var assert =require('assert'); var IOWatcher = process.binding('io_watcher').IOWatcher; var errnoException = process.binding('net').errnoException; var close = process.binding('net').close; var net = require('net'); var ncomplete = 0; function test (N, b, cb) { var fdsSent = 0; var fdsRecv = 0; //console.trace(); var expected = N * b.length; var nread = 0; // Create a socketpair var fds = process.binding('net').socketpair(); // Use writev/dumper to send data down the one of the sockets, fds[1]. // This requires a IOWatcher. var w = new IOWatcher(); w.set(fds[1], false, true); w.isUnixSocket = true; w.callback = function (readable, writable) { assert.ok(!readable && writable); // not really important. // Insert watcher into dumpQueue =; = w; } var ndrain = 0; w.ondrain = function () { ndrain++; } var nerror = 0; w.onerror = function (errno) { throw errnoException(errno); nerror++; } // The read end, fds[0], will be used to count how much comes through. // This sets up a readable stream on fds[0]. var stream = new net.Stream({ fd: fds[0], type: 'unix' }); //stream.readable = true; stream.resume(); stream.on('fd', function (fd) { console.log('got fd %d', fd); fdsRecv++; }); // Count the data as it arrives on the other end stream.on('data', function (d) { nread += d.length; if (nread >= expected) { assert.ok(nread === expected); assert.equal(1, ndrain); assert.equal(0, nerror); console.error("done. wrote %d bytes\n", nread); close(fds[1]); } }); stream.on('close', function () { assert.equal(fdsSent, fdsRecv); // check to make sure the watcher isn't in the dump queue. for (var x = IOWatcher.dumpQueue; x; x = { assert.ok(x !== w); } assert.equal(null,; // completely flushed assert.ok(!w.firstBucket); assert.ok(!w.lastBucket); ncomplete++; if (cb) cb(); }); // Insert watcher into dumpQueue =; = w; w.firstBucket = { data: b }; w.lastBucket = w.firstBucket; w.queueSize = b.length; for (var i = 0; i < N-1; i++) { var bucket = { data: b }; = bucket; w.lastBucket = bucket; w.queueSize += b.length; // Kind of randomly fill these buckets with fds. if (fdsSent < 5 && i % 2 == 0) { bucket.fd = 1; // send stdout fdsSent++; } } } function runTests (values) { expectedToComplete = values.length; function go () { if (ncomplete < values.length) { var v = values[ncomplete]; console.log("test N=%d, size=%d", v[0], v[1].length); test(v[0], v[1], go); } } go(); } runTests([ [30, Buffer(1000)] , [4, Buffer(10000)] , [1, "hello world\n"] , [50, Buffer(1024*1024)] , [500, Buffer(40960+1)] , [500, Buffer(40960-1)] , [500, Buffer(40960)] , [500, Buffer(1024*1024+1)] , [50000, "hello world\n"] ]); process.on('exit', function () { assert.equal(expectedToComplete, ncomplete); });