'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const cluster = require('cluster'); const net = require('net'); function forEach(obj, fn) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(name, index) { fn(obj[name], name); }); } if (cluster.isWorker) { // Create a tcp server. This will be used as cluster-shared-server and as an // alternative IPC channel. const server = net.Server(); let socket, message; function maybeReply() { if (!socket || !message) return; // Tell master using TCP socket that a message is received. socket.write(JSON.stringify({ code: 'received message', echo: message })); } server.on('connection', function(socket_) { socket = socket_; maybeReply(); // Send a message back over the IPC channel. process.send('message from worker'); }); process.on('message', function(message_) { message = message_; maybeReply(); }); server.listen(common.PORT, ''); } else if (cluster.isMaster) { const checks = { global: { 'receive': false, 'correct': false }, master: { 'receive': false, 'correct': false }, worker: { 'receive': false, 'correct': false } }; let client; const check = function(type, result) { checks[type].receive = true; checks[type].correct = result; console.error('check', checks); let missing = false; forEach(checks, function(type) { if (type.receive === false) missing = true; }); if (missing === false) { console.error('end client'); client.end(); } }; // Spawn worker const worker = cluster.fork(); // When a IPC message is received from the worker worker.on('message', function(message) { check('master', message === 'message from worker'); }); cluster.on('message', function(worker_, message) { assert.strictEqual(worker_, worker); check('global', message === 'message from worker'); }); // When a TCP server is listening in the worker connect to it worker.on('listening', function() { client = net.connect(common.PORT, function() { // Send message to worker. worker.send('message from master'); }); client.on('data', function(data) { // All data is JSON data = JSON.parse(data.toString()); if (data.code === 'received message') { check('worker', data.echo === 'message from master'); } else { throw new Error('wrong TCP message recived: ' + data); } }); // When the connection ends kill worker and shutdown process client.on('end', function() { worker.kill(); }); worker.on('exit', function() { process.exit(0); }); }); process.once('exit', function() { forEach(checks, function(check, type) { assert.ok(check.receive, 'The ' + type + ' did not receive any message'); assert.ok(check.correct, 'The ' + type + ' did not get the correct message'); }); }); }