module.exports = exports = search var npm = require("./npm.js") , registry = require("./utils/npm-registry-client/index.js") , semver = require("semver") , output , log = require("./utils/log.js") search.usage = "npm search [some search terms ...]" search.completion = function (opts, cb) { var compl = {} , partial = opts.partialWord , ipartial = partial.toLowerCase() , plen = partial.length // get the batch of data that matches so far. // this is an example of using programmatically // to fetch data that has been filtered by a set of arguments. search(opts.conf.argv.remain.slice(2), true, function (er, data) { if (er) return cb(er) Object.keys(data).forEach(function (name) { data[name].words.split(" ").forEach(function (w) { if (w.toLowerCase().indexOf(ipartial) === 0) { compl[partial + w.substr(plen)] = true } }) }) cb(null, Object.keys(compl)) }) } function search (args, silent, staleness, cb_) { if (typeof cb_ !== "function") cb_ = staleness, staleness = 600 if (typeof cb_ !== "function") cb_ = silent, silent = false var searchopts = npm.config.get("searchopts") , searchexclude = npm.config.get("searchexclude") if (typeof searchopts !== "string") searchopts = "" searchopts = searchopts.split(/\s+/) if (typeof searchexclude === "string") { searchexclude = searchexclude.split(/\s+/) } else searchexclude = [] var opts = searchopts.concat(args).map(function (s) { return s.toLowerCase() }).filter(function (s) { return s }) searchexclude = (s) { return s.toLowerCase() }) getFilteredData( staleness, opts, searchexclude, function (er, data) { // now data is the list of data that we want to show. // prettify and print it, and then provide the raw // data to the cb. if (er || silent) return cb_(er, data) function cb (er) { return cb_(er, data) } output = output || require("./utils/output.js") output.write(prettify(data, args), cb) }) } function getFilteredData (staleness, args, notArgs, cb) { registry.get( "/-/all", null, staleness, false , true, function (er, data) { if (er) return cb(er) return cb(null, filter(data, args, notArgs)) }) } function filter (data, args, notArgs) { // data={:{package data}} return Object.keys(data).map(function (d) { return data[d] }).filter(function (d) { return typeof d === "object" }).map(stripData).map(getWords).filter(function (data) { return filterWords(data, args, notArgs) }).reduce(function (l, r) { l[] = r return l }, {}) } function stripData (data) { return { , description:npm.config.get("description") ? data.description : "" , maintainers:(data.maintainers || []).map(function (m) { return "=" + }) , url:!Object.keys(data.versions || {}).length ? data.url : null , keywords:data.keywords || [] } } function getWords (data) { data.words = [ ] .concat(data.description) .concat(data.maintainers) .concat(data.url && ("<" + data.url + ">")) .concat(data.keywords) .map(function (f) { return f && f.trim && f.trim() }) .filter(function (f) { return f }) .join(" ") .toLowerCase() return data } function filterWords (data, args, notArgs) { var words = data.words for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i ++) { if (words.indexOf(args[i]) === -1) { return false } } for (var i = 0, l = notArgs.length; i < l; i ++) { if (words.indexOf(notArgs[i]) !== -1) return false } return true } function prettify (data, args) { try { var tty = require("tty") , stdout = process.stdout , cols = !tty.isatty(stdout.fd) ? Infinity : stdout._handle ? stdout._handle.getWindowSize()[0] : tty.getWindowSize()[1] } catch (ex) { cols = Infinity } // name, desc, author, keywords var longest = [] , spaces , maxLen = [20, 60, 20, Infinity] , headings = ["NAME", "DESCRIPTION", "AUTHOR", "KEYWORDS"] , lines lines = Object.keys(data).map(function (d) { return data[d] }).filter(function (data) { return }).map(function (data) { // turn a pkg data into a string // [name,who,desc,targets,keywords] tuple // also set longest to the longest name if (typeof data.keywords === "string") { data.keywords = data.keywords.split(/[,\s]+/) } if (!Array.isArray(data.keywords)) data.keywords = [] var l = [ , data.description || "" , data.maintainers.join(" ") , (data.keywords || []).join(" ") ] l.forEach(function (s, i) { var len = s.length longest[i] = Math.min(maxLen[i] || Infinity ,Math.max(longest[i] || 0, len)) if (len > longest[i]) { l._undent = l._undent || [] l._undent[i] = len - longest[i] } l[i] = l[i].replace(/\s+/g, " ") }) return l }).map(function (line) { return (s, i) { spaces = spaces || (n) { return new Array(n + 2).join(" ") }) var len = s.length if (line._undent && line._undent[i - 1]) { len += line._undent[i - 1] - 1 } return s + spaces[i].substr(len) }).join(" ").substr(0, cols).trim() }).sort(function (a, b) { return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1 }).map(function (line) { // colorize! args.forEach(function (arg, i) { line = addColorMarker(line, arg, i) }) return colorize(line).trim() }) if (lines.length === 0) { return "No match found for "+(" ")) } // build the heading padded to the longest in each field return (h, i) { var space = Math.max(2, 3 + (longest[i] || 0) - h.length) return h + (new Array(space).join(" ")) }).join("").substr(0, cols).trim() + "\n" + lines.join("\n") } var colors = [31, 33, 32, 36, 34, 35 ] , cl = colors.length function addColorMarker (str, arg, i) { var m = i % cl + 1 , markStart = String.fromCharCode(m) , markEnd = String.fromCharCode(0) , pieces = str.toLowerCase().split(arg.toLowerCase()) , p = 0 return (piece, i) { piece = str.substr(p, piece.length) var mark = markStart + str.substr(p+piece.length, arg.length) + markEnd p += piece.length + arg.length return piece + mark }).join("") return str.split(arg).join(mark) } function colorize (line) { for (var i = 0; i < cl; i ++) { var m = i + 1 line = line.split(String.fromCharCode(m)).join("\033["+colors[i]+"m") } return line.split("\u0000").join("\033[0m") }