/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ "use strict"; /** * @param {!InjectedScriptHostClass} InjectedScriptHost * @param {!Window|!WorkerGlobalScope} inspectedGlobalObject * @param {number} injectedScriptId * @suppress {uselessCode} */ (function (InjectedScriptHost, inspectedGlobalObject, injectedScriptId) { /** * Protect against Object overwritten by the user code. * @suppress {duplicate} */ var Object = /** @type {function(new:Object, *=)} */ ({}.constructor); /** * @param {!Array.} array * @param {...} var_args * @template T */ function push(array, var_args) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) array[array.length] = arguments[i]; } /** * @param {*} obj * @return {string} * @suppress {uselessCode} */ function toString(obj) { // We don't use String(obj) because String could be overridden. // Also the ("" + obj) expression may throw. try { return "" + obj; } catch (e) { var name = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(obj) || InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj) || (typeof obj); return "#<" + name + ">"; } } /** * @param {*} obj * @return {string} */ function toStringDescription(obj) { if (typeof obj === "number" && obj === 0 && 1 / obj < 0) return "-0"; // Negative zero. return toString(obj); } /** * @param {T} obj * @return {T} * @template T */ function nullifyObjectProto(obj) { if (obj && typeof obj === "object") obj.__proto__ = null; return obj; } /** * @param {number|string} obj * @return {boolean} */ function isUInt32(obj) { if (typeof obj === "number") return obj >>> 0 === obj && (obj > 0 || 1 / obj > 0); return "" + (obj >>> 0) === obj; } /** * FireBug's array detection. * @param {*} obj * @return {boolean} */ function isArrayLike(obj) { if (typeof obj !== "object") return false; try { if (typeof obj.splice === "function") { if (!InjectedScriptHost.objectHasOwnProperty(/** @type {!Object} */ (obj), "length")) return false; var len = obj.length; return typeof len === "number" && isUInt32(len); } } catch (e) { } return false; } /** * @param {number} a * @param {number} b * @return {number} */ function max(a, b) { return a > b ? a : b; } /** * FIXME: Remove once ES6 is supported natively by JS compiler. * @param {*} obj * @return {boolean} */ function isSymbol(obj) { var type = typeof obj; return (type === "symbol"); } /** * DOM Attributes which have observable side effect on getter, in the form of * {interfaceName1: {attributeName1: true, * attributeName2: true, * ...}, * interfaceName2: {...}, * ...} * @type {!Object>} * @const */ var domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet = nullifyObjectProto({}); domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Request"] = nullifyObjectProto({}); domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Request"]["body"] = true; domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Response"] = nullifyObjectProto({}); domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Response"]["body"] = true; /** * @param {!Object} object * @param {string} attribute * @return {boolean} */ function doesAttributeHaveObservableSideEffectOnGet(object, attribute) { for (var interfaceName in domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet) { var interfaceFunction = inspectedGlobalObject[interfaceName]; // Call to instanceOf looks safe after typeof check. var isInstance = typeof interfaceFunction === "function" && /* suppressBlacklist */ object instanceof interfaceFunction; if (isInstance) return attribute in domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet[interfaceName]; } return false; } /** * @constructor */ var InjectedScript = function() { } /** * @type {!Object.} * @const */ InjectedScript.primitiveTypes = { "undefined": true, "boolean": true, "number": true, "string": true, __proto__: null } /** * @type {!Object} * @const */ InjectedScript.closureTypes = { __proto__: null }; InjectedScript.closureTypes["local"] = "Local"; InjectedScript.closureTypes["closure"] = "Closure"; InjectedScript.closureTypes["catch"] = "Catch"; InjectedScript.closureTypes["block"] = "Block"; InjectedScript.closureTypes["script"] = "Script"; InjectedScript.closureTypes["with"] = "With Block"; InjectedScript.closureTypes["global"] = "Global"; InjectedScript.prototype = { /** * @param {*} object * @return {boolean} */ isPrimitiveValue: function(object) { // FIXME(33716): typeof document.all is always 'undefined'. return InjectedScript.primitiveTypes[typeof object] && !this._isHTMLAllCollection(object); }, /** * @param {*} object * @return {boolean} */ _shouldPassByValue: function(object) { return typeof object === "object" && InjectedScriptHost.subtype(object) === "internal#location"; }, /** * @param {*} object * @param {string} groupName * @param {boolean} forceValueType * @param {boolean} generatePreview * @return {!RuntimeAgent.RemoteObject} */ wrapObject: function(object, groupName, forceValueType, generatePreview) { return this._wrapObject(object, groupName, forceValueType, generatePreview); }, /** * @param {!Array} array * @param {string} property * @param {string} groupName * @param {boolean} forceValueType * @param {boolean} generatePreview */ wrapPropertyInArray: function(array, property, groupName, forceValueType, generatePreview) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) { if (typeof array[i] === "object" && property in array[i]) array[i][property] = this.wrapObject(array[i][property], groupName, forceValueType, generatePreview); } }, /** * @param {!Array<*>} array * @param {string} groupName * @param {boolean} forceValueType * @param {boolean} generatePreview */ wrapObjectsInArray: function(array, groupName, forceValueType, generatePreview) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) array[i] = this.wrapObject(array[i], groupName, forceValueType, generatePreview); }, /** * @param {!Object} table * @param {!Array.|string|boolean} columns * @return {!RuntimeAgent.RemoteObject} */ wrapTable: function(table, columns) { var columnNames = null; if (typeof columns === "string") columns = [columns]; if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(columns) === "array") { columnNames = []; for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) columnNames[i] = toString(columns[i]); } return this._wrapObject(table, "console", false, true, columnNames, true); }, /** * This method cannot throw. * @param {*} object * @param {string=} objectGroupName * @param {boolean=} forceValueType * @param {boolean=} generatePreview * @param {?Array.=} columnNames * @param {boolean=} isTable * @param {boolean=} doNotBind * @param {*=} customObjectConfig * @return {!RuntimeAgent.RemoteObject} * @suppress {checkTypes} */ _wrapObject: function(object, objectGroupName, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, doNotBind, customObjectConfig) { try { return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(object, objectGroupName, doNotBind, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, undefined, customObjectConfig); } catch (e) { try { var description = injectedScript._describe(e); } catch (ex) { var description = ""; } return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(description); } }, /** * @param {!Object|symbol} object * @param {string=} objectGroupName * @return {string} */ _bind: function(object, objectGroupName) { var id = InjectedScriptHost.bind(object, objectGroupName || ""); return "{\"injectedScriptId\":" + injectedScriptId + ",\"id\":" + id + "}"; }, /** * @param {!Object} object * @param {string} objectGroupName * @param {boolean} ownProperties * @param {boolean} accessorPropertiesOnly * @param {boolean} generatePreview * @return {!Array|boolean} */ getProperties: function(object, objectGroupName, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, generatePreview) { var subtype = this._subtype(object); if (subtype === "internal#scope") { // Internally, scope contains object with scope variables and additional information like type, // we use additional information for preview and would like to report variables as scope // properties. object = object.object; } var descriptors = []; var iter = this._propertyDescriptors(object, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, undefined); // Go over properties, wrap object values. for (var descriptor of iter) { if (subtype === "internal#scopeList" && descriptor.name === "length") continue; if ("get" in descriptor) descriptor.get = this._wrapObject(descriptor.get, objectGroupName); if ("set" in descriptor) descriptor.set = this._wrapObject(descriptor.set, objectGroupName); if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.value = this._wrapObject(descriptor.value, objectGroupName, false, generatePreview); if (!("configurable" in descriptor)) descriptor.configurable = false; if (!("enumerable" in descriptor)) descriptor.enumerable = false; if ("symbol" in descriptor) descriptor.symbol = this._wrapObject(descriptor.symbol, objectGroupName); push(descriptors, descriptor); } return descriptors; }, /** * @param {!Object} object * @return {?Object} */ _objectPrototype: function(object) { if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(object) === "proxy") return null; try { return Object.getPrototypeOf(object); } catch (e) { return null; } }, /** * @param {!Object} object * @param {boolean=} ownProperties * @param {boolean=} accessorPropertiesOnly * @param {?Array.=} propertyNamesOnly */ _propertyDescriptors: function*(object, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, propertyNamesOnly) { var propertyProcessed = { __proto__: null }; /** * @param {?Object} o * @param {!Iterable|!Array} properties */ function* process(o, properties) { for (var property of properties) { var name; if (isSymbol(property)) name = /** @type {string} */ (injectedScript._describe(property)); else name = typeof property === "number" ? ("" + property) : /** @type {string} */(property); if (propertyProcessed[property]) continue; try { propertyProcessed[property] = true; var descriptor = nullifyObjectProto(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, property)); if (descriptor) { if (accessorPropertiesOnly && !("get" in descriptor || "set" in descriptor)) continue; if ("get" in descriptor && "set" in descriptor && name != "__proto__" && InjectedScriptHost.formatAccessorsAsProperties(object, descriptor.get) && !doesAttributeHaveObservableSideEffectOnGet(object, name)) { descriptor.value = object[property]; descriptor.isOwn = true; delete descriptor.get; delete descriptor.set; } } else { // Not all bindings provide proper descriptors. Fall back to the writable, configurable property. if (accessorPropertiesOnly) continue; try { descriptor = { name: name, value: o[property], writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable: false, __proto__: null }; if (o === object) descriptor.isOwn = true; yield descriptor; } catch (e) { // Silent catch. } continue; } } catch (e) { if (accessorPropertiesOnly) continue; var descriptor = { __proto__: null }; descriptor.value = e; descriptor.wasThrown = true; } descriptor.name = name; if (o === object) descriptor.isOwn = true; if (isSymbol(property)) descriptor.symbol = property; yield descriptor; } } if (propertyNamesOnly) { for (var i = 0; i < propertyNamesOnly.length; ++i) { var name = propertyNamesOnly[i]; for (var o = object; this._isDefined(o); o = this._objectPrototype(o)) { if (InjectedScriptHost.objectHasOwnProperty(o, name)) { for (var descriptor of process(o, [name])) yield descriptor; break; } if (ownProperties) break; } } return; } /** * @param {number} length */ function* arrayIndexNames(length) { for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) yield "" + i; } var skipGetOwnPropertyNames; try { skipGetOwnPropertyNames = InjectedScriptHost.subtype(object) === "typedarray" && object.length > 500000; } catch (e) { } for (var o = object; this._isDefined(o); o = this._objectPrototype(o)) { if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(o) === "proxy") continue; if (skipGetOwnPropertyNames && o === object) { // Avoid OOM crashes from getting all own property names of a large TypedArray. for (var descriptor of process(o, arrayIndexNames(o.length))) yield descriptor; } else { // First call Object.keys() to enforce ordering of the property descriptors. for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.keys(/** @type {!Object} */ (o)))) yield descriptor; for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(/** @type {!Object} */ (o)))) yield descriptor; } if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(/** @type {!Object} */ (o)))) yield descriptor; } if (ownProperties) { var proto = this._objectPrototype(o); if (proto && !accessorPropertiesOnly) yield { name: "__proto__", value: proto, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, isOwn: true, __proto__: null }; break; } } }, /** * @param {string|undefined} objectGroupName * @param {*} jsonMLObject * @throws {string} error message */ _substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview: function(objectGroupName, jsonMLObject) { var maxCustomPreviewRecursionDepth = 20; this._customPreviewRecursionDepth = (this._customPreviewRecursionDepth || 0) + 1 try { if (this._customPreviewRecursionDepth >= maxCustomPreviewRecursionDepth) throw new Error("Too deep hierarchy of inlined custom previews"); if (!isArrayLike(jsonMLObject)) return; if (jsonMLObject[0] === "object") { var attributes = jsonMLObject[1]; var originObject = attributes["object"]; var config = attributes["config"]; if (typeof originObject === "undefined") throw new Error("Illegal format: obligatory attribute \"object\" isn't specified"); jsonMLObject[1] = this._wrapObject(originObject, objectGroupName, false, false, null, false, false, config); return; } for (var i = 0; i < jsonMLObject.length; ++i) this._substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview(objectGroupName, jsonMLObject[i]); } finally { this._customPreviewRecursionDepth--; } }, /** * @param {*} object * @return {boolean} */ _isDefined: function(object) { return !!object || this._isHTMLAllCollection(object); }, /** * @param {*} object * @return {boolean} */ _isHTMLAllCollection: function(object) { // document.all is reported as undefined, but we still want to process it. return (typeof object === "undefined") && !!InjectedScriptHost.subtype(object); }, /** * @param {*} obj * @return {?string} */ _subtype: function(obj) { if (obj === null) return "null"; if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj)) return null; var subtype = InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj); if (subtype) return subtype; if (isArrayLike(obj)) return "array"; // If owning frame has navigated to somewhere else window properties will be undefined. return null; }, /** * @param {*} obj * @return {?string} */ _describe: function(obj) { if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj)) return null; var subtype = this._subtype(obj); if (subtype === "regexp") return toString(obj); if (subtype === "date") return toString(obj); if (subtype === "node") { var description = ""; if (obj.nodeName) description = obj.nodeName.toLowerCase(); else if (obj.constructor) description = obj.constructor.name.toLowerCase(); switch (obj.nodeType) { case 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */: description += obj.id ? "#" + obj.id : ""; var className = obj.className; description += (className && typeof className === "string") ? "." + className.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ".") : ""; break; case 10 /*Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE */: description = ""; break; } return description; } if (subtype === "proxy") return "Proxy"; var className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(obj); if (subtype === "array" || subtype === "typedarray") { if (typeof obj.length === "number") className += "[" + obj.length + "]"; return className; } if (typeof obj === "function") return toString(obj); if (isSymbol(obj)) { try { // It isn't safe, because Symbol.prototype.toString can be overriden. return /* suppressBlacklist */ obj.toString() || "Symbol"; } catch (e) { return "Symbol"; } } if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj) === "error") { try { var stack = obj.stack; var message = obj.message && obj.message.length ? ": " + obj.message : ""; var firstCallFrame = /^\s+at\s/m.exec(stack); var stackMessageEnd = firstCallFrame ? firstCallFrame.index : -1; if (stackMessageEnd !== -1) { var stackTrace = stack.substr(stackMessageEnd); return className + message + "\n" + stackTrace; } return className + message; } catch(e) { } } if (subtype === "internal#entry") { if ("key" in obj) return "{" + this._describeIncludingPrimitives(obj.key) + " => " + this._describeIncludingPrimitives(obj.value) + "}"; return this._describeIncludingPrimitives(obj.value); } if (subtype === "internal#scopeList") return "Scopes[" + obj.length + "]"; if (subtype === "internal#scope") return (InjectedScript.closureTypes[obj.type] || "Unknown") + (obj.name ? " (" + obj.name + ")" : ""); return className; }, /** * @param {*} value * @return {string} */ _describeIncludingPrimitives: function(value) { if (typeof value === "string") return "\"" + value.replace(/\n/g, "\u21B5") + "\""; if (value === null) return "" + value; return this.isPrimitiveValue(value) ? toStringDescription(value) : (this._describe(value) || ""); }, /** * @param {boolean} enabled */ setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled: function(enabled) { this._customObjectFormatterEnabled = enabled; } } /** * @type {!InjectedScript} * @const */ var injectedScript = new InjectedScript(); /** * @constructor * @param {*} object * @param {string=} objectGroupName * @param {boolean=} doNotBind * @param {boolean=} forceValueType * @param {boolean=} generatePreview * @param {?Array.=} columnNames * @param {boolean=} isTable * @param {boolean=} skipEntriesPreview * @param {*=} customObjectConfig */ InjectedScript.RemoteObject = function(object, objectGroupName, doNotBind, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, skipEntriesPreview, customObjectConfig) { this.type = typeof object; if (this.type === "undefined" && injectedScript._isHTMLAllCollection(object)) this.type = "object"; if (injectedScript.isPrimitiveValue(object) || object === null || forceValueType) { // We don't send undefined values over JSON. if (this.type !== "undefined") this.value = object; // Null object is object with 'null' subtype. if (object === null) this.subtype = "null"; // Provide user-friendly number values. if (this.type === "number") { this.description = toStringDescription(object); switch (this.description) { case "NaN": case "Infinity": case "-Infinity": case "-0": delete this.value; this.unserializableValue = this.description; break; } } return; } if (injectedScript._shouldPassByValue(object)) { this.value = object; this.subtype = injectedScript._subtype(object); this.description = injectedScript._describeIncludingPrimitives(object); return; } object = /** @type {!Object} */ (object); if (!doNotBind) this.objectId = injectedScript._bind(object, objectGroupName); var subtype = injectedScript._subtype(object); if (subtype) this.subtype = subtype; var className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(object); if (className) this.className = className; this.description = injectedScript._describe(object); if (generatePreview && this.type === "object") { if (this.subtype === "proxy") this.preview = this._generatePreview(InjectedScriptHost.proxyTargetValue(object), undefined, columnNames, isTable, skipEntriesPreview); else if (this.subtype !== "node") this.preview = this._generatePreview(object, undefined, columnNames, isTable, skipEntriesPreview); } if (injectedScript._customObjectFormatterEnabled) { var customPreview = this._customPreview(object, objectGroupName, customObjectConfig); if (customPreview) this.customPreview = customPreview; } } InjectedScript.RemoteObject.prototype = { /** * @param {*} object * @param {string=} objectGroupName * @param {*=} customObjectConfig * @return {?RuntimeAgent.CustomPreview} */ _customPreview: function(object, objectGroupName, customObjectConfig) { /** * @param {!Error} error */ function logError(error) { // We use user code to generate custom output for object, we can use user code for reporting error too. Promise.resolve().then(/* suppressBlacklist */ inspectedGlobalObject.console.error.bind(inspectedGlobalObject.console, "Custom Formatter Failed: " + error.message)); } /** * @param {*} object * @param {*=} customObjectConfig * @return {*} */ function wrap(object, customObjectConfig) { return injectedScript._wrapObject(object, objectGroupName, false, false, null, false, false, customObjectConfig); } try { var formatters = inspectedGlobalObject["devtoolsFormatters"]; if (!formatters || !isArrayLike(formatters)) return null; for (var i = 0; i < formatters.length; ++i) { try { var formatted = formatters[i].header(object, customObjectConfig); if (!formatted) continue; var hasBody = formatters[i].hasBody(object, customObjectConfig); injectedScript._substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview(objectGroupName, formatted); var formatterObjectId = injectedScript._bind(formatters[i], objectGroupName); var bindRemoteObjectFunctionId = injectedScript._bind(wrap, objectGroupName); var result = {header: JSON.stringify(formatted), hasBody: !!hasBody, formatterObjectId: formatterObjectId, bindRemoteObjectFunctionId: bindRemoteObjectFunctionId}; if (customObjectConfig) result["configObjectId"] = injectedScript._bind(customObjectConfig, objectGroupName); return result; } catch (e) { logError(e); } } } catch (e) { logError(e); } return null; }, /** * @return {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreview} preview */ _createEmptyPreview: function() { var preview = { type: /** @type {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreviewType.} */ (this.type), description: this.description || toStringDescription(this.value), overflow: false, properties: [], __proto__: null }; if (this.subtype) preview.subtype = /** @type {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreviewSubtype.} */ (this.subtype); return preview; }, /** * @param {!Object} object * @param {?Array.=} firstLevelKeys * @param {?Array.=} secondLevelKeys * @param {boolean=} isTable * @param {boolean=} skipEntriesPreview * @return {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreview} preview */ _generatePreview: function(object, firstLevelKeys, secondLevelKeys, isTable, skipEntriesPreview) { var preview = this._createEmptyPreview(); var firstLevelKeysCount = firstLevelKeys ? firstLevelKeys.length : 0; var propertiesThreshold = { properties: isTable ? 1000 : max(5, firstLevelKeysCount), indexes: isTable ? 1000 : max(100, firstLevelKeysCount), __proto__: null }; try { var descriptors = injectedScript._propertyDescriptors(object, undefined, undefined, firstLevelKeys); this._appendPropertyDescriptors(preview, descriptors, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable); if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0) return preview; // Add internal properties to preview. var rawInternalProperties = InjectedScriptHost.getInternalProperties(object) || []; var internalProperties = []; var entries = null; for (var i = 0; i < rawInternalProperties.length; i += 2) { if (rawInternalProperties[i] === "[[Entries]]") { entries = /** @type {!Array<*>} */(rawInternalProperties[i + 1]); continue; } push(internalProperties, { name: rawInternalProperties[i], value: rawInternalProperties[i + 1], isOwn: true, enumerable: true, __proto__: null }); } this._appendPropertyDescriptors(preview, internalProperties, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable); if (this.subtype === "map" || this.subtype === "set" || this.subtype === "iterator") this._appendEntriesPreview(entries, preview, skipEntriesPreview); } catch (e) {} return preview; }, /** * @param {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreview} preview * @param {!Array.<*>|!Iterable.<*>} descriptors * @param {!Object} propertiesThreshold * @param {?Array.=} secondLevelKeys * @param {boolean=} isTable */ _appendPropertyDescriptors: function(preview, descriptors, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable) { for (var descriptor of descriptors) { if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0) break; if (!descriptor || descriptor.wasThrown) continue; var name = descriptor.name; // Ignore __proto__ property. if (name === "__proto__") continue; // Ignore length property of array. if ((this.subtype === "array" || this.subtype === "typedarray") && name === "length") continue; // Ignore size property of map, set. if ((this.subtype === "map" || this.subtype === "set") && name === "size") continue; // Never preview prototype properties. if (!descriptor.isOwn) continue; // Ignore computed properties. if (!("value" in descriptor)) continue; var value = descriptor.value; var type = typeof value; // Never render functions in object preview. if (type === "function" && (this.subtype !== "array" || !isUInt32(name))) continue; // Special-case HTMLAll. if (type === "undefined" && injectedScript._isHTMLAllCollection(value)) type = "object"; // Render own properties. if (value === null) { this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, { name: name, type: "object", subtype: "null", value: "null", __proto__: null }, propertiesThreshold); continue; } var maxLength = 100; if (InjectedScript.primitiveTypes[type]) { if (type === "string" && value.length > maxLength) value = this._abbreviateString(value, maxLength, true); this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, { name: name, type: type, value: toStringDescription(value), __proto__: null }, propertiesThreshold); continue; } var property = { name: name, type: type, __proto__: null }; var subtype = injectedScript._subtype(value); if (subtype) property.subtype = subtype; if (secondLevelKeys === null || secondLevelKeys) { var subPreview = this._generatePreview(value, secondLevelKeys || undefined, undefined, isTable); property.valuePreview = subPreview; if (subPreview.overflow) preview.overflow = true; } else { var description = ""; if (type !== "function") description = this._abbreviateString(/** @type {string} */ (injectedScript._describe(value)), maxLength, subtype === "regexp"); property.value = description; } this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, property, propertiesThreshold); } }, /** * @param {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreview} preview * @param {!Object} property * @param {!Object} propertiesThreshold */ _appendPropertyPreview: function(preview, property, propertiesThreshold) { if (toString(property.name >>> 0) === property.name) propertiesThreshold.indexes--; else propertiesThreshold.properties--; if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0) { preview.overflow = true; } else { push(preview.properties, property); } }, /** * @param {?Array<*>} entries * @param {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreview} preview * @param {boolean=} skipEntriesPreview */ _appendEntriesPreview: function(entries, preview, skipEntriesPreview) { if (!entries) return; if (skipEntriesPreview) { if (entries.length) preview.overflow = true; return; } preview.entries = []; var entriesThreshold = 5; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { if (preview.entries.length >= entriesThreshold) { preview.overflow = true; break; } var entry = nullifyObjectProto(entries[i]); var previewEntry = { value: generateValuePreview(entry.value), __proto__: null }; if ("key" in entry) previewEntry.key = generateValuePreview(entry.key); push(preview.entries, previewEntry); } /** * @param {*} value * @return {!RuntimeAgent.ObjectPreview} */ function generateValuePreview(value) { var remoteObject = new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(value, undefined, true, undefined, true, undefined, undefined, true); var valuePreview = remoteObject.preview || remoteObject._createEmptyPreview(); return valuePreview; } }, /** * @param {string} string * @param {number} maxLength * @param {boolean=} middle * @return {string} */ _abbreviateString: function(string, maxLength, middle) { if (string.length <= maxLength) return string; if (middle) { var leftHalf = maxLength >> 1; var rightHalf = maxLength - leftHalf - 1; return string.substr(0, leftHalf) + "\u2026" + string.substr(string.length - rightHalf, rightHalf); } return string.substr(0, maxLength) + "\u2026"; }, __proto__: null } return injectedScript; })