node.tcp.createServer = function () { throw new Error("node.tcp.createServer() has moved. Use require('/tcp.js') to access it."); }; node.createProcess = function () { throw "node.createProcess() has been changed to node.createChildProcess() update your code"; }; node.createChildProcess = function (file, args, env) { var child = new node.ChildProcess(); args = args || []; env = env || process.ENV; var envPairs = []; for (var key in env) { if (env.hasOwnProperty(key)) { envPairs.push(key + "=" + env[key]); } } // TODO Note envPairs is not currently used in The PATH // needs to be searched for the 'file' command if 'file' does not contain // a '/' character. child.spawn(file, args, envPairs); return child; }; node.exec = function () { throw new Error("node.exec() has moved. Use require('/sys.js') to bring it back."); } node.http.createServer = function () { throw new Error("node.http.createServer() has moved. Use require('/http.js') to access it."); } node.http.createClient = function () { throw new Error("node.http.createClient() has moved. Use require('/http.js') to access it."); } node.tcp.createConnection = function (port, host) { throw new Error("node.tcp.createConnection() has moved. Use require('/tcp.js') to access it."); }; include = function () { throw new Error("include() has been removed. Use node.mixin(process, require(file)) to get the same effect."); } /* From jQuery.extend in the jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2 * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * */ node.mixin = function() { // copy reference to target object var target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false, options; // Handle a deep copy situation if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { deep = target; target = arguments[1] || {}; // skip the boolean and the target i = 2; } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if ( typeof target !== "object" && !node.isFunction(target) ) target = {}; // mixin process itself if only one argument is passed if ( length == i ) { target = process; --i; } for ( ; i < length; i++ ) // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) // Extend the base object for ( var name in options ) { var src = target[ name ], copy = options[ name ]; // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) continue; // Recurse if we're merging object values if ( deep && copy && typeof copy === "object" && !copy.nodeType ) target[ name ] = node.mixin( deep, // Never move original objects, clone them src || ( copy.length != null ? [ ] : { } ) , copy ); // Don't bring in undefined values else if ( copy !== undefined ) target[ name ] = copy; } // Return the modified object return target; }; // Signal Handlers (function () { // anonymous namespace function isSignal (event) { return event.slice(0, 3) === 'SIG' && node.hasOwnProperty(event); }; process.addListener("newListener", function (event) { if (isSignal(event) && process.listeners(event).length === 0) { var handler = new node.SignalHandler(node[event]); handler.addListener("signal", function () { process.emit(event); }); } }); })(); // anonymous namespace // Timers function setTimeout (callback, after) { var timer = new node.Timer(); timer.addListener("timeout", callback); timer.start(after, 0); return timer; } function setInterval (callback, repeat) { var timer = new node.Timer(); timer.addListener("timeout", callback); timer.start(repeat, repeat); return timer; } function clearTimeout (timer) { timer.stop(); } clearInterval = clearTimeout; // Module node.libraryPaths = [ node.path.join(ENV["HOME"], ".node_libraries") , node.path.join(node.installPrefix, "lib/node/libraries") , "/" ]; if (ENV["NODE_LIBRARY_PATHS"]) { node.libraryPaths = ENV["NODE_LIBRARY_PATHS"].split(":").concat(node.libraryPaths); } node.Module = function (filename, parent) { node.assert(filename.charAt(0) == "/"); this.filename = filename; this.exports = {}; this.parent = parent; this.loaded = false; this.loadPromise = null; this.exited = false; this.children = []; }; node.Module.cache = {}; (function () { function retrieveFromCache (loadPromise, fullPath, parent) { var module; if (fullPath in node.Module.cache) { module = node.Module.cache[fullPath]; setTimeout(function () { loadPromise.emitSuccess(module.exports); }, 0); } else { module = new node.Module(fullPath, parent); node.Module.cache[fullPath] = module; module.load(loadPromise); } } function findPath (path, dirs, callback) { node.assert(path.charAt(0) == "/"); node.assert(dirs.constructor == Array); if (dirs.length == 0) { callback(); } else { var dir = dirs[0]; var rest = dirs.slice(1, dirs.length); var fullPath = node.path.join(dir, path); node.fs.exists(fullPath, function (doesExist) { if (doesExist) { callback(fullPath); } else { findPath(path, rest, callback); } }); } } node.loadModule = function (requestedPath, exports, parent) { var loadPromise = new node.Promise(); // On success copy the loaded properties into the exports loadPromise.addCallback(function (t) { for (var prop in t) { if (t.hasOwnProperty(prop)) exports[prop] = t[prop]; } }); loadPromise.addErrback(function (e) { node.stdio.writeError(e.message + "\n"); process.exit(1); }); if (!parent) { // root module node.assert(requestedPath.charAt(0) == "/"); retrieveFromCache(loadPromise, requestedPath); } else { if (requestedPath.charAt(0) == "/") { // Need to find the module in node.libraryPaths findPath(requestedPath, node.libraryPaths, function (fullPath) { if (fullPath) { retrieveFromCache(loadPromise, fullPath, parent); } else { loadPromise.emitError(new Error("Cannot find module '" + requestedPath + "'")); } }); } else { // Relative file load var fullPath = node.path.join(node.path.dirname(parent.filename), requestedPath); retrieveFromCache(loadPromise, fullPath, parent); } } return loadPromise; }; }()); node.Module.prototype.load = function (loadPromise) { if (this.loaded) { loadPromise.emitError(new Error("Module '" + self.filename + "' is already loaded.")); return; } node.assert(!node.loadPromise); this.loadPromise = loadPromise; if (this.filename.match(/\.node$/)) { this.loadObject(loadPromise); } else { this.loadScript(loadPromise); } }; node.Module.prototype.loadObject = function (loadPromise) { var self = this; // XXX Not yet supporting loading from HTTP. would need to download the // file, store it to tmp then run dlopen on it. node.fs.exists(self.filename, function (does_exist) { if (does_exist) { self.loaded = true; node.dlopen(self.filename, self.exports); // FIXME synchronus loadPromise.emitSuccess(self.exports); } else { loadPromise.emitError(new Error("Error reading " + self.filename)); } }); }; node.Module.prototype.loadScript = function (loadPromise) { var self = this; var catPromise =; catPromise.addErrback(function () { loadPromise.emitError(new Error("Error reading " + self.filename)); }); catPromise.addCallback(function (content) { // remove shebang content = content.replace(/^\#\!.*/, ''); function requireAsync (url) { return self.newChild(url); } function require (url) { return requireAsync(url).wait(); } require.paths = node.libraryPaths; require.async = requireAsync; // create wrapper function var wrapper = "var __wrap__ = function (__module, __filename, exports, require) { " + content + "\n}; __wrap__;"; var compiled_wrapper = node.compile(wrapper, self.filename); compiled_wrapper.apply(self.exports, [self, self.filename, self.exports, require]); self.waitChildrenLoad(function () { self.loaded = true; loadPromise.emitSuccess(self.exports); }); }); }; node.Module.prototype.newChild = function (path) { return node.loadModule(path, {}, this); }; node.Module.prototype.waitChildrenLoad = function (callback) { var nloaded = 0; var children = this.children; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (child.loaded) { nloaded++; } else { child.loadPromise.addCallback(function () { nloaded++; if (children.length == nloaded && callback) callback(); }); } } if (children.length == nloaded && callback) callback(); }; process.exit = function (code) { process.emit("exit"); node.reallyExit(code); }; node.exit = function (code) { throw new Error("node.exit() has been renamed to process.exit()."); }; (function () { var cwd = node.cwd(); // Make ARGV[0] and ARGV[1] into full paths. if (ARGV[0].charAt(0) != "/") { ARGV[0] = node.path.join(cwd, ARGV[0]); } if (ARGV[1].charAt(0) != "/") { ARGV[1] = node.path.join(cwd, ARGV[1]); } // Load the root module--the command line argument. node.loadModule(ARGV[1], process); }());