var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var got_error = false; var success_count = 0; var mode_async; var mode_sync; var is_windows = process.platform === 'win32'; // Need to hijack to make sure that things // get closed once they're opened. fs._open =; fs._openSync = fs.openSync; = open; fs.openSync = openSync; fs._close = fs.close; fs._closeSync = fs.closeSync; fs.close = close; fs.closeSync = closeSync; var openCount = 0; function open() { openCount++; return fs._open.apply(fs, arguments); } function openSync() { openCount++; return fs._openSync.apply(fs, arguments); } function close() { openCount--; return fs._close.apply(fs, arguments); } function closeSync() { openCount--; return fs._closeSync.apply(fs, arguments); } // On Windows chmod is only able to manipulate read-only bit if (is_windows) { mode_async = 0400; // read-only mode_sync = 0600; // read-write } else { mode_async = 0777; mode_sync = 0644; } var file1 = path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'a.js'), file2 = path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'a1.js'); fs.chmod(file1, mode_async.toString(8), function(err) { if (err) { got_error = true; } else { console.log(fs.statSync(file1).mode); if (is_windows) { assert.ok((fs.statSync(file1).mode & 0777) & mode_async); } else { assert.equal(mode_async, fs.statSync(file1).mode & 0777); } fs.chmodSync(file1, mode_sync); if (is_windows) { assert.ok((fs.statSync(file1).mode & 0777) & mode_sync); } else { assert.equal(mode_sync, fs.statSync(file1).mode & 0777); } success_count++; } });, 'a', function(err, fd) { if (err) { got_error = true; console.error(err.stack); return; } fs.fchmod(fd, mode_async.toString(8), function(err) { if (err) { got_error = true; } else { console.log(fs.fstatSync(fd).mode); if (is_windows) { assert.ok((fs.fstatSync(fd).mode & 0777) & mode_async); } else { assert.equal(mode_async, fs.fstatSync(fd).mode & 0777); } fs.fchmodSync(fd, mode_sync); if (is_windows) { assert.ok((fs.fstatSync(fd).mode & 0777) & mode_sync); } else { assert.equal(mode_sync, fs.fstatSync(fd).mode & 0777); } success_count++; fs.close(fd); } }); }); // lchmod if (fs.lchmod) { var link = path.join(common.tmpDir, 'symbolic-link'); try { fs.unlinkSync(link); } catch (er) {} fs.symlinkSync(file2, link); fs.lchmod(link, mode_async, function(err) { if (err) { got_error = true; } else { console.log(fs.lstatSync(link).mode); assert.equal(mode_async, fs.lstatSync(link).mode & 0777); fs.lchmodSync(link, mode_sync); assert.equal(mode_sync, fs.lstatSync(link).mode & 0777); success_count++; } }); } else { success_count++; } process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(3, success_count); assert.equal(0, openCount); assert.equal(false, got_error); });