# Deprecated APIs Node.js may deprecate APIs when either: (a) use of the API is considered to be unsafe, (b) an improved alternative API has been made available, or (c) breaking changes to the API are expected in a future major release. Node.js utilizes three kinds of Deprecations: * Documentation-only * Runtime * End-of-Life A Documentation-only deprecation is one that is expressed only within the Node.js API docs. These generate no side-effects while running Node.js. A Runtime deprecation will, by default, generate a process warning that will be printed to `stderr` the first time the deprecated API is used. When the `--throw-deprecation` command-line flag is used, a Runtime deprecation will cause an error to be thrown. An End-of-Life deprecation is used to identify code that either has been removed or will soon be removed from Node.js. ## Un-deprecation From time-to-time the deprecation of an API may be reversed. Such action may happen in either a semver-minor or semver-major release. In such situations, this document will be updated with information relevant to the decision. *However, the deprecation identifier will not be modified*. ## List of Deprecated APIs ### DEP0001: http.OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush Type: Runtime The `OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush()` method is deprecated. Use `OutgoingMessage.prototype.flushHeaders()` instead. ### DEP0002: require('\_linklist') Type: Runtime The `_linklist` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative. ### DEP0003: \_writableState.buffer Type: Runtime The `_writableState.buffer` property is deprecated. Use the `_writableState.getBuffer()` method instead. ### DEP0004: CryptoStream.prototype.readyState Type: Documentation-only The `CryptoStream.prototype.readyState` property is deprecated and should not be used. ### DEP0005: Buffer() constructor Type: Documentation-only The `Buffer()` function and `new Buffer()` constructor are deprecated due to API usability issues that can potentially lead to accidental security issues. As an alternative, use of the following methods of constructing `Buffer` objects is strongly recommended: * [`Buffer.alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])`][alloc] - Create a `Buffer` with *initialized* memory. * [`Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)`][alloc_unsafe_size] - Create a `Buffer` with *uninitialized* memory. * [`Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)`][] - Create a `Buffer` with *uninitialized* memory. * [`Buffer.from(array)`][] - Create a `Buffer` with a copy of `array` * [`Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])`][from_arraybuffer] - Create a `Buffer` that wraps the given `arrayBuffer`. * [`Buffer.from(buffer)`][] - Create a `Buffer` that copies `buffer`. * [`Buffer.from(string[, encoding])`][from_string_encoding] - Create a `Buffer` that copies `string`. ### DEP0006: child\_process options.customFds Type: Runtime Within the [`child_process`][] module's `spawn()`, `fork()`, and `exec()` methods, the `options.customFds` option is deprecated. The `options.stdio` option should be used instead. ### DEP0007: cluster worker.suicide Type: Runtime Within the `cluster` module, the [`worker.suicide`][] property has been deprecated. Please use [`worker.exitedAfterDisconnect`][] instead. ### DEP0008: require('constants') Type: Documentation-only The `constants` module has been deprecated. When requiring access to constants relevant to specific Node.js builtin modules, developers should instead refer to the `constants` property exposed by the relevant module. For instance, `require('fs').constants` and `require('os').constants`. ### DEP0009: crypto.pbkdf2 without digest Type: End-of-life Use of the [`crypto.pbkdf2()`][] API without specifying a digest was deprecated in Node.js 6.0 because the method defaulted to using the non-recommendend `'SHA1'` digest. Previously, a deprecation warning was printed. Starting in Node.js 8.0.0, calling `crypto.pbkdf2()` or `crypto.pbkdf2Sync()` with an undefined `digest` will throw a `TypeError`. ### DEP0010: crypto.createCredentials Type: Runtime The [`crypto.createCredentials()`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`tls.createSecureContext()`][] instead. ### DEP0011: crypto.Credentials Type: Runtime The `crypto.Credentials` class is deprecated. Please use [`tls.SecureContext`][] instead. ### DEP0012: Domain.dispose Type: Runtime [`Domain.dispose()`][] is deprecated. Recover from failed I/O actions explicitly via error event handlers set on the domain instead. ### DEP0013: fs async function without callback Type: Runtime Calling an asynchronous function without a callback is deprecated. ### DEP0014: fs.read legacy String interface Type: End-of-Life The [`fs.read()`][] legacy String interface is deprecated. Use the Buffer API as mentioned in the documentation instead. ### DEP0015: fs.readSync legacy String interface Type: End-of-Life The [`fs.readSync()`][] legacy String interface is deprecated. Use the Buffer API as mentioned in the documentation instead. ### DEP0016: GLOBAL/root Type: Runtime The `GLOBAL` and `root` aliases for the `global` property have been deprecated and should no longer be used. ### DEP0017: Intl.v8BreakIterator Type: Runtime The `Intl.v8BreakIterator` is deprecated and will be removed or replaced soon. ### DEP0018: Unhandled promise rejections Type: Runtime Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. ### DEP0019: require('.') resolved outside directory Type: Runtime In certain cases, `require('.')` may resolve outside the package directory. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in a future major Node.js release. ### DEP0020: Server.connections Type: Runtime The [`Server.connections`][] property is deprecated. Please use the [`Server.getConnections()`][] method instead. ### DEP0021: Server.listenFD Type: Runtime The `Server.listenFD()` method is deprecated. Please use [`Server.listen({fd: })`][] instead. ### DEP0022: os.tmpDir() Type: Runtime The `os.tmpDir()` API is deprecated. Please use [`os.tmpdir()`][] instead. ### DEP0023: os.getNetworkInterfaces() Type: Runtime The `os.getNetworkInterfaces()` method is deprecated. Please use the [`os.networkInterfaces`][] property instead. ### DEP0024: REPLServer.prototype.convertToContext() Type: Runtime The `REPLServer.prototype.convertToContext()` API is deprecated and should not be used. ### DEP0025: require('sys') Type: Runtime The `sys` module is deprecated. Please use the [`util`][] module instead. ### DEP0026: util.print() Type: Runtime The [`util.print()`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`console.log()`][] instead. ### DEP0027: util.puts() Type: Runtime The [`util.puts()`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`console.log()`][] instead. ### DEP0028: util.debug() Type: Runtime The [`util.debug()`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`console.error()`][] instead. ### DEP0029: util.error() Type: Runtime The [`util.error()`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`console.error()`][] instead. ### DEP0030: SlowBuffer Type: Documentation-only The [`SlowBuffer`][] class has been deprecated. Please use [`Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)`][] instead. ### DEP0031: ecdh.setPublicKey() Type: Documentation-only The [`ecdh.setPublicKey()`][] method is now deprecated as its inclusion in the API is not useful. ### DEP0032: domain module Type: Documentation-only The [`domain`][] module is deprecated and should not be used. ### DEP0033: EventEmitter.listenerCount() Type: Documentation-only The [`EventEmitter.listenerCount(emitter, eventName)`][] API has been deprecated. Please use [`emitter.listenerCount(eventName)`][] instead. ### DEP0034: fs.exists(path, callback) Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.exists(path, callback)`][] API has been deprecated. Please use [`fs.stat()`][] or [`fs.access()`][] instead. ### DEP0035: fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback) Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback)`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0036: fs.lchmodSync(path, mode) Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.lchmodSync(path, mode)`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0037: fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback) Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0038: fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid) Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid)`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0039: require.extensions Type: Documentation-only The [`require.extensions`][] property has been deprecated. ### DEP0040: punycode module Type: Documentation-only The [`punycode`][] module has been deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead. ### DEP0041: NODE\_REPL\_HISTORY\_FILE environment variable Type: Documentation-only The `NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE` environment variable has been deprecated. ### DEP0042: tls.CryptoStream Type: Documentation-only The [`tls.CryptoStream`][] class has been deprecated. Please use [`tls.TLSSocket`][] instead. ### DEP0043: tls.SecurePair Type: Documentation-only The [`tls.SecurePair`][] class has been deprecated. Please use [`tls.TLSSocket`][] instead. ### DEP0044: util.isArray() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isArray()`][] API has been deprecated. Please use `Array.isArray()` instead. ### DEP0045: util.isBoolean() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isBoolean()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0046: util.isBuffer() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isBuffer()`][] API has been deprecated. Please use [`Buffer.isBuffer()`][] instead. ### DEP0047: util.isDate() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isDate()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0048: util.isError() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isError()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0049: util.isFunction() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isFunction()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0050: util.isNull() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isNull()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0051: util.isNullOrUndefined() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isNullOrUndefined()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0052: util.isNumber() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isNumber()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0053 util.isObject() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isObject()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0054: util.isPrimitive() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isPrimitive()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0055: util.isRegExp() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isRegExp()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0056: util.isString() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isString()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0057: util.isSymbol() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isSymbol()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0058: util.isUndefined() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isUndefined()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0059: util.log() Type: Documentation-only The [`util.log()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0060: util.\_extend() Type: Documentation-only The [`util._extend()`][] API has been deprecated. ### DEP0061: fs.SyncWriteStream Type: Runtime The `fs.SyncWriteStream` class was never intended to be a publicly accessible API. No alternative API is available. Please use a userland alternative. ### DEP0062: node --debug Type: Runtime `--debug` activates the legacy V8 debugger interface, which has been removed as of V8 5.8. It is replaced by Inspector which is activated with `--inspect` instead. ### DEP0063: ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader() Type: Documentation-only The `http` module `ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader()` API has been deprecated. Please use `ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead()` instead. *Note*: The `ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader()` method was never documented as an officially supported API. ### DEP0064: tls.createSecurePair() Type: Runtime The `tls.createSecurePair()` API was deprecated in documentation in Node.js 0.11.3. Users should use `tls.Socket` instead. ### DEP0065: repl.REPL_MODE_MAGIC and NODE_REPL_MODE=magic Type: Documentation-only The `repl` module's `REPL_MODE_MAGIC` constant, used for `replMode` option, has been deprecated. Its behavior has been functionally identical to that of `REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` since Node.js v6.0.0, when V8 5.0 was imported. Please use `REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` instead. The `NODE_REPL_MODE` environment variable is used to set the underlying `replMode` of an interactive `node` session. Its default value, `magic`, is similarly deprecated in favor of `sloppy`. ### DEP0066: outgoingMessage.\_headers, outgoingMessage.\_headerNames Type: Documentation-only The `http` module `outgoingMessage._headers` and `outgoingMessage._headerNames` properties have been deprecated. Please instead use one of the public methods (e.g. `outgoingMessage.getHeader()`, `outgoingMessage.getHeaders()`, `outgoingMessage.getHeaderNames()`, `outgoingMessage.hasHeader()`, `outgoingMessage.removeHeader()`, `outgoingMessage.setHeader()`) for working with outgoing headers. *Note*: `outgoingMessage._headers` and `outgoingMessage._headerNames` were never documented as officially supported properties. ### DEP0067: OutgoingMessage.prototype.\_renderHeaders Type: Documentation-only The `http` module `OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders()` API has been deprecated. *Note*: `OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders` was never documented as an officially supported API. [alloc]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_alloc_size_fill_encoding [alloc_unsafe_size]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_allocunsafe_size [`Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)`]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_allocunsafeslow_size [`Buffer.isBuffer()`]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_isbuffer_obj [`Buffer.from(array)`]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_from_array [from_arraybuffer]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_from_arraybuffer_byteoffset_length [`Buffer.from(buffer)`]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_from_buffer [from_string_encoding]: buffer.html#buffer_class_method_buffer_from_string_encoding [`SlowBuffer`]: buffer.html#buffer_class_slowbuffer [`child_process`]: child_process.html [`console.error()`]: console.html#console_console_error_data_args [`console.log()`]: console.html#console_console_log_data_args [`crypto.createCredentials()`]: crypto.html#crypto_crypto_createcredentials_details [`crypto.pbkdf2()`]: crypto.html#crypto_crypto_pbkdf2_password_salt_iterations_keylen_digest_callback [`domain`]: domain.html [`Domain.dispose()`]: domain.html#domain_domain_dispose [`ecdh.setPublicKey()`]: crypto.html#crypto_ecdh_setpublickey_public_key_encoding [`emitter.listenerCount(eventName)`]: events.html#events_emitter_listenercount_eventname [`EventEmitter.listenerCount(emitter, eventName)`]: events.html#events_eventemitter_listenercount_emitter_eventname [`fs.exists(path, callback)`]: fs.html#fs_fs_exists_path_callback [`fs.stat()`]: fs.html#fs_fs_stat_path_callback [`fs.access()`]: fs.html#fs_fs_access_path_mode_callback [`fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback)`]: fs.html#fs_fs_lchmod_path_mode_callback [`fs.lchmodSync(path, mode)`]: fs.html#fs_fs_lchmodsync_path_mode [`fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)`]: fs.html#fs_fs_lchown_path_uid_gid_callback [`fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid)`]: fs.html#fs_fs_lchownsync_path_uid_gid [`fs.read()`]: fs.html#fs_fs_read_fd_buffer_offset_length_position_callback [`fs.readSync()`]: fs.html#fs_fs_readsync_fd_buffer_offset_length_position [`Server.connections`]: net.html#net_server_connections [`Server.getConnections()`]: net.html#net_server_getconnections_callback [`Server.listen({fd: })`]: net.html#net_server_listen_handle_backlog_callback [`os.networkInterfaces`]: os.html#os_os_networkinterfaces [`os.tmpdir()`]: os.html#os_os_tmpdir [`punycode`]: punycode.html [`require.extensions`]: globals.html#globals_require_extensions [`tls.TLSSocket`]: tls.html#tls_class_tls_tlssocket [`tls.CryptoStream`]: tls.html#tls_class_cryptostream [`tls.SecurePair`]: tls.html#tls_class_securepair [`tls.SecureContext`]: tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options [`tls.createSecureContext()`]: tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options [`util`]: util.html [`util.debug()`]: util.html#util_util_debug_string [`util.error()`]: util.html#util_util_error_strings [`util.puts()`]: util.html#util_util_puts_strings [`util.print()`]: util.html#util_util_print_strings [`util.isArray()`]: util.html#util_util_isarray_object [`util.isBoolean()`]: util.html#util_util_isboolean_object [`util.isBuffer()`]: util.html#util_util_isbuffer_object [`util.isDate()`]: util.html#util_util_isdate_object [`util.isError()`]: util.html#util_util_iserror_object [`util.isFunction()`]: util.html#util_util_isfunction_object [`util.isNull()`]: util.html#util_util_isnull_object [`util.isNullOrUndefined()`]: util.html#util_util_isnullorundefined_object [`util.isNumber()`]: util.html#util_util_isnumber_object [`util.isObject()`]: util.html#util_util_isobject_object [`util.isPrimitive()`]: util.html#util_util_isprimitive_object [`util.isRegExp()`]: util.html#util_util_isregexp_object [`util.isString()`]: util.html#util_util_isstring_object [`util.isSymbol()`]: util.html#util_util_issymbol_object [`util.isUndefined()`]: util.html#util_util_isundefined_object [`util.log()`]: util.html#util_util_log_string [`util._extend()`]: util.html#util_util_extend_target_source [`worker.suicide`]: cluster.html#cluster_worker_suicide [`worker.exitedAfterDisconnect`]: cluster.html#cluster_worker_exitedafterdisconnect