'use strict' var test = require('tap').test var fs = require('fs') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var path = require('path') var common = require('../common-tap.js') var testdir = path.resolve(__dirname, path.basename(__filename, '.js')) var modAdir = path.resolve(testdir, 'modA') var modB1dir = path.resolve(testdir, 'modB@1') var modB2dir = path.resolve(testdir, 'modB@2') var modCdir = path.resolve(testdir, 'modC') var testjson = { dependencies: { modA: 'file://' + modAdir, modC: 'file://' + modCdir } } var testshrinkwrap = { dependencies: { modA: { version: '1.0.0', from: 'modA', resolved: 'file://' + modAdir }, modB: { version: '1.0.0', from: 'modB@1', resolved: 'file://' + modB1dir } } } var modAjson = { name: 'modA', version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { 'modB': 'file://' + modB1dir } } var modCjson = { name: 'modC', version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { 'modB': 'file://' + modB2dir } } var modB1json = { name: 'modB', version: '1.0.0' } var modB2json = { name: 'modB', version: '2.0.0' } function writepjson (dir, content) { writejson(dir, 'package.json', content) } function writejson (dir, file, content) { writefile(dir, file, JSON.stringify(content, null, 2)) } function writefile (dir, file, content) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dir, file), content) } function setup () { mkdirp.sync(testdir) writepjson(testdir, testjson) writejson(testdir, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json', testshrinkwrap) mkdirp.sync(modAdir) writepjson(modAdir, modAjson) mkdirp.sync(modB1dir) writepjson(modB1dir, modB1json) writefile(modB1dir, 'B1', '') mkdirp.sync(modB2dir) writepjson(modB2dir, modB2json) writefile(modB2dir, 'B2', '') mkdirp.sync(modCdir) writepjson(modCdir, modCjson) } function cleanup () { rimraf.sync(testdir) } test('setup', function (t) { cleanup() setup() t.end() }) // Shrinkwraps need to let you override dependency versions specified in // package.json files. Indeed, this was already supported, but it was a bit // to keen on this. Previously, if you had a dep in your shrinkwrap then // anything that required that dependency would count as a match, regardless // of version. // This test ensures that the broad matching is not done when the matched // module is not a direct child of the module doing the requiring. test('bundled', function (t) { common.npm(['install'], {cwd: testdir}, function (err, code, out, stderr) { t.is(err, null, 'No fatal errors running npm') t.is(code, 0, 'npm itself completed ok') // Specifically, if B2 exists (or the modB directory under modC at all) // that means modC was given its own copy of modB. Without the patch // that went with this test, it wouldn't have been installed because npm // would have consider modB@1 to have fulfilled modC's requirement. fs.stat(path.join(testdir, 'node_modules', 'modC', 'node_modules', 'modB', 'B2'), function (missing) { t.ok(!missing, 'modC got the right version of modB') t.end() }) }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { cleanup() t.end() })