# util

    Stability: 5 - Locked

These functions are in the module `'util'`. Use `require('util')` to access

## util.format(format, [...])

Returns a formatted string using the first argument as a `printf`-like format.

The first argument is a string that contains zero or more *placeholders*.
Each placeholder is replaced with the converted value from its corresponding
argument. Supported placeholders are:

* `%s` - String.
* `%d` - Number (both integer and float).
* `%j` - JSON.
* `%%` - single percent sign (`'%'`). This does not consume an argument.

If the placeholder does not have a corresponding argument, the placeholder is
not replaced.

    util.format('%s:%s', 'foo'); // 'foo:%s'

If there are more arguments than placeholders, the extra arguments are
converted to strings with `util.inspect()` and these strings are concatenated,
delimited by a space.

    util.format('%s:%s', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'); // 'foo:bar baz'

If the first argument is not a format string then `util.format()` returns
a string that is the concatenation of all its arguments separated by spaces.
Each argument is converted to a string with `util.inspect()`.

    util.format(1, 2, 3); // '1 2 3'

## util.debug(string)

A synchronous output function. Will block the process and
output `string` immediately to `stderr`.

    require('util').debug('message on stderr');

## util.error([...])

Same as `util.debug()` except this will output all arguments immediately to

## util.puts([...])

A synchronous output function. Will block the process and output all arguments
to `stdout` with newlines after each argument.

## util.print([...])

A synchronous output function. Will block the process, cast each argument to a
string then output to `stdout`. Does not place newlines after each argument.

## util.log(string)

Output with timestamp on `stdout`.

    require('util').log('Timestamped message.');

## util.inspect(object, [options])

Return a string representation of `object`, which is useful for debugging.

An optional *options* object may be passed that alters certain aspects of the
formatted string:

 - `showHidden` - if `true` then the object's non-enumerable properties will be
   shown too. Defaults to `false`.

 - `depth` - tells `inspect` how many times to recurse while formatting the
   object. This is useful for inspecting large complicated objects. Defaults to
   `2`. To make it recurse indefinitely pass `null`.

 - `colors` - if `true`, then the output will be styled with ANSI color codes.
   Defaults to `false`. Colors are customizable, see below.

 - `customInspect` - if `false`, then custom `inspect()` functions defined on the
   objects being inspected won't be called. Defaults to `true`.

Example of inspecting all properties of the `util` object:

    var util = require('util');

    console.log(util.inspect(util, { showHidden: true, depth: null }));

### Customizing `util.inspect` colors

Color output (if enabled) of `util.inspect` is customizable globally
via `util.inspect.styles` and `util.inspect.colors` objects.

`util.inspect.styles` is a map assigning each style a color
from `util.inspect.colors`.
Highlighted styles and their default values are:
 * `number` (yellow)
 * `boolean` (yellow)
 * `string` (green)
 * `date` (magenta)
 * `regexp` (red)
 * `null` (bold)
 * `undefined` (grey)
 * `special` - only function at this time (cyan)
 * `name` (intentionally no styling)

Predefined color codes are: `white`, `grey`, `black`, `blue`, `cyan`, 
`green`, `magenta`, `red` and `yellow`.
There are also `bold`, `italic`, `underline` and `inverse` codes.

Objects also may define their own `inspect(depth)` function which `util.inspect()`
will invoke and use the result of when inspecting the object:

    var util = require('util');

    var obj = { name: 'nate' };
    obj.inspect = function(depth) {
      return '{' + this.name + '}';

      // "{nate}"

## util.isArray(object)

Returns `true` if the given "object" is an `Array`. `false` otherwise.

    var util = require('util');

      // true
    util.isArray(new Array)
      // true
      // false

## util.isRegExp(object)

Returns `true` if the given "object" is a `RegExp`. `false` otherwise.

    var util = require('util');

    util.isRegExp(/some regexp/)
      // true
    util.isRegExp(new RegExp('another regexp'))
      // true
      // false

## util.isDate(object)

Returns `true` if the given "object" is a `Date`. `false` otherwise.

    var util = require('util');

    util.isDate(new Date())
      // true
      // false (without 'new' returns a String)
      // false

## util.isError(object)

Returns `true` if the given "object" is an `Error`. `false` otherwise.

    var util = require('util');

    util.isError(new Error())
      // true
    util.isError(new TypeError())
      // true
    util.isError({ name: 'Error', message: 'an error occurred' })
      // false

## util.pump(readableStream, writableStream, [callback])

    Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use readableStream.pipe(writableStream)

Read the data from `readableStream` and send it to the `writableStream`.
When `writableStream.write(data)` returns `false` `readableStream` will be
paused until the `drain` event occurs on the `writableStream`. `callback` gets
an error as its only argument and is called when `writableStream` is closed or
when an error occurs.

## util.inherits(constructor, superConstructor)

Inherit the prototype methods from one
into another.  The prototype of `constructor` will be set to a new
object created from `superConstructor`.

As an additional convenience, `superConstructor` will be accessible
through the `constructor.super_` property.

    var util = require("util");
    var events = require("events");

    function MyStream() {

    util.inherits(MyStream, events.EventEmitter);

    MyStream.prototype.write = function(data) {
        this.emit("data", data);

    var stream = new MyStream();

    console.log(stream instanceof events.EventEmitter); // true
    console.log(MyStream.super_ === events.EventEmitter); // true

    stream.on("data", function(data) {
        console.log('Received data: "' + data + '"');
    stream.write("It works!"); // Received data: "It works!"