"""SCons.Script.SConscript This module defines the Python API provided to SConscript and SConstruct files. """ # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "src/engine/SCons/Script/SConscript.py 3842 2008/12/20 22:59:52 scons" import SCons import SCons.Action import SCons.Builder import SCons.Defaults import SCons.Environment import SCons.Errors import SCons.Node import SCons.Node.Alias import SCons.Node.FS import SCons.Platform import SCons.SConf import SCons.Script.Main import SCons.Tool import SCons.Util import os import os.path import re import string import sys import traceback import types import UserList # The following variables used to live in this module. Some # SConscript files out there may have referred to them directly as # SCons.Script.SConscript.*. This is now supported by some special # handling towards the bottom of the SConscript.__init__.py module. #Arguments = {} #ArgList = [] #BuildTargets = TargetList() #CommandLineTargets = [] #DefaultTargets = [] class SConscriptReturn(Exception): pass launch_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) GlobalDict = None # global exports set by Export(): global_exports = {} # chdir flag sconscript_chdir = 1 def get_calling_namespaces(): """Return the locals and globals for the function that called into this module in the current call stack.""" try: 1/0 except ZeroDivisionError: # Don't start iterating with the current stack-frame to # prevent creating reference cycles (f_back is safe). frame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back # Find the first frame that *isn't* from this file. This means # that we expect all of the SCons frames that implement an Export() # or SConscript() call to be in this file, so that we can identify # the first non-Script.SConscript frame as the user's local calling # environment, and the locals and globals dictionaries from that # frame as the calling namespaces. See the comment below preceding # the DefaultEnvironmentCall block for even more explanation. while frame.f_globals.get("__name__") == __name__: frame = frame.f_back return frame.f_locals, frame.f_globals def compute_exports(exports): """Compute a dictionary of exports given one of the parameters to the Export() function or the exports argument to SConscript().""" loc, glob = get_calling_namespaces() retval = {} try: for export in exports: if SCons.Util.is_Dict(export): retval.update(export) else: try: retval[export] = loc[export] except KeyError: retval[export] = glob[export] except KeyError, x: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Export of non-existent variable '%s'"%x return retval class Frame: """A frame on the SConstruct/SConscript call stack""" def __init__(self, fs, exports, sconscript): self.globals = BuildDefaultGlobals() self.retval = None self.prev_dir = fs.getcwd() self.exports = compute_exports(exports) # exports from the calling SConscript # make sure the sconscript attr is a Node. if isinstance(sconscript, SCons.Node.Node): self.sconscript = sconscript elif sconscript == '-': self.sconscript = None else: self.sconscript = fs.File(str(sconscript)) # the SConstruct/SConscript call stack: call_stack = [] # For documentation on the methods in this file, see the scons man-page def Return(*vars, **kw): retval = [] try: fvars = SCons.Util.flatten(vars) for var in fvars: for v in string.split(var): retval.append(call_stack[-1].globals[v]) except KeyError, x: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Return of non-existent variable '%s'"%x if len(retval) == 1: call_stack[-1].retval = retval[0] else: call_stack[-1].retval = tuple(retval) stop = kw.get('stop', True) if stop: raise SConscriptReturn stack_bottom = '% Stack boTTom %' # hard to define a variable w/this name :) def _SConscript(fs, *files, **kw): top = fs.Top sd = fs.SConstruct_dir.rdir() exports = kw.get('exports', []) # evaluate each SConscript file results = [] for fn in files: call_stack.append(Frame(fs, exports, fn)) old_sys_path = sys.path try: SCons.Script.sconscript_reading = SCons.Script.sconscript_reading + 1 if fn == "-": exec sys.stdin in call_stack[-1].globals else: if isinstance(fn, SCons.Node.Node): f = fn else: f = fs.File(str(fn)) _file_ = None # Change directory to the top of the source # tree to make sure the os's cwd and the cwd of # fs match so we can open the SConscript. fs.chdir(top, change_os_dir=1) if f.rexists(): _file_ = open(f.rfile().get_abspath(), "r") elif f.has_src_builder(): # The SConscript file apparently exists in a source # code management system. Build it, but then clear # the builder so that it doesn't get built *again* # during the actual build phase. f.build() f.built() f.builder_set(None) if f.exists(): _file_ = open(f.get_abspath(), "r") if _file_: # Chdir to the SConscript directory. Use a path # name relative to the SConstruct file so that if # we're using the -f option, we're essentially # creating a parallel SConscript directory structure # in our local directory tree. # # XXX This is broken for multiple-repository cases # where the SConstruct and SConscript files might be # in different Repositories. For now, cross that # bridge when someone comes to it. try: src_dir = kw['src_dir'] except KeyError: ldir = fs.Dir(f.dir.get_path(sd)) else: ldir = fs.Dir(src_dir) if not ldir.is_under(f.dir): # They specified a source directory, but # it's above the SConscript directory. # Do the sensible thing and just use the # SConcript directory. ldir = fs.Dir(f.dir.get_path(sd)) try: fs.chdir(ldir, change_os_dir=sconscript_chdir) except OSError: # There was no local directory, so we should be # able to chdir to the Repository directory. # Note that we do this directly, not through # fs.chdir(), because we still need to # interpret the stuff within the SConscript file # relative to where we are logically. fs.chdir(ldir, change_os_dir=0) # TODO Not sure how to handle src_dir here os.chdir(f.rfile().dir.get_abspath()) # Append the SConscript directory to the beginning # of sys.path so Python modules in the SConscript # directory can be easily imported. sys.path = [ f.dir.get_abspath() ] + sys.path # This is the magic line that actually reads up # and executes the stuff in the SConscript file. # The locals for this frame contain the special # bottom-of-the-stack marker so that any # exceptions that occur when processing this # SConscript can base the printed frames at this # level and not show SCons internals as well. call_stack[-1].globals.update({stack_bottom:1}) old_file = call_stack[-1].globals.get('__file__') try: del call_stack[-1].globals['__file__'] except KeyError: pass try: try: exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals except SConscriptReturn: pass finally: if old_file is not None: call_stack[-1].globals.update({__file__:old_file}) else: SCons.Warnings.warn(SCons.Warnings.MissingSConscriptWarning, "Ignoring missing SConscript '%s'" % f.path) finally: SCons.Script.sconscript_reading = SCons.Script.sconscript_reading - 1 sys.path = old_sys_path frame = call_stack.pop() try: fs.chdir(frame.prev_dir, change_os_dir=sconscript_chdir) except OSError: # There was no local directory, so chdir to the # Repository directory. Like above, we do this # directly. fs.chdir(frame.prev_dir, change_os_dir=0) rdir = frame.prev_dir.rdir() rdir._create() # Make sure there's a directory there. try: os.chdir(rdir.get_abspath()) except OSError, e: # We still couldn't chdir there, so raise the error, # but only if actions are being executed. # # If the -n option was used, the directory would *not* # have been created and we should just carry on and # let things muddle through. This isn't guaranteed # to work if the SConscript files are reading things # from disk (for example), but it should work well # enough for most configurations. if SCons.Action.execute_actions: raise e results.append(frame.retval) # if we only have one script, don't return a tuple if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return tuple(results) def SConscript_exception(file=sys.stderr): """Print an exception stack trace just for the SConscript file(s). This will show users who have Python errors where the problem is, without cluttering the output with all of the internal calls leading up to where we exec the SConscript.""" exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() tb = exc_tb while tb and not tb.tb_frame.f_locals.has_key(stack_bottom): tb = tb.tb_next if not tb: # We did not find our exec statement, so this was actually a bug # in SCons itself. Show the whole stack. tb = exc_tb stack = traceback.extract_tb(tb) try: type = exc_type.__name__ except AttributeError: type = str(exc_type) if type[:11] == "exceptions.": type = type[11:] file.write('%s: %s:\n' % (type, exc_value)) for fname, line, func, text in stack: file.write(' File "%s", line %d:\n' % (fname, line)) file.write(' %s\n' % text) def annotate(node): """Annotate a node with the stack frame describing the SConscript file and line number that created it.""" tb = sys.exc_info()[2] while tb and not tb.tb_frame.f_locals.has_key(stack_bottom): tb = tb.tb_next if not tb: # We did not find any exec of an SConscript file: what?! raise SCons.Errors.InternalError, "could not find SConscript stack frame" node.creator = traceback.extract_stack(tb)[0] # The following line would cause each Node to be annotated using the # above function. Unfortunately, this is a *huge* performance hit, so # leave this disabled until we find a more efficient mechanism. #SCons.Node.Annotate = annotate class SConsEnvironment(SCons.Environment.Base): """An Environment subclass that contains all of the methods that are particular to the wrapper SCons interface and which aren't (or shouldn't be) part of the build engine itself. Note that not all of the methods of this class have corresponding global functions, there are some private methods. """ # # Private methods of an SConsEnvironment. # def _exceeds_version(self, major, minor, v_major, v_minor): """Return 1 if 'major' and 'minor' are greater than the version in 'v_major' and 'v_minor', and 0 otherwise.""" return (major > v_major or (major == v_major and minor > v_minor)) def _get_major_minor_revision(self, version_string): """Split a version string into major, minor and (optionally) revision parts. This is complicated by the fact that a version string can be something like 3.2b1.""" version = string.split(string.split(version_string, ' ')[0], '.') v_major = int(version[0]) v_minor = int(re.match('\d+', version[1]).group()) if len(version) >= 3: v_revision = int(re.match('\d+', version[2]).group()) else: v_revision = 0 return v_major, v_minor, v_revision def _get_SConscript_filenames(self, ls, kw): """ Convert the parameters passed to # SConscript() calls into a list of files and export variables. If the parameters are invalid, throws SCons.Errors.UserError. Returns a tuple (l, e) where l is a list of SConscript filenames and e is a list of exports. """ exports = [] if len(ls) == 0: try: dirs = kw["dirs"] except KeyError: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, \ "Invalid SConscript usage - no parameters" if not SCons.Util.is_List(dirs): dirs = [ dirs ] dirs = map(str, dirs) name = kw.get('name', 'SConscript') files = map(lambda n, name = name: os.path.join(n, name), dirs) elif len(ls) == 1: files = ls[0] elif len(ls) == 2: files = ls[0] exports = self.Split(ls[1]) else: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, \ "Invalid SConscript() usage - too many arguments" if not SCons.Util.is_List(files): files = [ files ] if kw.get('exports'): exports.extend(self.Split(kw['exports'])) variant_dir = kw.get('variant_dir') or kw.get('build_dir') if variant_dir: if len(files) != 1: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, \ "Invalid SConscript() usage - can only specify one SConscript with a variant_dir" duplicate = kw.get('duplicate', 1) src_dir = kw.get('src_dir') if not src_dir: src_dir, fname = os.path.split(str(files[0])) files = [os.path.join(str(variant_dir), fname)] else: if not isinstance(src_dir, SCons.Node.Node): src_dir = self.fs.Dir(src_dir) fn = files[0] if not isinstance(fn, SCons.Node.Node): fn = self.fs.File(fn) if fn.is_under(src_dir): # Get path relative to the source directory. fname = fn.get_path(src_dir) files = [os.path.join(str(variant_dir), fname)] else: files = [fn.abspath] kw['src_dir'] = variant_dir self.fs.VariantDir(variant_dir, src_dir, duplicate) return (files, exports) # # Public methods of an SConsEnvironment. These get # entry points in the global name space so they can be called # as global functions. # def Configure(self, *args, **kw): if not SCons.Script.sconscript_reading: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Calling Configure from Builders is not supported." kw['_depth'] = kw.get('_depth', 0) + 1 return apply(SCons.Environment.Base.Configure, (self,)+args, kw) def Default(self, *targets): SCons.Script._Set_Default_Targets(self, targets) def EnsureSConsVersion(self, major, minor, revision=0): """Exit abnormally if the SCons version is not late enough.""" scons_ver = self._get_major_minor_revision(SCons.__version__) if scons_ver < (major, minor, revision): if revision: scons_ver_string = '%d.%d.%d' % (major, minor, revision) else: scons_ver_string = '%d.%d' % (major, minor) print "SCons %s or greater required, but you have SCons %s" % \ (scons_ver_string, SCons.__version__) sys.exit(2) def EnsurePythonVersion(self, major, minor): """Exit abnormally if the Python version is not late enough.""" try: v_major, v_minor, v_micro, release, serial = sys.version_info python_ver = (v_major, v_minor) except AttributeError: python_ver = self._get_major_minor_revision(sys.version)[:2] if python_ver < (major, minor): v = string.split(sys.version, " ", 1)[0] print "Python %d.%d or greater required, but you have Python %s" %(major,minor,v) sys.exit(2) def Exit(self, value=0): sys.exit(value) def Export(self, *vars): for var in vars: global_exports.update(compute_exports(self.Split(var))) def GetLaunchDir(self): global launch_dir return launch_dir def GetOption(self, name): name = self.subst(name) return SCons.Script.Main.GetOption(name) def Help(self, text): text = self.subst(text, raw=1) SCons.Script.HelpFunction(text) def Import(self, *vars): try: frame = call_stack[-1] globals = frame.globals exports = frame.exports for var in vars: var = self.Split(var) for v in var: if v == '*': globals.update(global_exports) globals.update(exports) else: if exports.has_key(v): globals[v] = exports[v] else: globals[v] = global_exports[v] except KeyError,x: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Import of non-existent variable '%s'"%x def SConscript(self, *ls, **kw): def subst_element(x, subst=self.subst): if SCons.Util.is_List(x): x = map(subst, x) else: x = subst(x) return x ls = map(subst_element, ls) subst_kw = {} for key, val in kw.items(): if SCons.Util.is_String(val): val = self.subst(val) elif SCons.Util.is_List(val): result = [] for v in val: if SCons.Util.is_String(v): v = self.subst(v) result.append(v) val = result subst_kw[key] = val files, exports = self._get_SConscript_filenames(ls, subst_kw) subst_kw['exports'] = exports return apply(_SConscript, [self.fs,] + files, subst_kw) def SConscriptChdir(self, flag): global sconscript_chdir sconscript_chdir = flag def SetOption(self, name, value): name = self.subst(name) SCons.Script.Main.SetOption(name, value) # # # SCons.Environment.Environment = SConsEnvironment def Configure(*args, **kw): if not SCons.Script.sconscript_reading: raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "Calling Configure from Builders is not supported." kw['_depth'] = 1 return apply(SCons.SConf.SConf, args, kw) # It's very important that the DefaultEnvironmentCall() class stay in this # file, with the get_calling_namespaces() function, the compute_exports() # function, the Frame class and the SConsEnvironment.Export() method. # These things make up the calling stack leading up to the actual global # Export() or SConscript() call that the user issued. We want to allow # users to export local variables that they define, like so: # # def func(): # x = 1 # Export('x') # # To support this, the get_calling_namespaces() function assumes that # the *first* stack frame that's not from this file is the local frame # for the Export() or SConscript() call. _DefaultEnvironmentProxy = None def get_DefaultEnvironmentProxy(): global _DefaultEnvironmentProxy if not _DefaultEnvironmentProxy: default_env = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment() _DefaultEnvironmentProxy = SCons.Environment.NoSubstitutionProxy(default_env) return _DefaultEnvironmentProxy class DefaultEnvironmentCall: """A class that implements "global function" calls of Environment methods by fetching the specified method from the DefaultEnvironment's class. Note that this uses an intermediate proxy class instead of calling the DefaultEnvironment method directly so that the proxy can override the subst() method and thereby prevent expansion of construction variables (since from the user's point of view this was called as a global function, with no associated construction environment).""" def __init__(self, method_name, subst=0): self.method_name = method_name if subst: self.factory = SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment else: self.factory = get_DefaultEnvironmentProxy def __call__(self, *args, **kw): env = self.factory() method = getattr(env, self.method_name) return apply(method, args, kw) def BuildDefaultGlobals(): """ Create a dictionary containing all the default globals for SConstruct and SConscript files. """ global GlobalDict if GlobalDict is None: GlobalDict = {} import SCons.Script d = SCons.Script.__dict__ def not_a_module(m, d=d, mtype=type(SCons.Script)): return type(d[m]) != mtype for m in filter(not_a_module, dir(SCons.Script)): GlobalDict[m] = d[m] return GlobalDict.copy()