module.exports = which which.sync = whichSync var isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' || process.env.OSTYPE === 'cygwin' || process.env.OSTYPE === 'msys' var path = require('path') var COLON = isWindows ? ';' : ':' var isExe var fs = require('fs') var isAbsolute = require('is-absolute') var G = parseInt('0010', 8) var U = parseInt('0100', 8) var UG = parseInt('0110', 8) if (isWindows) { // On windows, there is no good way to check that a file is executable isExe = function isExe () { return true } } else { isExe = function isExe (mod, uid, gid) { var ret = (mod & 1) || (mod & U) && process.getgid && gid === process.getgid() || (mod & G) && process.getuid && uid === process.getuid() || (mod & UG) && process.getuid && 0 === process.getuid() if (!ret && process.getgroups && (mod & G)) { var groups = process.getgroups() for (var g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) { if (groups[g] === gid) return true } } return ret } } function getPathInfo(cmd, opt) { var colon = opt.colon || COLON var pathEnv = opt.path || process.env.PATH || '' var pathExt = [''] pathEnv = pathEnv.split(colon) if (isWindows) { pathEnv.unshift(process.cwd()) pathExt = (opt.pathExt || process.env.PATHEXT || '.EXE').split(colon) if (cmd.indexOf('.') !== -1 && pathExt[0] !== '') pathExt.unshift('') } // If it's absolute, then we don't bother searching the pathenv. // just check the file itself, and that's it. if (isAbsolute(cmd)) pathEnv = [''] return {env: pathEnv, ext: pathExt} } function which (cmd, opt, cb) { if (typeof opt === 'function') { cb = opt opt = {} } var info = getPathInfo(cmd, opt) var pathEnv = info.env var pathExt = info.ext ;(function F (i, l) { if (i === l) return cb(new Error('not found: '+cmd)) var p = path.resolve(pathEnv[i], cmd) ;(function E (ii, ll) { if (ii === ll) return F(i + 1, l) var ext = pathExt[ii] fs.stat(p + ext, function (er, stat) { if (!er && stat.isFile() && isExe(stat.mode, stat.uid, stat.gid)) { return cb(null, p + ext) } return E(ii + 1, ll) }) })(0, pathExt.length) })(0, pathEnv.length) } function whichSync (cmd, opt) { opt = opt || {} var info = getPathInfo(cmd, opt) var pathEnv = info.env var pathExt = info.ext for (var i = 0, l = pathEnv.length; i < l; i ++) { var p = path.join(pathEnv[i], cmd) for (var j = 0, ll = pathExt.length; j < ll; j ++) { var cur = p + pathExt[j] var stat try { stat = fs.statSync(cur) if (stat.isFile() && isExe(stat.mode, stat.uid, stat.gid)) return cur } catch (ex) {} } } throw new Error('not found: '+cmd) }