var common = require('../common-tap.js') var test = require('tap').test var npm = require('../../') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var path = require('path') var mr = require('npm-registry-mock') var updateIndex = require('../../lib/cache/update-index.js') var PKG_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, 'get-basic') var CACHE_DIR = path.resolve(PKG_DIR, 'cache') var server var mocks = { basic: function (mock) { mock.get('/-/all').reply(200, allMock) }, auth: function (mock) { var littleBobbyTablesAuth = new Buffer('bobby:tables').toString('base64') var auth = 'Basic ' + littleBobbyTablesAuth mock.get('/-/all', { authorization: auth }).reply(200, allMock) mock.get('/-/all').reply(401, { error: 'unauthorized', reason: 'You are not authorized to access this db.' }) } } var allMock = { '_updated': 1411727900 + 25, 'generator-frontcow': { 'name': 'generator-frontcow', 'description': 'f36b6a6123da50959741e2ce4d634f96ec668c56 This is a fake description to ensure we do not accidentally search the real npm registry or use some kind of cache', 'dist-tags': { 'latest': '0.1.19' }, 'maintainers': [ { 'name': 'bcabanes', 'email': '' } ], 'homepage': '', 'keywords': [ 'sass', 'frontend', 'yeoman-generator', 'atomic', 'design', 'sass', 'foundation', 'foundation5', 'atomic design', 'bourbon', 'polyfill', 'font awesome' ], 'repository': { 'type': 'git', 'url': '' }, 'author': { 'name': 'ben', 'email': '', 'url': '' }, 'bugs': { 'url': '' }, 'license': 'MIT', 'readmeFilename': '', 'time': { 'modified': '2014-10-03T02:26:18.406Z' }, 'versions': { '0.1.19': 'latest' } }, 'marko': { 'name': 'marko', 'description': 'Marko is an extensible, streaming, asynchronous, high performance, HTML-based templating language that can be used in Node.js or in the browser.', 'dist-tags': { 'latest': '1.2.16' }, 'maintainers': [ { 'name': 'pnidem', 'email': '' }, { 'name': 'philidem', 'email': '' } ], 'homepage': '', 'keywords': [ 'templating', 'template', 'async', 'streaming' ], 'repository': { 'type': 'git', 'url': '' }, 'author': { 'name': 'Patrick Steele-Idem', 'email': '' }, 'bugs': { 'url': '' }, 'license': 'Apache License v2.0', 'readmeFilename': '', 'users': { 'pnidem': true }, 'time': { 'modified': '2014-10-03T02:27:31.775Z' }, 'versions': { '1.2.16': 'latest' } } } function setup (t, mock, extra) { mkdirp.sync(CACHE_DIR) mr({ port: common.port, plugin: mock }, function (er, s) { npm.load({ cache: CACHE_DIR, registry: common.registry }, function (err) { if (extra) { Object.keys(extra).forEach(function (k) { npm.config.set(k, extra[k], 'user') }) } t.ifError(err, 'no error') server = s t.end() }) }) } function cleanup (t) { server.close(function () { rimraf.sync(PKG_DIR) t.end() }) } test('setup basic', function (t) { setup(t, mocks.basic) }) test('request basic', function (t) { updateIndex(0, function (er) { t.ifError(er, 'no error') t.end() }) }) test('cleanup basic', cleanup) test('setup auth', function (t) { setup(t, mocks.auth) }) test('request auth failure', function (t) { updateIndex(0, function (er) { t.equals(er.code, 'E401', 'gotta get that auth') t.ok(/^unauthorized/.test(er.message), 'unauthorized message') t.end() }) }) test('cleanup auth failure', cleanup) test('setup auth', function (t) { // mimic as if alwaysAuth had been set setup(t, mocks.auth, { _auth: new Buffer('bobby:tables').toString('base64'), 'always-auth': true }) }) test('request auth success', function (t) { updateIndex(0, function (er) { t.ifError(er, 'no error') t.end() }) }) test('cleanup auth', cleanup)