'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const net = require('net'); const { sendHelper } = require('internal/cluster/utils'); const getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; const uv = process.binding('uv'); module.exports = RoundRobinHandle; function RoundRobinHandle(key, address, port, addressType, fd) { this.key = key; this.all = {}; this.free = []; this.handles = []; this.handle = null; this.server = net.createServer(assert.fail); if (fd >= 0) this.server.listen({ fd }); else if (port >= 0) this.server.listen(port, address); else this.server.listen(address); // UNIX socket path. this.server.once('listening', () => { this.handle = this.server._handle; this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => this.distribute(err, handle); this.server._handle = null; this.server = null; }); } RoundRobinHandle.prototype.add = function(worker, send) { assert(worker.id in this.all === false); this.all[worker.id] = worker; const done = () => { if (this.handle.getsockname) { const out = {}; this.handle.getsockname(out); // TODO(bnoordhuis) Check err. send(null, { sockname: out }, null); } else { send(null, null, null); // UNIX socket. } this.handoff(worker); // In case there are connections pending. }; if (this.server === null) return done(); // Still busy binding. this.server.once('listening', done); this.server.once('error', (err) => { // Hack: translate 'EADDRINUSE' error string back to numeric error code. // It works but ideally we'd have some backchannel between the net and // cluster modules for stuff like this. const errno = uv['UV_' + err.errno]; send(errno, null); }); }; RoundRobinHandle.prototype.remove = function(worker) { if (worker.id in this.all === false) return false; delete this.all[worker.id]; const index = this.free.indexOf(worker); if (index !== -1) this.free.splice(index, 1); if (getOwnPropertyNames(this.all).length !== 0) return false; for (var handle; handle = this.handles.shift(); handle.close()) ; this.handle.close(); this.handle = null; return true; }; RoundRobinHandle.prototype.distribute = function(err, handle) { this.handles.push(handle); const worker = this.free.shift(); if (worker) this.handoff(worker); }; RoundRobinHandle.prototype.handoff = function(worker) { if (worker.id in this.all === false) { return; // Worker is closing (or has closed) the server. } const handle = this.handles.shift(); if (handle === undefined) { this.free.push(worker); // Add to ready queue again. return; } const message = { act: 'newconn', key: this.key }; sendHelper(worker.process, message, handle, (reply) => { if (reply.accepted) handle.close(); else this.distribute(0, handle); // Worker is shutting down. Send to another. this.handoff(worker); }); };