var common = require('../common-tap.js') var basename = require('path').basename var resolve = require('path').resolve var fs = require('graceful-fs') var test = require('tap').test var rimraf = require('rimraf') var Tacks = require('tacks') var File = Tacks.File var Dir = Tacks.Dir var Symlink = Tacks.Symlink var extend = Object.assign || require('util')._extend var isWindows = require('../../lib/utils/is-windows.js') var base = resolve(__dirname, basename(__filename, '.js')) var fixture = new Tacks(Dir({ 'working-dir': Dir({ 'node_modules': Dir({}) // so it doesn't try to install into npm's own node_modules }), 'test-module': Dir({ 'package.json': File({ name: '@test/linked', version: '1.0.0', bin: { linked: './index.js' } }), 'index.js': File("module.exports = function () { console.log('whoop whoop') }") }), 'global-dir': Dir({}), 'linked-global-dir': Symlink('global-dir') })) var workingDir = resolve(base, 'working-dir') var toInstall = resolve(base, 'test-module') var linkedGlobal = resolve(base, 'linked-global-dir') var env = extend({}, process.env) // We set the global install location via env var here // instead of passing it in via `--prefix` because // `--prefix` ALSO changes the current package location. // And we don't ue the PREFIX env var because // npm_config_prefix takes precedence over it and is // passed in when running from the npm test suite. env.npm_config_prefix = linkedGlobal var EXEC_OPTS = { cwd: workingDir, env: env } test('setup', function (t) { cleanup() setup() t.end() }) test('install and link', function (t) { // link our test module into the global folder common.npm( [ '--loglevel', 'error', 'link', toInstall ], EXEC_OPTS, function (er, code) { if (er) throw er, 0, 'link succeeded') var globalBin = resolve(linkedGlobal, isWindows ? '.' : 'bin', 'linked') var globalModule = resolve(linkedGlobal, isWindows ? '.' : 'lib', 'node_modules', '@test', 'linked') var localBin = resolve(workingDir, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'linked') var localModule = resolve(workingDir, 'node_modules', '@test', 'linked') try { t.ok(fs.statSync(globalBin), 'global bin exists'), true, 'global module is link') t.ok(fs.statSync(localBin), 'local bin exists'), true, 'local module is link') } catch (ex) { t.ifError(ex, 'linking happened') } if (code !== 0) return t.end() // and try removing it and make sure that succeeds common.npm( [ '--global', '--loglevel', 'error', 'rm', '@test/linked' ], EXEC_OPTS, function (er, code) { if (er) throw er, 0, 'rm succeeded') t.throws(function () { fs.statSync(globalBin) }, 'global bin removed') t.throws(function () { fs.statSync(globalModule) }, 'global module removed') t.end() } ) } ) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { cleanup() t.end() }) function cleanup () { fixture.remove(base) rimraf.sync(base) } function setup () { fixture.create(base) }