# Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import collections import os import re import shutil import sys import time from pool import Pool from . import commands from . import perfdata from . import statusfile from . import testsuite from . import utils from ..objects import output # Base dir of the v8 checkout. BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__))))) TEST_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test") class Instructions(object): def __init__(self, command, test_id, timeout, verbose, env): self.command = command self.id = test_id self.timeout = timeout self.verbose = verbose self.env = env # Structure that keeps global information per worker process. ProcessContext = collections.namedtuple( "process_context", ["suites", "context"]) def MakeProcessContext(context, suite_names): """Generate a process-local context. This reloads all suites per process and stores the global context. Args: context: The global context from the test runner. suite_names (list of str): Suite names as loaded by the parent process. Load the same suites in each subprocess. """ suites = {} for root in suite_names: # Don't reinitialize global state as this is concurrently called from # different processes. suite = testsuite.TestSuite.LoadTestSuite( os.path.join(TEST_DIR, root), global_init=False) if suite: suites[suite.name] = suite return ProcessContext(suites, context) def GetCommand(test, context): d8testflag = [] shell = test.shell() if shell == "d8": d8testflag = ["--test"] if utils.IsWindows(): shell += ".exe" if context.random_seed: d8testflag += ["--random-seed=%s" % context.random_seed] cmd = (context.command_prefix + [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(context.shell_dir, shell))] + d8testflag + test.suite.GetFlagsForTestCase(test, context) + context.extra_flags) return cmd def _GetInstructions(test, context): command = GetCommand(test, context) timeout = context.timeout if ("--stress-opt" in test.flags or "--stress-opt" in context.mode_flags or "--stress-opt" in context.extra_flags): timeout *= 4 if "--noenable-vfp3" in context.extra_flags: timeout *= 2 # FIXME(machenbach): Make this more OO. Don't expose default outcomes or # the like. if statusfile.IsSlow(test.outcomes or [statusfile.PASS]): timeout *= 2 return Instructions(command, test.id, timeout, context.verbose, test.env) class Job(object): """Stores data to be sent over the multi-process boundary. All contained fields will be pickled/unpickled. """ def Run(self, process_context): """Executes the job. Args: process_context: Process-local information that is initialized by the executing worker. """ raise NotImplementedError() def SetupProblem(exception, test): stderr = ">>> EXCEPTION: %s\n" % exception match = re.match(r"^.*No such file or directory: '(.*)'$", str(exception)) if match: # Extra debuging information when files are claimed missing. f = match.group(1) stderr += ">>> File %s exists? -> %s\n" % (f, os.path.exists(f)) return test.id, output.Output(1, False, "", stderr, None), 0 class TestJob(Job): def __init__(self, test): self.test = test def _rename_coverage_data(self, output, context): """Rename coverage data. Rename files with PIDs to files with unique test IDs, because the number of tests might be higher than pid_max. E.g.: d8.1234.sancov -> d8.test.42.1.sancov, where 1234 was the process' PID, 42 is the test ID and 1 is the attempt (the same test might be rerun on failures). """ if context.sancov_dir and output.pid is not None: sancov_file = os.path.join( context.sancov_dir, "%s.%d.sancov" % (self.test.shell(), output.pid)) # Some tests are expected to fail and don't produce coverage data. if os.path.exists(sancov_file): parts = sancov_file.split(".") new_sancov_file = ".".join( parts[:-2] + ["test", str(self.test.id), str(self.test.run)] + parts[-1:] ) assert not os.path.exists(new_sancov_file) os.rename(sancov_file, new_sancov_file) def Run(self, process_context): try: # Retrieve a new suite object on the worker-process side. The original # suite object isn't pickled. self.test.SetSuiteObject(process_context.suites) instr = _GetInstructions(self.test, process_context.context) except Exception, e: return SetupProblem(e, self.test) start_time = time.time() output = commands.Execute(instr.command, instr.verbose, instr.timeout, instr.env) self._rename_coverage_data(output, process_context.context) return (instr.id, output, time.time() - start_time) def RunTest(job, process_context): return job.Run(process_context) class Runner(object): def __init__(self, suites, progress_indicator, context): self.datapath = os.path.join("out", "testrunner_data") self.perf_data_manager = perfdata.GetPerfDataManager( context, self.datapath) self.perfdata = self.perf_data_manager.GetStore(context.arch, context.mode) self.perf_failures = False self.printed_allocations = False self.tests = [t for s in suites for t in s.tests] self.suite_names = [s.name for s in suites] # Always pre-sort by status file, slowest tests first. slow_key = lambda t: statusfile.IsSlow(t.outcomes) self.tests.sort(key=slow_key, reverse=True) # Sort by stored duration of not opted out. if not context.no_sorting: for t in self.tests: t.duration = self.perfdata.FetchPerfData(t) or 1.0 self.tests.sort(key=lambda t: t.duration, reverse=True) self._CommonInit(suites, progress_indicator, context) def _CommonInit(self, suites, progress_indicator, context): self.total = 0 for s in suites: for t in s.tests: t.id = self.total self.total += 1 self.indicator = progress_indicator progress_indicator.SetRunner(self) self.context = context self.succeeded = 0 self.remaining = self.total self.failed = [] self.crashed = 0 self.reran_tests = 0 def _RunPerfSafe(self, fun): try: fun() except Exception, e: print("PerfData exception: %s" % e) self.perf_failures = True def _MaybeRerun(self, pool, test): if test.run <= self.context.rerun_failures_count: # Possibly rerun this test if its run count is below the maximum per # test. <= as the flag controls reruns not including the first run. if test.run == 1: # Count the overall number of reran tests on the first rerun. if self.reran_tests < self.context.rerun_failures_max: self.reran_tests += 1 else: # Don't rerun this if the overall number of rerun tests has been # reached. return if test.run >= 2 and test.duration > self.context.timeout / 20.0: # Rerun slow tests at most once. return # Rerun this test. test.duration = None test.output = None test.run += 1 pool.add([TestJob(test)]) self.remaining += 1 self.total += 1 def _ProcessTestNormal(self, test, result, pool): test.output = result[1] test.duration = result[2] has_unexpected_output = test.suite.HasUnexpectedOutput(test) if has_unexpected_output: self.failed.append(test) if test.output.HasCrashed(): self.crashed += 1 else: self.succeeded += 1 self.remaining -= 1 # For the indicator, everything that happens after the first run is treated # as unexpected even if it flakily passes in order to include it in the # output. self.indicator.HasRun(test, has_unexpected_output or test.run > 1) if has_unexpected_output: # Rerun test failures after the indicator has processed the results. self._VerbosePrint("Attempting to rerun test after failure.") self._MaybeRerun(pool, test) # Update the perf database if the test succeeded. return not has_unexpected_output def _ProcessTestPredictable(self, test, result, pool): def HasDifferentAllocations(output1, output2): def AllocationStr(stdout): for line in reversed((stdout or "").splitlines()): if line.startswith("### Allocations = "): self.printed_allocations = True return line return "" return (AllocationStr(output1.stdout) != AllocationStr(output2.stdout)) # Always pass the test duration for the database update. test.duration = result[2] if test.run == 1 and result[1].HasTimedOut(): # If we get a timeout in the first run, we are already in an # unpredictable state. Just report it as a failure and don't rerun. test.output = result[1] self.remaining -= 1 self.failed.append(test) self.indicator.HasRun(test, True) if test.run > 1 and HasDifferentAllocations(test.output, result[1]): # From the second run on, check for different allocations. If a # difference is found, call the indicator twice to report both tests. # All runs of each test are counted as one for the statistic. self.remaining -= 1 self.failed.append(test) self.indicator.HasRun(test, True) test.output = result[1] self.indicator.HasRun(test, True) elif test.run >= 3: # No difference on the third run -> report a success. self.remaining -= 1 self.succeeded += 1 test.output = result[1] self.indicator.HasRun(test, False) else: # No difference yet and less than three runs -> add another run and # remember the output for comparison. test.run += 1 test.output = result[1] pool.add([TestJob(test)]) # Always update the perf database. return True def Run(self, jobs): self.indicator.Starting() self._RunInternal(jobs) self.indicator.Done() if self.failed: return 1 elif self.remaining: return 2 return 0 def _RunInternal(self, jobs): pool = Pool(jobs) test_map = {} queued_exception = [None] def gen_tests(): for test in self.tests: assert test.id >= 0 test_map[test.id] = test try: yield [TestJob(test)] except Exception, e: # If this failed, save the exception and re-raise it later (after # all other tests have had a chance to run). queued_exception[0] = e continue try: it = pool.imap_unordered( fn=RunTest, gen=gen_tests(), process_context_fn=MakeProcessContext, process_context_args=[self.context, self.suite_names], ) for result in it: if result.heartbeat: self.indicator.Heartbeat() continue test = test_map[result.value[0]] if self.context.predictable: update_perf = self._ProcessTestPredictable(test, result.value, pool) else: update_perf = self._ProcessTestNormal(test, result.value, pool) if update_perf: self._RunPerfSafe(lambda: self.perfdata.UpdatePerfData(test)) finally: self._VerbosePrint("Closing process pool.") pool.terminate() self._VerbosePrint("Closing database connection.") self._RunPerfSafe(lambda: self.perf_data_manager.close()) if self.perf_failures: # Nuke perf data in case of failures. This might not work on windows as # some files might still be open. print "Deleting perf test data due to db corruption." shutil.rmtree(self.datapath) if queued_exception[0]: raise queued_exception[0] # Make sure that any allocations were printed in predictable mode (if we # ran any tests). assert ( not self.total or not self.context.predictable or self.printed_allocations ) def _VerbosePrint(self, text): if self.context.verbose: print text sys.stdout.flush() class BreakNowException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)