'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var http = require('http'); var net = require('net'); var outstanding_reqs = 0; var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200, [['content-type', 'text/plain']]); res.addTrailers({'x-foo': 'bar'}); res.end('stuff' + '\n'); }); server.listen(common.PORT); // first, we test an HTTP/1.0 request. server.on('listening', function() { var c = net.createConnection(common.PORT); var res_buffer = ''; c.setEncoding('utf8'); c.on('connect', function() { outstanding_reqs++; c.write('GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n'); }); c.on('data', function(chunk) { //console.log(chunk); res_buffer += chunk; }); c.on('end', function() { c.end(); assert.ok(!/x-foo/.test(res_buffer), 'Trailer in HTTP/1.0 response.'); outstanding_reqs--; if (outstanding_reqs == 0) { server.close(); process.exit(); } }); }); // now, we test an HTTP/1.1 request. server.on('listening', function() { var c = net.createConnection(common.PORT); var res_buffer = ''; var tid; c.setEncoding('utf8'); c.on('connect', function() { outstanding_reqs++; c.write('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n'); tid = setTimeout(common.fail, 2000, 'Couldn\'t find last chunk.'); }); c.on('data', function(chunk) { //console.log(chunk); res_buffer += chunk; if (/0\r\n/.test(res_buffer)) { // got the end. outstanding_reqs--; clearTimeout(tid); assert.ok( /0\r\nx-foo: bar\r\n\r\n$/.test(res_buffer), 'No trailer in HTTP/1.1 response.' ); if (outstanding_reqs == 0) { server.close(); process.exit(); } } }); }); // now, see if the client sees the trailers. server.on('listening', function() { http.get({ port: common.PORT, path: '/hello', headers: {} }, function(res) { res.on('end', function() { //console.log(res.trailers); assert.ok('x-foo' in res.trailers, 'Client doesn\'t see trailers.'); outstanding_reqs--; if (outstanding_reqs == 0) { server.close(); process.exit(); } }); res.resume(); }); outstanding_reqs++; });