#ifndef node_h
#define node_h

#include <ev.h>
#include <eio.h>
#include <v8.h>

namespace node {

#define NODE_SYMBOL(name) v8::String::NewSymbol(name)
#define NODE_METHOD(name) v8::Handle<v8::Value> name (const v8::Arguments& args)
#define NODE_SET_METHOD(obj, name, callback) \
  obj->Set(NODE_SYMBOL(name), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(callback)->GetFunction())
#define NODE_UNWRAP(type, value) static_cast<type*>(node::ObjectWrap::Unwrap(value))
#define NODE_DEFINE_CONSTANT(target, constant) \
  (target)->Set(v8::String::NewSymbol(#constant), v8::Integer::New(constant))

#define NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(templ, name, callback)                  \
do {                                                                      \
  Local<Signature> __callback##_SIG = Signature::New(templ);              \
  Local<FunctionTemplate> __callback##_TEM =                              \
    FunctionTemplate::New(callback, Handle<Value>() , __callback##_SIG ); \
  templ->PrototypeTemplate()->Set(NODE_SYMBOL(name), __callback##_TEM);   \
} while(0)

enum encoding {UTF8, RAW};
void fatal_exception (v8::TryCatch &try_catch); 
void eio_warmup (void); // call this before creating a new eio event.

class ObjectWrap {
  ObjectWrap (v8::Handle<v8::Object> handle);
  virtual ~ObjectWrap ( );

  virtual size_t size (void) = 0;

  /* This must be called after each new ObjectWrap creation! */
  static void InformV8ofAllocation (node::ObjectWrap *obj);

  static void* Unwrap (v8::Handle<v8::Object> handle);
  v8::Persistent<v8::Object> handle_;

  /* Attach() marks the object as being attached to an event loop.
   * Attached objects will not be garbage collected, even if
   * all references are lost.
  void Attach();
  /* Detach() marks an object as detached from the event loop.  This is its
   * default state.  When an object with a "weak" reference changes from
   * attached to detached state it will be freed. Be careful not to access
   * the object after making this call as it might be gone!
   * (A "weak reference" is v8 terminology for an object who only has a
   * persistant handle.)
  void Detach();

  static void MakeWeak (v8::Persistent<v8::Value> _, void *data);
  int attach_count_;
  bool weak_;

} // namespace node
#endif // node_h