'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const tick = require('./tick'); const initHooks = require('./init-hooks'); const { checkInvocations } = require('./hook-checks'); const TIMEOUT = common.platformTimeout(100); const hooks = initHooks(); hooks.enable(); // install first timeout setTimeout(common.mustCall(ontimeout), TIMEOUT); const as = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('TIMERWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(as.length, 1); const t1 = as[0]; assert.strictEqual(t1.type, 'TIMERWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(typeof t1.uid, 'number'); assert.strictEqual(typeof t1.triggerId, 'number'); checkInvocations(t1, { init: 1 }, 't1: when first timer installed'); function ontimeout() { checkInvocations(t1, { init: 1, before: 1 }, 't1: when first timer fired'); // install second timeout with same TIMEOUT to see timer wrap being reused setTimeout(onsecondTimeout, TIMEOUT); const as = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('TIMERWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(as.length, 1); checkInvocations(t1, { init: 1, before: 1 }, 't1: when second timer installed'); } // even though we install 3 timers we only have two timerwrap resources created // as one is reused for the two timers with the same timeout let t2; function onsecondTimeout() { let as = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('TIMERWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(as.length, 1); checkInvocations(t1, { init: 1, before: 2, after: 1 }, 't1: when second timer fired'); // install third timeout with different TIMEOUT setTimeout(onthirdTimeout, TIMEOUT + 1); as = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('TIMERWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(as.length, 2); t2 = as[1]; assert.strictEqual(t2.type, 'TIMERWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(typeof t2.uid, 'number'); assert.strictEqual(typeof t2.triggerId, 'number'); checkInvocations(t1, { init: 1, before: 2, after: 1 }, 't1: when third timer installed'); checkInvocations(t2, { init: 1 }, 't2: when third timer installed'); } function onthirdTimeout() { checkInvocations(t1, { init: 1, before: 2, after: 2, destroy: 1 }, 't1: when third timer fired'); checkInvocations(t2, { init: 1, before: 1 }, 't2: when third timer fired'); tick(2); } process.on('exit', onexit); function onexit() { hooks.disable(); hooks.sanityCheck('TIMERWRAP'); checkInvocations(t1, { init: 1, before: 2, after: 2, destroy: 1 }, 't1: when process exits'); checkInvocations(t2, { init: 1, before: 1, after: 1, destroy: 1 }, 't2: when process exits'); }