/** * `rawlist` type prompt */ var _ = require("lodash"); var util = require("util"); var chalk = require("chalk"); var Base = require("./base"); var Separator = require("../objects/separator"); var observe = require("../utils/events"); var Paginator = require("../utils/paginator"); /** * Module exports */ module.exports = Prompt; /** * Constructor */ function Prompt() { Base.apply( this, arguments ); if ( !this.opt.choices ) { this.throwParamError("choices"); } this.validateChoices( this.opt.choices ); // Add the default `help` (/expand) option this.opt.choices.push({ key : "h", name : "Help, list all options", value : "help" }); // Setup the default string (capitalize the default key) this.opt.default = this.generateChoicesString( this.opt.choices, this.opt.default ); this.paginator = new Paginator(); } util.inherits( Prompt, Base ); /** * Start the Inquiry session * @param {Function} cb Callback when prompt is done * @return {this} */ Prompt.prototype._run = function( cb ) { this.done = cb; // Save user answer and update prompt to show selected option. var events = observe(this.rl); this.lineObs = events.line.forEach( this.onSubmit.bind(this) ); this.keypressObs = events.keypress.forEach( this.onKeypress.bind(this) ); // Init the prompt this.render(); return this; }; /** * Render the prompt to screen * @return {Prompt} self */ Prompt.prototype.render = function (error, hint) { var message = this.getQuestion(); var bottomContent = ''; if ( this.status === "answered" ) { message += chalk.cyan( this.selected.name ); } else if ( this.status === "expanded" ) { var choicesStr = renderChoices(this.opt.choices, this.selectedKey); message += this.paginator.paginate(choicesStr, this.selectedKey, this.opt.pageSize); message += "\n Answer: "; } message += this.rl.line; if (error) { bottomContent = chalk.red('>> ') + error; } if (hint) { bottomContent = chalk.cyan('>> ') + hint; } this.screen.render(message, bottomContent); }; /** * Generate the prompt choices string * @return {String} Choices string */ Prompt.prototype.getChoices = function() { var output = ""; this.opt.choices.forEach(function( choice, i ) { output += "\n "; if ( choice.type === "separator" ) { output += " " + choice; return; } var choiceStr = choice.key + ") " + choice.name; if ( this.selectedKey === choice.key ) { choiceStr = chalk.cyan( choiceStr ); } output += choiceStr; }.bind(this)); return output; }; /** * When user press `enter` key */ Prompt.prototype.onSubmit = function( input ) { if ( input == null || input === "" ) { input = this.rawDefault; } var selected = this.opt.choices.where({ key : input.toLowerCase() })[0]; if ( selected != null && selected.key === "h" ) { this.selectedKey = ""; this.status = "expanded"; this.render(); return; } if ( selected != null ) { this.status = "answered"; this.selected = selected; // Re-render prompt this.render(); this.lineObs.dispose(); this.keypressObs.dispose(); this.screen.done(); this.done( this.selected.value ); return; } // Input is invalid this.render("Please enter a valid command"); }; /** * When user press a key */ Prompt.prototype.onKeypress = function( s, key ) { this.selectedKey = this.rl.line.toLowerCase(); var selected = this.opt.choices.where({ key : this.selectedKey })[0]; if ( this.status === "expanded" ) { this.render(); } else { this.render(null, selected ? selected.name : null); } }; /** * Validate the choices * @param {Array} choices */ Prompt.prototype.validateChoices = function( choices ) { var formatError; var errors = []; var keymap = {}; choices.filter(Separator.exclude).map(function( choice ) { if ( !choice.key || choice.key.length !== 1 ) { formatError = true; } if ( keymap[choice.key] ) { errors.push(choice.key); } keymap[ choice.key ] = true; choice.key = String( choice.key ).toLowerCase(); }); if ( formatError ) { throw new Error("Format error: `key` param must be a single letter and is required."); } if ( keymap.h ) { throw new Error("Reserved key error: `key` param cannot be `h` - this value is reserved."); } if ( errors.length ) { throw new Error( "Duplicate key error: `key` param must be unique. Duplicates: " + _.uniq(errors).join(", ") ); } }; /** * Generate a string out of the choices keys * @param {Array} choices * @param {Number} defaultIndex - the choice index to capitalize * @return {String} The rendered choices key string */ Prompt.prototype.generateChoicesString = function( choices, defaultIndex ) { var defIndex = 0; if ( _.isNumber(defaultIndex) && this.opt.choices.getChoice(defaultIndex) ) { defIndex = defaultIndex; } var defStr = this.opt.choices.pluck("key"); this.rawDefault = defStr[ defIndex ]; defStr[ defIndex ] = String( defStr[defIndex] ).toUpperCase(); return defStr.join(""); }; /** * Function for rendering checkbox choices * @param {String} pointer Selected key * @return {String} Rendered content */ function renderChoices (choices, pointer) { var output = ''; choices.forEach(function (choice, i) { output += '\n '; if (choice.type === 'separator') { output += ' ' + choice; return; } var choiceStr = choice.key + ') ' + choice.name; if (pointer === choice.key) { choiceStr = chalk.cyan(choiceStr); } output += choiceStr; }); return output; }