// link with no args: symlink the folder to the global location // link with package arg: symlink the global to the local var npm = require("./npm.js") , symlink = require("./utils/link.js") , fs = require("graceful-fs") , log = require("./utils/log.js") , asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap , chain = require("slide").chain , path = require("path") , relativize = require("./utils/relativize.js") , rm = require("rimraf") , output = require("./utils/output.js") , build = require("./build.js") module.exports = link link.usage = "npm link (in package dir)" + "\nnpm link (link global into local)" link.completion = function (opts, cb) { var dir = npm.globalDir fs.readdir(dir, function (er, files) { cb(er, files.filter(function (f) { return f.charAt(0) !== "." })) }) } function link (args, cb) { if (process.platform === "win32") { var e = new Error("npm link not supported on windows") e.code = "ENOTSUP" e.errno = require("constants").ENOTSUP return cb(e) } if (npm.config.get("global")) { return cb(new Error("link should never be --global.\n" +"Please re-run this command with --local")) } if (args.length === 1 && args[0] === ".") args = [] if (args.length) return linkInstall(args, cb) linkPkg(npm.prefix, cb) } function linkInstall (pkgs, cb) { asyncMap(pkgs, function (pkg, cb) { function n (er, data) { if (er) return cb(er, data) // install returns [ [folder, pkgId], ... ] // but we definitely installed just one thing. var d = data.filter(function (d) { return !d[3] }) pp = d[0][1] pkg = path.basename(pp) target = path.resolve(npm.dir, pkg) next() } var t = path.resolve(npm.globalDir, "..") , pp = path.resolve(npm.globalDir, pkg) , rp = null , target = path.resolve(npm.dir, pkg) // if it's a folder or a random not-installed thing, then // link or install it first if (pkg.indexOf("/") !== -1 || pkg.indexOf("\\") !== -1) { return fs.lstat(path.resolve(pkg), function (er, st) { if (er || !st.isDirectory()) { npm.commands.install(t, pkg, n) } else { rp = path.resolve(pkg) linkPkg(rp, n) } }) } fs.lstat(pp, function (er, st) { if (er) { rp = pp return npm.commands.install(t, pkg, n) } else if (!st.isSymbolicLink()) { rp = pp next() } else { return fs.realpath(pp, function (er, real) { if (er) log.warn(pkg, "invalid symbolic link") else rp = real next() }) } }) function next () { chain ( [ [npm.commands, "unbuild", [target]] , [log.verbose, "symlinking " + pp + " to "+target, "link"] , [symlink, pp, target] // do run lifecycle scripts - full build here. , rp && [build, [target]] , [ resultPrinter, pkg, pp, target, rp ] ] , cb ) } }, cb) } function linkPkg (folder, cb_) { var me = folder || npm.prefix , readJson = require("./utils/read-json.js") readJson( path.resolve(me, "package.json") , { dev: true } , function (er, d) { function cb (er) { return cb_(er, [[d && d._id, target, null, null]]) } if (er) return cb(er) var target = path.resolve(npm.globalDir, d.name) rm(target, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) symlink(me, target, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) log.verbose(target, "link: build target") // also install missing dependencies. npm.commands.install(me, [], function (er, installed) { if (er) return cb(er) // build the global stuff. Don't run *any* scripts, because // install command already will have done that. build([target], true, build._noLC, true, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) resultPrinter(path.basename(me), me, target, cb) }) }) }) }) }) } function resultPrinter (pkg, src, dest, rp, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = rp, rp = null var where = relativize(dest, path.resolve(process.cwd(),"x")) rp = (rp || "").trim() src = (src || "").trim() // XXX If --json is set, then look up the data from the package.json if (npm.config.get("parseable")) { return parseableOutput(dest, rp || src, cb) } if (rp === src) rp = null output.write(where+" -> " + src +(rp ? " -> " + rp: ""), cb) } function parseableOutput (dest, rp, cb) { // XXX this should match ls --parseable and install --parseable // look up the data from package.json, format it the same way. // // link is always effectively "long", since it doesn't help much to // *just* print the target folder. // However, we don't actually ever read the version number, so // the second field is always blank. output.write(dest + "::" + rp, cb) }