var sys = require("sys"), events = require("events"), wrapExpression = /^[ \t]+/, multipartExpression = new RegExp( "^multipart\/(" + "mixed|rfc822|message|digest|alternative|" + "related|report|signed|encrypted|form-data|" + "x-mixed-replace|byteranges)", "i"), boundaryExpression = /boundary=([^;]+)/i, CR = "\r", LF = "\n", CRLF = CR+LF, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH = 16 * 1024, // parser states. s = 0, S_NEW_PART = s++, S_HEADER = s++, S_BODY = s++; exports.parse = parse; = cat; exports.Stream = Stream; // Parse a streaming message to a stream. // If the message has a "body" and no "addListener", then // just take it in and write() the body. function parse (message) { return new Stream(message); }; // WARNING: DONT EVER USE THE CAT FUNCTION IN PRODUCTION WEBSITES!! // It works pretty great, and it's a nice test function. But if // you use this function to parse an HTTP request from a live web // site, then you're essentially giving the world permission to // rack up as much memory usage as they can manage. This function // buffers the whole message, which is very convenient, but also // very much the wrong thing to do in most cases. function cat (message) { var p = new (events.Promise), stream = parse(message); stream.files = {}; stream.fields = {}; stream.addListener("partBegin", function (part) { if (part.filename) stream.files[part.filename] = part; if ( stream.fields[] = part; }); stream.addListener("body", function (chunk) { stream.part.body = (stream.part.body || "") + chunk; }); stream.addListener("error", function (e) { p.emitError(e) }); stream.addListener("complete", function () { p.emitSuccess(stream) }); return p; }; // events: // "partBegin", "partEnd", "body", "complete" // everything emits on the Stream directly. // the stream's "parts" object is a nested collection of the header objects // check the stream's "part" member to know what it's currently chewin on. // this.part.parent refers to that part's containing message (which may be // the stream itself) // child messages inherit their parent's headers // A non-multipart message looks just like a multipart message with a // single part. function Stream (message) { var isMultiPart = multipartHeaders(message, this), w = isMultiPart ? writer(this) : simpleWriter(this), e = ender(this); if (message.addListener) { message.addListener("body", w); message.addListener("complete", e); if (message.pause && message.resume) { this._pause = message; } } else if (message.body) { var self = this; if (message.body.pause && message.body.resume) { this._pause = message.body; } if (message.body.addListener) { message.body.addListener("data", w); message.body.addListener("end", e); } if (message.body.forEach) { var p = message.body.forEach(w); if (p && p.addCallback) p.addCallback(e); else e(); } else { // just write a string. w(message.body); e(); } } }; Stream.prototype = { __proto__ : events.EventEmitter.prototype, error : function (ex) { this._error = ex; this.emit("error", ex); }, pause : function () { if (this._pause) return this._pause.pause(); throw new Error("Unsupported"); }, resume : function () { if (this._pause) return this._pause.resume(); throw new Error("Unsupported"); } }; // check the headers of the message. If it wants to be multipart, // then we'll be returning true. Regardless, if supplied, then // stream will get a headers object that inherits from message's. // If no stream object is supplied, then this function just inspects // the message's headers for multipartness, and modifies the message // directly. This divergence is so that we can avoid modifying // the original message when we want a wrapper, but still have the // info available when it's one of our own objects. function multipartHeaders (message, stream) { var field, val, contentType, contentDisposition = ""; if (stream) stream.headers = {}; for (var h in message.headers) if (message.headers.hasOwnProperty(h)) { val = message.headers[h]; field = h.toLowerCase(); if (stream) stream.headers[field] = val; if (field === "content-type") { contentType = val; } else if (field === "content-disposition") { contentDisposition = val; } } if (!Array.isArray(contentDisposition)) { contentDisposition = contentDisposition.split(","); } contentDisposition = contentDisposition[contentDisposition.length - 1]; var mutate = (stream || message); // Name and filename can come along with either content-disposition // or content-type. Well-behaved agents use CD rather than CT, // but sadly not all agents are well-behaved. [contentDisposition, contentType].forEach(function (h) { if (!h) return; var cd = h.split(/; */); cd.shift(); for (var i = 0, l = cd.length; i < l; i ++) { var bit = cd[i].split("="), name = bit.shift(), val = stripQuotes(bit.join("=")); if (name === "filename" || name === "name") { mutate[name] = val; } } }); if (!contentType) { return false; } // legacy // TODO: Update this when/if jsgi-style headers are supported. // this will keep working, but is less efficient than it could be. if (!Array.isArray(contentType)) { contentType = contentType.split(","); } contentType = contentType[contentType.length-1]; // make sure it's actually multipart. var mpType = multipartExpression.exec(contentType); if (!mpType) { return false; } // make sure we have a boundary. var boundary = boundaryExpression.exec(contentType); if (!boundary) { return false; } mutate.type = mpType[1]; mutate.boundary = "--" + boundary[1]; mutate.isMultiPart = true; return true; }; function simpleWriter (stream) { stream.part = stream; stream.type = false; var started = false; return function (chunk) { if (!started) { stream.emit("partBegin", stream); started = true; } stream.emit("body", chunk); }; } function writer (stream) { var buffer = "", state = S_NEW_PART, part = stream.part = stream; = []; stream.parent = stream; return function (chunk) { if (stream._error) return; // write to the buffer, and then process the buffer. buffer += chunk; while (buffer.length > 0) { while (buffer.substr(0, 2) === CRLF) buffer = buffer.substr(2); switch (state) { case S_NEW_PART: // part is a multipart message. // we're either going to start reading a new part, or we're going to // end the current part, depending on whether the boundary has -- at // the end. either way, we expect --boundary right away. var boundary = part.boundary, len = boundary.length, offset = buffer.indexOf(boundary); if (offset === -1) { if (buffer.length > MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH) { return stream.error(new Error( "Malformed: boundary not found at start of message")); } // keep waiting for it. return; } if (offset > 0) { return stream.error(Error("Malformed: data before the boundary")); } if (buffer.length < (len + 2)) { // we'll need to see either -- or CRLF after the boundary. // get it on the next pass. return; } if (buffer.substr(len, 2) === "--") { // this message is done. // chomp off the boundary and crlf and move up if (part !== stream) { // wait to see the crlf, unless this is the top-level message. if (buffer.length < (len + 4)) { return; } if (buffer.substr(len+2, 2) !== CRLF) { return stream.error(new Error( "Malformed: CRLF not found after boundary")); } } buffer = buffer.substr(len + 4); stream.emit("partEnd", part); stream.part = part = part.parent; state = S_NEW_PART; continue; } if (part !== stream) { // wait to see the crlf, unless this is the top-level message. if (buffer.length < (len + 2)) { return; } if (buffer.substr(len, 2) !== CRLF) { return stream.error(new Error( "Malformed: CRLF not found after boundary")); } } // walk past the crlf buffer = buffer.substr(len + 2); // mint a new child part, and start parsing headers. stream.part = part = startPart(part); state = S_HEADER; continue; case S_HEADER: // just grab everything to the double crlf. var headerEnd = buffer.indexOf(CRLF+CRLF); if (headerEnd === -1) { if (buffer.length > MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH) { return stream.error(new Error( "Malformed: header unreasonably long.")); } return; } var headerString = buffer.substr(0, headerEnd); // chomp off the header and the empty line. buffer = buffer.substr(headerEnd + 4); try { parseHeaderString(part.headers, headerString); } catch (ex) { return stream.error(ex); } multipartHeaders(part); // let the world know stream.emit("partBegin", part); if (part.isMultiPart) { // it has a boundary and we're ready to grab parts out. state = S_NEW_PART; } else { // it doesn't have a boundary, and is about to // start spitting out body bits. state = S_BODY; } continue; case S_BODY: // look for part.parent.boundary var boundary = part.parent.boundary, offset = buffer.indexOf(boundary); if (offset === -1) { // emit and wait for more data, but be careful, because // we might only have half of the boundary so far. // make sure to leave behind the boundary's length, so that we'll // definitely get it next time if it's on its way. var emittable = buffer.length - boundary.length; if (buffer.substr(-1) === CR) emittable -= 1; if (buffer.substr(-2) === CRLF) emittable -= 2; if (emittable > 0) { stream.emit("body", buffer.substr(0, emittable)); buffer = buffer.substr(emittable); } // haven't seen the boundary, so wait for more bytes. return; } if (offset > 0) { var emit = buffer.substr(0, offset); if (emit.substr(-2) === CRLF) emit = emit.substr(0, emit.length-2); if (emit) stream.emit("body", emit); buffer = buffer.substr(offset); } // let em know we're done. stream.emit("partEnd", part); // now buffer starts with boundary. if (buffer.substr(boundary.length, 2) === "--") { // message end. // parent ends, look for a new part in the grandparent. stream.part = part = part.parent; stream.emit("partEnd", part); stream.part = part = part.parent; state = S_NEW_PART; buffer = buffer.substr(boundary.length + 4); } else { // another part coming for the parent message. stream.part = part = part.parent; state = S_NEW_PART; } continue; } } }; }; function parseHeaderString (headers, string) { var lines = string.split(CRLF), field, value, line; for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i ++) { line = lines[i]; if (line.match(wrapExpression)) { if (!field) { throw new Error("Malformed. First header starts with whitespace."); } value += line.replace(wrapExpression, " "); continue; } else if (field) { // now that we know it's not wrapping, put it on the headers obj. affixHeader(headers, field, value); } line = line.split(":"); field = line.shift().toLowerCase(); if (!field) { throw new Error("Malformed: improper field name."); } value = line.join(":").replace(/^\s+/, ""); } // now affix the last field. affixHeader(headers, field, value); }; function affixHeader (headers, field, value) { if (!headers.hasOwnProperty(field)) { headers[field] = value; } else if (Array.isArray(headers[field])) { headers[field].push(value); } else { headers[field] = [headers[field], value]; } }; function startPart (parent) { var part = { headers : {}, parent : parent }; = || [];; return part; }; function ender (stream) { return function () { if (stream._error) return; if (!stream.isMultiPart) stream.emit("partEnd", stream); stream.emit("complete"); }}; function stripslashes(str) { // + original by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // + improved by: Ates Goral ( // + fixed by: Mick@el // + improved by: marrtins // + bugfixed by: Onno Marsman // + improved by: rezna // + input by: Rick Waldron // + reimplemented by: Brett Zamir ( // * example 1: stripslashes("Kevin\'s code"); // * returns 1: "Kevin's code" // * example 2: stripslashes("Kevin\\\'s code"); // * returns 2: "Kevin\'s code" return (str+"").replace(/\\(.?)/g, function (s, n1) { switch(n1) { case "\\": return "\\"; case "0": return "\0"; case "": return ""; default: return n1; } }); }; function stripQuotes (str) { str = stripslashes(str); return str.substr(1, str.length - 2); };