// XXX lib/utils/tar.js and this file need to be rewritten. // URL-to-cache folder mapping: // : -> ! // @ -> _ // http://registry.npmjs.org/foo/version -> cache/http!/... // /* fetching a URL: 1. Check for URL in inflight URLs. If present, add cb, and return. 2. Acquire lock at {cache}/{sha(url)}.lock retries = {cache-lock-retries, def=10} stale = {cache-lock-stale, def=60000} wait = {cache-lock-wait, def=10000} 3. if lock can't be acquired, then fail 4. fetch url, clear lock, call cbs cache folders: 1. urls: http!/server.com/path/to/thing 2. c:\path\to\thing: file!/c!/path/to/thing 3. /path/to/thing: file!/path/to/thing 4. git@ private: git_github.com!npm/npm 5. git://public: git!/github.com/npm/npm 6. git+blah:// git-blah!/server.com/foo/bar adding a folder: 1. tar into tmp/random/package.tgz 2. untar into tmp/random/contents/package, stripping one dir piece 3. tar tmp/random/contents/package to cache/n/v/package.tgz 4. untar cache/n/v/package.tgz into cache/n/v/package 5. rm tmp/random Adding a url: 1. fetch to tmp/random/package.tgz 2. goto folder(2) adding a name@version: 1. registry.get(name/version) 2. if response isn't 304, add url(dist.tarball) adding a name@range: 1. registry.get(name) 2. Find a version that satisfies 3. add name@version adding a local tarball: 1. untar to tmp/random/{blah} 2. goto folder(2) adding a namespaced package: 1. lookup registry for @namespace 2. namespace_registry.get('name') 3. add url(namespace/latest.tarball) */ exports = module.exports = cache cache.unpack = unpack cache.clean = clean cache.read = read var npm = require('./npm.js') var fs = require('graceful-fs') var writeFileAtomic = require('write-file-atomic') var assert = require('assert') var rm = require('./utils/gently-rm.js') var readJson = require('read-package-json') var log = require('npmlog') var path = require('path') var asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap var tar = require('./utils/tar.js') var fileCompletion = require('./utils/completion/file-completion.js') var deprCheck = require('./utils/depr-check.js') var addNamed = require('./cache/add-named.js') var addLocal = require('./cache/add-local.js') var addRemoteTarball = require('./cache/add-remote-tarball.js') var addRemoteGit = require('./cache/add-remote-git.js') var inflight = require('inflight') var realizePackageSpecifier = require('realize-package-specifier') var npa = require('npm-package-arg') var getStat = require('./cache/get-stat.js') var cachedPackageRoot = require('./cache/cached-package-root.js') var mapToRegistry = require('./utils/map-to-registry.js') var output = require('./utils/output.js') cache.usage = 'npm cache add ' + '\nnpm cache add ' + '\nnpm cache add ' + '\nnpm cache add ' + '\nnpm cache add @' + '\nnpm cache ls []' + '\nnpm cache clean [[@]]' cache.completion = function (opts, cb) { var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain if (argv.length === 2) { return cb(null, ['add', 'ls', 'clean']) } switch (argv[2]) { case 'clean': case 'ls': // cache and ls are easy, because the completion is // what ls_ returns anyway. // just get the partial words, minus the last path part var p = path.dirname(opts.partialWords.slice(3).join('/')) if (p === '.') p = '' return ls_(p, 2, cb) case 'add': // Same semantics as install and publish. return npm.commands.install.completion(opts, cb) } } function cache (args, cb) { var cmd = args.shift() switch (cmd) { case 'rm': case 'clear': case 'clean': return clean(args, cb) case 'list': case 'sl': case 'ls': return ls(args, cb) case 'add': return add(args, npm.prefix, cb) default: return cb('Usage: ' + cache.usage) } } // if the pkg and ver are in the cache, then // just do a readJson and return. // if they're not, then fetch them from the registry. function read (name, ver, forceBypass, cb) { assert(typeof name === 'string', 'must include name of module to install') assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must include callback') if (forceBypass === undefined || forceBypass === null) forceBypass = true var root = cachedPackageRoot({name: name, version: ver}) function c (er, data) { if (er) log.verbose('cache', 'addNamed error for', name + '@' + ver, er) if (data) deprCheck(data) return cb(er, data) } if (forceBypass && npm.config.get('force')) { log.verbose('using force', 'skipping cache') return addNamed(name, ver, null, c) } readJson(path.join(root, 'package', 'package.json'), function (er, data) { if (er && er.code !== 'ENOENT' && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') return cb(er) if (data) { if (!data.name) return cb(new Error('No name provided')) if (!data.version) return cb(new Error('No version provided')) } if (er) return addNamed(name, ver, null, c) else c(er, data) }) } function normalize (args) { var normalized = '' if (args.length > 0) { var a = npa(args[0]) if (a.name) normalized = a.name if (a.rawSpec) normalized = [normalized, a.rawSpec].join('/') if (args.length > 1) normalized = [normalized].concat(args.slice(1)).join('/') } if (normalized.substr(-1) === '/') { normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 1) } normalized = path.normalize(normalized) log.silly('ls', 'normalized', normalized) return normalized } // npm cache ls [] function ls (args, cb) { var prefix = npm.config.get('cache') if (prefix.indexOf(process.env.HOME) === 0) { prefix = '~' + prefix.substr(process.env.HOME.length) } ls_(normalize(args), npm.config.get('depth'), function (er, files) { output(files.map(function (f) { return path.join(prefix, f) }).join('\n').trim()) cb(er, files) }) } // Calls cb with list of cached pkgs matching show. function ls_ (req, depth, cb) { return fileCompletion(npm.cache, req, depth, cb) } // npm cache clean [] function clean (args, cb) { assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must include callback') if (!args) args = [] var f = path.join(npm.cache, normalize(args)) if (f === npm.cache) { fs.readdir(npm.cache, function (er, files) { if (er) return cb() asyncMap( files.filter(function (f) { return npm.config.get('force') || f !== '-' }).map(function (f) { return path.join(npm.cache, f) }), rm, cb ) }) } else { rm(f, cb) } } // npm cache add // npm cache add // npm cache add // npm cache add cache.add = function (pkg, ver, where, scrub, cb) { assert(typeof pkg === 'string', 'must include name of package to install') assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must include callback') if (scrub) { return clean([], function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) add([pkg, ver], where, cb) }) } return add([pkg, ver], where, cb) } var adding = 0 function add (args, where, cb) { // this is hot code. almost everything passes through here. // the args can be any of: // ['url'] // ['pkg', 'version'] // ['pkg@version'] // ['pkg', 'url'] // This is tricky, because urls can contain @ // Also, in some cases we get [name, null] rather // that just a single argument. var usage = 'Usage:\n' + ' npm cache add \n' + ' npm cache add @\n' + ' npm cache add \n' + ' npm cache add \n' var spec log.silly('cache add', 'args', args) if (args[1] === undefined) args[1] = null // at this point the args length must ==2 if (args[1] !== null) { spec = args[0] + '@' + args[1] } else if (args.length === 2) { spec = args[0] } log.verbose('cache add', 'spec', spec) if (!spec) return cb(usage) adding++ cb = afterAdd(cb) realizePackageSpecifier(spec, where, function (err, p) { if (err) return cb(err) log.silly('cache add', 'parsed spec', p) switch (p.type) { case 'local': case 'directory': addLocal(p, null, cb) break case 'remote': // get auth, if possible mapToRegistry(p.raw, npm.config, function (err, uri, auth) { if (err) return cb(err) addRemoteTarball(p.spec, { name: p.name }, null, auth, cb) }) break case 'git': case 'hosted': addRemoteGit(p.rawSpec, cb) break default: if (p.name) return addNamed(p.name, p.spec, null, cb) cb(new Error("couldn't figure out how to install " + spec)) } }) } function unpack (pkg, ver, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb) { if (typeof cb !== 'function') { cb = gid gid = null } if (typeof cb !== 'function') { cb = uid uid = null } if (typeof cb !== 'function') { cb = fMode fMode = null } if (typeof cb !== 'function') { cb = dMode dMode = null } read(pkg, ver, false, function (er) { if (er) { log.error('unpack', 'Could not read data for %s', pkg + '@' + ver) return cb(er) } npm.commands.unbuild([unpackTarget], true, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) tar.unpack( path.join(cachedPackageRoot({ name: pkg, version: ver }), 'package.tgz'), unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb ) }) }) } function afterAdd (cb) { return function (er, data) { adding-- if (er || !data || !data.name || !data.version) return cb(er, data) log.silly('cache', 'afterAdd', data.name + '@' + data.version) // Save the resolved, shasum, etc. into the data so that the next // time we load from this cached data, we have all the same info. // Ignore if it fails. var pj = path.join(cachedPackageRoot(data), 'package', 'package.json') var done = inflight(pj, cb) if (!done) return log.verbose('afterAdd', pj, 'already in flight; not writing') log.verbose('afterAdd', pj, 'not in flight; writing') getStat(function (er, cs) { if (er) return done(er) writeFileAtomic(pj, JSON.stringify(data), { chown: cs }, function (er) { if (!er) log.verbose('afterAdd', pj, 'written') return done(null, data) }) }) } }