'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var cp = require('child_process'); var common = require('../common'); common.refreshTmpDir(); process.chdir(common.tmpDir); // Unknown checked for to prevent flakiness, if pattern is not found, // then a large number of unknown ticks should be present runTest(/LazyCompile.*\[eval\]:1|.*% UNKNOWN/, `function f() { for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { i++; } setImmediate(function() { f(); }); }; setTimeout(function() { process.exit(0); }, 2000); f();`); if (common.isWindows || common.isSunOS || common.isAix || common.isLinuxPPCBE || common.isFreeBSD) { console.log('1..0 # Skipped: C++ symbols are not mapped for this os.'); return; } runTest(/RunInDebugContext/, `function f() { require(\'vm\').runInDebugContext(\'Debug\'); setImmediate(function() { f(); }); }; setTimeout(function() { process.exit(0); }, 2000); f();`); function runTest(pattern, code) { cp.execFileSync(process.execPath, ['-prof', '-pe', code]); var matches = fs.readdirSync(common.tmpDir).filter(function(file) { return /^isolate-/.test(file); }); if (matches.length != 1) { assert.fail(null, null, 'There should be a single log file.'); } var log = matches[0]; var out = cp.execSync(process.execPath + ' --prof-process --call-graph-size=10 ' + log, {encoding: 'utf8'}); assert(pattern.test(out)); fs.unlinkSync(log); }