_data[0], &expects->actual_data[expects->actual_offset], expects->actual_end); } expects->actual_offset = 0; } static void inspector_record_error_code(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { inspector_socket_t *inspector = reinterpret_cast(stream->data); // Increment instead of assign is to ensure the function is only called once *(static_cast(inspector->data)) += nread; } static void expect_server_read_error() { setup_inspector_expecting(); expectations* expects = static_cast(inspector.data); SPIN_WHILE(expects->err_code != UV_EPROTO); } static void expect_handshake() { const char UPGRADE_RESPONSE[] = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: Dt87H1OULVZnSJo/KgMUYI7xPCg=\r\n\r\n"; expect_on_client(UPGRADE_RESPONSE, sizeof(UPGRADE_RESPONSE) - 1); } static void expect_handshake_failure() { const char UPGRADE_RESPONSE[] = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n" "WebSockets request was expected\r\n"; expect_on_client(UPGRADE_RESPONSE, sizeof(UPGRADE_RESPONSE) - 1); } static bool waiting_to_close = true; void handle_closed(uv_handle_t* handle) { waiting_to_close = false; } static void really_close(uv_handle_t* handle) { waiting_to_close = true; if (!uv_is_closing(handle)) { uv_close(handle, handle_closed); SPIN_WHILE(waiting_to_close); } } // Called when the test leaves inspector socket in active state static void manual_inspector_socket_cleanup() { EXPECT_EQ(0, uv_is_active( reinterpret_cast(&inspector.client))); really_close(reinterpret_cast(&inspector.client)); delete inspector.ws_state; inspector.ws_state = nullptr; delete inspector.http_parsing_state; inspector.http_parsing_state = nullptr; inspector.buffer.clear(); } static void on_connection(uv_connect_t* connect, int status) { GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, status); connect->data = connect; } class InspectorSocketTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { handshake_delegate = stop_if_stop_path; handshake_events = 0; connected = false; inspector_ready = false; last_event = kInspectorHandshakeHttpGet; uv_loop_init(&loop); inspector = inspector_socket_t(); server = uv_tcp_t(); client_socket = uv_tcp_t(); server.data = &inspector; sockaddr_in addr; uv_timer_init(&loop, &timeout_timer); uv_tcp_init(&loop, &server); uv_tcp_init(&loop, &client_socket); uv_ip4_addr("localhost", PORT, &addr); uv_tcp_bind(&server, reinterpret_cast(&addr), 0); int err = uv_listen(reinterpret_cast(&server), 0, on_new_connection); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, err); uv_connect_t connect; connect.data = nullptr; uv_tcp_connect(&connect, &client_socket, reinterpret_cast(&addr), on_connection); uv_tcp_nodelay(&client_socket, 1); // The buffering messes up the test SPIN_WHILE(!connect.data || !connected); really_close(reinterpret_cast(&server)); } virtual void TearDown() { really_close(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket)); really_close(reinterpret_cast(&timeout_timer)); EXPECT_TRUE(inspector.buffer.empty()); expectations* expects = static_cast(inspector.data); if (expects != nullptr) { GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(expects->actual_end, expects->actual_offset); delete expects; inspector.data = nullptr; } const int err = uv_loop_close(&loop); if (err != 0) { uv_print_all_handles(&loop, stderr); } EXPECT_EQ(0, err); } }; TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, ReadsAndWritesInspectorMessage) { ASSERT_TRUE(connected); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); SPIN_WHILE(!inspector_ready); expect_handshake(); // 2. Brief exchange const char SERVER_MESSAGE[] = "abcd"; const char CLIENT_FRAME[] = {'\x81', '\x04', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; inspector_write(&inspector, SERVER_MESSAGE, sizeof(SERVER_MESSAGE) - 1); expect_on_client(CLIENT_FRAME, sizeof(CLIENT_FRAME)); const char SERVER_FRAME[] = {'\x81', '\x84', '\x7F', '\xC2', '\x66', '\x31', '\x4E', '\xF0', '\x55', '\x05'}; const char CLIENT_MESSAGE[] = "1234"; do_write(SERVER_FRAME, sizeof(SERVER_FRAME)); expect_on_server(CLIENT_MESSAGE, sizeof(CLIENT_MESSAGE) - 1); // 3. Close const char CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x80', '\x2D', '\x0E', '\x1E', '\xFA'}; const char SERVER_CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x00'}; do_write(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME)); expect_on_client(SERVER_CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(SERVER_CLOSE_FRAME)); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, uv_is_active( reinterpret_cast(&client_socket))); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, BufferEdgeCases) { do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake(); const char MULTIPLE_REQUESTS[] = { '\x81', '\xCB', '\x76', '\xCA', '\x06', '\x0C', '\x0D', '\xE8', '\x6F', '\x68', '\x54', '\xF0', '\x37', '\x3E', '\x5A', '\xE8', '\x6B', '\x69', '\x02', '\xA2', '\x69', '\x68', '\x54', '\xF0', '\x24', '\x5B', '\x19', '\xB8', '\x6D', '\x69', '\x04', '\xE4', '\x75', '\x69', '\x02', '\x8B', '\x73', '\x78', '\x19', '\xA9', '\x69', '\x62', '\x18', '\xAF', '\x65', '\x78', '\x22', '\xA5', '\x51', '\x63', '\x04', '\xA1', '\x63', '\x7E', '\x05', '\xE8', '\x2A', '\x2E', '\x06', '\xAB', '\x74', '\x6D', '\x1B', '\xB9', '\x24', '\x36', '\x0D', '\xE8', '\x70', '\x6D', '\x1A', '\xBF', '\x63', '\x2E', '\x4C', '\xBE', '\x74', '\x79', '\x13', '\xB7', '\x7B', '\x81', '\xA2', '\xFC', '\x9E', '\x0D', '\x15', '\x87', '\xBC', '\x64', '\x71', '\xDE', '\xA4', '\x3C', '\x26', '\xD0', '\xBC', '\x60', '\x70', '\x88', '\xF6', '\x62', '\x71', '\xDE', '\xA4', '\x2F', '\x42', '\x93', '\xEC', '\x66', '\x70', '\x8E', '\xB0', '\x68', '\x7B', '\x9D', '\xFC', '\x61', '\x70', '\xDE', '\xE3', '\x81', '\xA4', '\x4E', '\x37', '\xB0', '\x22', '\x35', '\x15', '\xD9', '\x46', '\x6C', '\x0D', '\x81', '\x16', '\x62', '\x15', '\xDD', '\x47', '\x3A', '\x5F', '\xDF', '\x46', '\x6C', '\x0D', '\x92', '\x72', '\x3C', '\x58', '\xD6', '\x4B', '\x22', '\x52', '\xC2', '\x0C', '\x2B', '\x59', '\xD1', '\x40', '\x22', '\x52', '\x92', '\x5F', '\x81', '\xCB', '\xCD', '\xF0', '\x30', '\xC5', '\xB6', '\xD2', '\x59', '\xA1', '\xEF', '\xCA', '\x01', '\xF0', '\xE1', '\xD2', '\x5D', '\xA0', '\xB9', '\x98', '\x5F', '\xA1', '\xEF', '\xCA', '\x12', '\x95', '\xBF', '\x9F', '\x56', '\xAC', '\xA1', '\x95', '\x42', '\xEB', '\xBE', '\x95', '\x44', '\x96', '\xAC', '\x9D', '\x40', '\xA9', '\xA4', '\x9E', '\x57', '\x8C', '\xA3', '\x84', '\x55', '\xB7', '\xBB', '\x91', '\x5C', '\xE7', '\xE1', '\xD2', '\x40', '\xA4', '\xBF', '\x91', '\x5D', '\xB6', '\xEF', '\xCA', '\x4B', '\xE7', '\xA4', '\x9E', '\x44', '\xA0', '\xBF', '\x86', '\x51', '\xA9', '\xEF', '\xCA', '\x01', '\xF5', '\xFD', '\x8D', '\x4D', '\x81', '\xA9', '\x74', '\x6B', '\x72', '\x43', '\x0F', '\x49', '\x1B', '\x27', '\x56', '\x51', '\x43', '\x75', '\x58', '\x49', '\x1F', '\x26', '\x00', '\x03', '\x1D', '\x27', '\x56', '\x51', '\x50', '\x10', '\x11', '\x19', '\x04', '\x2A', '\x17', '\x0E', '\x25', '\x2C', '\x06', '\x00', '\x17', '\x31', '\x5A', '\x0E', '\x1C', '\x22', '\x16', '\x07', '\x17', '\x61', '\x09', '\x81', '\xB8', '\x7C', '\x1A', '\xEA', '\xEB', '\x07', '\x38', '\x83', '\x8F', '\x5E', '\x20', '\xDB', '\xDC', '\x50', '\x38', '\x87', '\x8E', '\x08', '\x72', '\x85', '\x8F', '\x5E', '\x20', '\xC8', '\xA5', '\x19', '\x6E', '\x9D', '\x84', '\x0E', '\x71', '\xC4', '\x88', '\x1D', '\x74', '\xAF', '\x86', '\x09', '\x76', '\x8B', '\x9F', '\x19', '\x54', '\x8F', '\x9F', '\x0B', '\x75', '\x98', '\x80', '\x3F', '\x75', '\x84', '\x8F', '\x15', '\x6E', '\x83', '\x84', '\x12', '\x69', '\xC8', '\x96'}; const char EXPECT[] = { "{\"id\":12,\"method\":\"Worker.setAutoconnectToWorkers\"," "\"params\":{\"value\":true}}" "{\"id\":13,\"method\":\"Worker.enable\"}" "{\"id\":14,\"method\":\"Profiler.enable\"}" "{\"id\":15,\"method\":\"Profiler.setSamplingInterval\"," "\"params\":{\"interval\":100}}" "{\"id\":16,\"method\":\"ServiceWorker.enable\"}" "{\"id\":17,\"method\":\"Network.canEmulateNetworkConditions\"}"}; do_write(MULTIPLE_REQUESTS, sizeof(MULTIPLE_REQUESTS)); expect_on_server(EXPECT, sizeof(EXPECT) - 1); inspector_read_stop(&inspector); manual_inspector_socket_cleanup(); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, AcceptsRequestInSeveralWrites) { ASSERT_TRUE(connected); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); // Specifically, break up the request in the "Sec-WebSocket-Key" header name // and value const int write1 = 95; const int write2 = 5; const int write3 = sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - write1 - write2 - 1; do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), write1); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ) + write1, write2); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ) + write1 + write2, write3); SPIN_WHILE(!inspector_ready); expect_handshake(); inspector_read_stop(&inspector); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket)), 0); manual_inspector_socket_cleanup(); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, ExtraTextBeforeRequest) { last_event = kInspectorHandshakeUpgraded; char UNCOOL_BRO[] = "Uncool, bro: Text before the first req\r\n"; do_write(const_cast(UNCOOL_BRO), sizeof(UNCOOL_BRO) - 1); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); SPIN_WHILE(last_event != kInspectorHandshakeFailed); expect_handshake_failure(); EXPECT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&socket)), 0); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, ExtraLettersBeforeRequest) { char UNCOOL_BRO[] = "Uncool!!"; do_write(const_cast(UNCOOL_BRO), sizeof(UNCOOL_BRO) - 1); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); SPIN_WHILE(last_event != kInspectorHandshakeFailed); expect_handshake_failure(); EXPECT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&socket)), 0); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, RequestWithoutKey) { const char BROKEN_REQUEST[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: localhost:9222\r\n" "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"; ; do_write(const_cast(BROKEN_REQUEST), sizeof(BROKEN_REQUEST) - 1); SPIN_WHILE(last_event != kInspectorHandshakeFailed); expect_handshake_failure(); EXPECT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&socket)), 0); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, KillsConnectionOnProtocolViolation) { ASSERT_TRUE(connected); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); SPIN_WHILE(!inspector_ready); ASSERT_TRUE(inspector_ready); expect_handshake(); const char SERVER_FRAME[] = "I'm not a good WS frame. Nope!"; do_write(SERVER_FRAME, sizeof(SERVER_FRAME)); expect_server_read_error(); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket)), 0); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, CanStopReadingFromInspector) { ASSERT_TRUE(connected); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake(); ASSERT_TRUE(inspector_ready); // 2. Brief exchange const char SERVER_FRAME[] = {'\x81', '\x84', '\x7F', '\xC2', '\x66', '\x31', '\x4E', '\xF0', '\x55', '\x05'}; const char CLIENT_MESSAGE[] = "1234"; do_write(SERVER_FRAME, sizeof(SERVER_FRAME)); expect_on_server(CLIENT_MESSAGE, sizeof(CLIENT_MESSAGE) - 1); inspector_read_stop(&inspector); do_write(SERVER_FRAME, sizeof(SERVER_FRAME)); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(uv_is_active( reinterpret_cast(&client_socket)), 0); manual_inspector_socket_cleanup(); } static int inspector_closed = 0; void inspector_closed_cb(inspector_socket_t *inspector, int code) { inspector_closed++; } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, CloseDoesNotNotifyReadCallback) { inspector_closed = 0; do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake(); int error_code = 0; inspector.data = &error_code; inspector_read_start(&inspector, buffer_alloc_cb, inspector_record_error_code); inspector_close(&inspector, inspector_closed_cb); char CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x00'}; expect_on_client(CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLOSE_FRAME)); EXPECT_EQ(0, inspector_closed); const char CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x80', '\x2D', '\x0E', '\x1E', '\xFA'}; do_write(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME)); EXPECT_NE(UV_EOF, error_code); SPIN_WHILE(inspector_closed == 0); EXPECT_EQ(1, inspector_closed); inspector.data = nullptr; } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, CloseWorksWithoutReadEnabled) { inspector_closed = 0; do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake(); inspector_close(&inspector, inspector_closed_cb); char CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x00'}; expect_on_client(CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLOSE_FRAME)); EXPECT_EQ(0, inspector_closed); const char CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x80', '\x2D', '\x0E', '\x1E', '\xFA'}; do_write(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME)); SPIN_WHILE(inspector_closed == 0); EXPECT_EQ(1, inspector_closed); } // Make sure buffering works static void send_in_chunks(const char* data, size_t len) { const int step = 7; size_t i = 0; // Do not send it all at once - test the buffering! for (; i < len - step; i += step) { do_write(data + i, step); } if (i < len) { do_write(data + i, len - i); } } static const char TEST_SUCCESS[] = "Test Success\n\n"; static void ReportsHttpGet_handshake(enum inspector_handshake_event state, const std::string& path, bool* cont) { *cont = true; enum inspector_handshake_event expected_state = kInspectorHandshakeHttpGet; std::string expected_path; switch (handshake_events) { case 1: expected_path = "/some/path"; break; case 2: expected_path = "/respond/withtext"; inspector_write(&inspector, TEST_SUCCESS, sizeof(TEST_SUCCESS) - 1); break; case 3: expected_path = "/some/path2"; break; case 5: expected_state = kInspectorHandshakeFailed; break; case 4: expected_path = "/close"; *cont = false; break; default: ASSERT_TRUE(false); } EXPECT_EQ(expected_state, state); EXPECT_EQ(expected_path, path); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, ReportsHttpGet) { handshake_delegate = ReportsHttpGet_handshake; const char GET_REQ[] = "GET /some/path HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: localhost:9222\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Key: aaa==\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"; send_in_chunks(GET_REQ, sizeof(GET_REQ) - 1); expect_nothing_on_client(); const char WRITE_REQUEST[] = "GET /respond/withtext HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: localhost:9222\r\n\r\n"; send_in_chunks(WRITE_REQUEST, sizeof(WRITE_REQUEST) - 1); expect_on_client(TEST_SUCCESS, sizeof(TEST_SUCCESS) - 1); const char GET_REQS[] = "GET /some/path2 HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: localhost:9222\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Key: aaa==\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n" "GET /close HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: localhost:9222\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Key: aaa==\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"; send_in_chunks(GET_REQS, sizeof(GET_REQS) - 1); expect_handshake_failure(); EXPECT_EQ(5, handshake_events); } static void HandshakeCanBeCanceled_handshake(enum inspector_handshake_event state, const std::string& path, bool* cont) { switch (handshake_events - 1) { case 0: EXPECT_EQ(kInspectorHandshakeUpgrading, state); EXPECT_EQ("/ws/path", path); break; case 1: EXPECT_EQ(kInspectorHandshakeFailed, state); EXPECT_TRUE(path.empty()); break; default: EXPECT_TRUE(false); break; } *cont = false; } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, HandshakeCanBeCanceled) { handshake_delegate = HandshakeCanBeCanceled_handshake; do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake_failure(); EXPECT_EQ(2, handshake_events); } static void GetThenHandshake_handshake(enum inspector_handshake_event state, const std::string& path, bool* cont) { *cont = true; std::string expected_path = "/ws/path"; switch (handshake_events - 1) { case 0: EXPECT_EQ(kInspectorHandshakeHttpGet, state); expected_path = "/respond/withtext"; inspector_write(&inspector, TEST_SUCCESS, sizeof(TEST_SUCCESS) - 1); break; case 1: EXPECT_EQ(kInspectorHandshakeUpgrading, state); break; case 2: EXPECT_EQ(kInspectorHandshakeUpgraded, state); break; default: EXPECT_TRUE(false); break; } EXPECT_EQ(expected_path, path); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, GetThenHandshake) { handshake_delegate = GetThenHandshake_handshake; const char WRITE_REQUEST[] = "GET /respond/withtext HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: localhost:9222\r\n\r\n"; send_in_chunks(WRITE_REQUEST, sizeof(WRITE_REQUEST) - 1); expect_on_client(TEST_SUCCESS, sizeof(TEST_SUCCESS) - 1); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake(); EXPECT_EQ(3, handshake_events); manual_inspector_socket_cleanup(); } static void WriteBeforeHandshake_close_cb(uv_handle_t* handle) { *(static_cast(handle->data)) = true; } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, WriteBeforeHandshake) { const char MESSAGE1[] = "Message 1"; const char MESSAGE2[] = "Message 2"; const char EXPECTED[] = "Message 1Message 2"; inspector_write(&inspector, MESSAGE1, sizeof(MESSAGE1) - 1); inspector_write(&inspector, MESSAGE2, sizeof(MESSAGE2) - 1); expect_on_client(EXPECTED, sizeof(EXPECTED) - 1); bool flag = false; client_socket.data = &flag; uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket), WriteBeforeHandshake_close_cb); SPIN_WHILE(!flag); } static void CleanupSocketAfterEOF_close_cb(inspector_socket_t* inspector, int status) { *(static_cast(inspector->data)) = true; } static void CleanupSocketAfterEOF_read_cb(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { EXPECT_EQ(UV_EOF, nread); inspector_socket_t* insp = reinterpret_cast(stream->data); inspector_close(insp, CleanupSocketAfterEOF_close_cb); } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, CleanupSocketAfterEOF) { do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake(); inspector_read_start(&inspector, buffer_alloc_cb, CleanupSocketAfterEOF_read_cb); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS; ++i) { uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); } uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket), nullptr); bool flag = false; inspector.data = &flag; SPIN_WHILE(!flag); inspector.data = nullptr; } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, EOFBeforeHandshake) { const char MESSAGE[] = "We'll send EOF afterwards"; inspector_write(&inspector, MESSAGE, sizeof(MESSAGE) - 1); expect_on_client(MESSAGE, sizeof(MESSAGE) - 1); uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&client_socket), nullptr); SPIN_WHILE(last_event != kInspectorHandshakeFailed); } static void fill_message(std::string* buffer) { for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer->size(); i += 1) { (*buffer)[i] = 'a' + (i % ('z' - 'a')); } } static void mask_message(const std::string& message, char* buffer, const char mask[]) { const size_t mask_len = 4; for (size_t i = 0; i < message.size(); i += 1) { buffer[i] = message[i] ^ mask[i % mask_len]; } } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, Send1Mb) { ASSERT_TRUE(connected); ASSERT_FALSE(inspector_ready); do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); SPIN_WHILE(!inspector_ready); expect_handshake(); // 2. Brief exchange std::string message(1000000, '\0'); fill_message(&message); // 1000000 is 0xF4240 hex const char EXPECTED_FRAME_HEADER[] = { '\x81', '\x7f', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x0F', '\x42', '\x40' }; std::string expected(EXPECTED_FRAME_HEADER, sizeof(EXPECTED_FRAME_HEADER)); expected.append(message); inspector_write(&inspector, &message[0], message.size()); expect_on_client(&expected[0], expected.size()); char MASK[4] = {'W', 'h', 'O', 'a'}; const char FRAME_TO_SERVER_HEADER[] = { '\x81', '\xff', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x0F', '\x42', '\x40', MASK[0], MASK[1], MASK[2], MASK[3] }; std::string outgoing(FRAME_TO_SERVER_HEADER, sizeof(FRAME_TO_SERVER_HEADER)); outgoing.resize(outgoing.size() + message.size()); mask_message(message, &outgoing[sizeof(FRAME_TO_SERVER_HEADER)], MASK); setup_inspector_expecting(); // Buffer on the client side. do_write(&outgoing[0], outgoing.size()); expect_on_server(&message[0], message.size()); // 3. Close const char CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x80', '\x2D', '\x0E', '\x1E', '\xFA'}; const char SERVER_CLOSE_FRAME[] = {'\x88', '\x00'}; do_write(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(CLIENT_CLOSE_FRAME)); expect_on_client(SERVER_CLOSE_FRAME, sizeof(SERVER_CLOSE_FRAME)); GTEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, uv_is_active( reinterpret_cast(&client_socket))); } static ssize_t err; void ErrorCleansUpTheSocket_cb(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t read, const uv_buf_t* buf) { err = read; } TEST_F(InspectorSocketTest, ErrorCleansUpTheSocket) { inspector_closed = 0; do_write(const_cast(HANDSHAKE_REQ), sizeof(HANDSHAKE_REQ) - 1); expect_handshake(); const char NOT_A_GOOD_FRAME[] = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}; err = 42; inspector_read_start(&inspector, buffer_alloc_cb, ErrorCleansUpTheSocket_cb); do_write(NOT_A_GOOD_FRAME, sizeof(NOT_A_GOOD_FRAME)); SPIN_WHILE(err > 0); EXPECT_EQ(UV_EPROTO, err); }