'use strict'; // This value is used to prevent the nextTickQueue from becoming too // large and cause the process to run out of memory. When this value // is reached the nextTimeQueue array will be shortened (see tickDone // for details). const kMaxCallbacksPerLoop = 1e4; exports.setup = setupNextTick; // Will be overwritten when setupNextTick() is called. exports.nextTick = null; class NextTickQueue { constructor() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.length = 0; } push(v) { const entry = { data: v, next: null }; if (this.length > 0) this.tail.next = entry; else this.head = entry; this.tail = entry; ++this.length; } shift() { if (this.length === 0) return; const ret = this.head.data; if (this.length === 1) this.head = this.tail = null; else this.head = this.head.next; --this.length; return ret; } clear() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.length = 0; } } function setupNextTick() { const async_wrap = process.binding('async_wrap'); const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); const promises = require('internal/process/promises'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); const emitPendingUnhandledRejections = promises.setup(scheduleMicrotasks); const initTriggerId = async_hooks.initTriggerId; // Two arrays that share state between C++ and JS. const { async_hook_fields, async_id_fields } = async_wrap; // Used to change the state of the async id stack. const { emitInit, emitBefore, emitAfter, emitDestroy } = async_hooks; // Grab the constants necessary for working with internal arrays. const { kInit, kDestroy, kAsyncIdCounter } = async_wrap.constants; const { async_id_symbol, trigger_async_id_symbol } = async_wrap; var nextTickQueue = new NextTickQueue(); var microtasksScheduled = false; // Used to run V8's micro task queue. var _runMicrotasks = {}; // *Must* match Environment::TickInfo::Fields in src/env.h. var kIndex = 0; var kLength = 1; process.nextTick = nextTick; // Needs to be accessible from beyond this scope. process._tickCallback = _tickCallback; process._tickDomainCallback = _tickDomainCallback; // Set the nextTick() function for internal usage. exports.nextTick = internalNextTick; // This tickInfo thing is used so that the C++ code in src/node.cc // can have easy access to our nextTick state, and avoid unnecessary // calls into JS land. const tickInfo = process._setupNextTick(_tickCallback, _runMicrotasks); _runMicrotasks = _runMicrotasks.runMicrotasks; function tickDone() { if (tickInfo[kLength] !== 0) { if (tickInfo[kLength] <= tickInfo[kIndex]) { nextTickQueue.clear(); tickInfo[kLength] = 0; } else { tickInfo[kLength] = nextTickQueue.length; } } tickInfo[kIndex] = 0; } const microTasksTickObject = { callback: runMicrotasksCallback, args: undefined, domain: null, [async_id_symbol]: 0, [trigger_async_id_symbol]: 0 }; function scheduleMicrotasks() { if (microtasksScheduled) return; // For the moment all microtasks come from the void until the PromiseHook // API is implemented. nextTickQueue.push(microTasksTickObject); tickInfo[kLength]++; microtasksScheduled = true; } function runMicrotasksCallback() { microtasksScheduled = false; _runMicrotasks(); if (tickInfo[kIndex] < tickInfo[kLength] || emitPendingUnhandledRejections()) { scheduleMicrotasks(); } } function _combinedTickCallback(args, callback) { if (args === undefined) { callback(); } else { switch (args.length) { case 1: callback(args[0]); break; case 2: callback(args[0], args[1]); break; case 3: callback(args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; default: callback(...args); } } } // Run callbacks that have no domain. // Using domains will cause this to be overridden. function _tickCallback() { do { while (tickInfo[kIndex] < tickInfo[kLength]) { ++tickInfo[kIndex]; const tock = nextTickQueue.shift(); const callback = tock.callback; const args = tock.args; // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(tock[async_id_symbol])) // CHECK(tock[async_id_symbol] > 0) // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(tock[trigger_async_id_symbol])) // CHECK(tock[trigger_async_id_symbol] > 0) emitBefore(tock[async_id_symbol], tock[trigger_async_id_symbol]); // emitDestroy() places the async_id_symbol into an asynchronous queue // that calls the destroy callback in the future. It's called before // calling tock.callback so destroy will be called even if the callback // throws an exception that is handles by 'uncaughtException' or a // domain. // TODO(trevnorris): This is a bit of a hack. It relies on the fact // that nextTick() doesn't allow the event loop to proceed, but if // any async hooks are enabled during the callback's execution then // this tock's after hook will be called, but not its destroy hook. if (async_hook_fields[kDestroy] > 0) emitDestroy(tock[async_id_symbol]); // Using separate callback execution functions allows direct // callback invocation with small numbers of arguments to avoid the // performance hit associated with using `fn.apply()` _combinedTickCallback(args, callback); emitAfter(tock[async_id_symbol]); if (kMaxCallbacksPerLoop < tickInfo[kIndex]) tickDone(); } tickDone(); _runMicrotasks(); emitPendingUnhandledRejections(); } while (tickInfo[kLength] !== 0); } function _tickDomainCallback() { do { while (tickInfo[kIndex] < tickInfo[kLength]) { ++tickInfo[kIndex]; const tock = nextTickQueue.shift(); const callback = tock.callback; const domain = tock.domain; const args = tock.args; if (domain) domain.enter(); // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(tock[async_id_symbol])) // CHECK(tock[async_id_symbol] > 0) // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(tock[trigger_async_id_symbol])) // CHECK(tock[trigger_async_id_symbol] > 0) emitBefore(tock[async_id_symbol], tock[trigger_async_id_symbol]); // TODO(trevnorris): See comment in _tickCallback() as to why this // isn't a good solution. if (async_hook_fields[kDestroy] > 0) emitDestroy(tock[async_id_symbol]); // Using separate callback execution functions allows direct // callback invocation with small numbers of arguments to avoid the // performance hit associated with using `fn.apply()` _combinedTickCallback(args, callback); emitAfter(tock[async_id_symbol]); if (kMaxCallbacksPerLoop < tickInfo[kIndex]) tickDone(); if (domain) domain.exit(); } tickDone(); _runMicrotasks(); emitPendingUnhandledRejections(); } while (tickInfo[kLength] !== 0); } class TickObject { constructor(callback, args, asyncId, triggerAsyncId) { this.callback = callback; this.args = args; this.domain = process.domain || null; this[async_id_symbol] = asyncId; this[trigger_async_id_symbol] = triggerAsyncId; } } // `nextTick()` will not enqueue any callback when the process is about to // exit since the callback would not have a chance to be executed. function nextTick(callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK'); if (process._exiting) return; var args; switch (arguments.length) { case 1: break; case 2: args = [arguments[1]]; break; case 3: args = [arguments[1], arguments[2]]; break; case 4: args = [arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; break; default: args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } const asyncId = ++async_id_fields[kAsyncIdCounter]; const triggerAsyncId = initTriggerId(); const obj = new TickObject(callback, args, asyncId, triggerAsyncId); nextTickQueue.push(obj); ++tickInfo[kLength]; if (async_hook_fields[kInit] > 0) emitInit(asyncId, 'TickObject', triggerAsyncId, obj); } // `internalNextTick()` will not enqueue any callback when the process is // about to exit since the callback would not have a chance to be executed. function internalNextTick(triggerAsyncId, callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK'); // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(triggerAsyncId) || triggerAsyncId === null) // CHECK(triggerAsyncId > 0 || triggerAsyncId === null) if (process._exiting) return; if (!Number.isSafeInteger(triggerAsyncId) || triggerAsyncId <= 0) { triggerAsyncId = async_hooks.initTriggerId(); } var args; switch (arguments.length) { case 2: break; case 3: args = [arguments[2]]; break; case 4: args = [arguments[2], arguments[3]]; break; case 5: args = [arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4]]; break; default: args = new Array(arguments.length - 2); for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) args[i - 2] = arguments[i]; } const asyncId = ++async_id_fields[kAsyncIdCounter]; const obj = new TickObject(callback, args, asyncId, triggerAsyncId); nextTickQueue.push(obj); ++tickInfo[kLength]; if (async_hook_fields[kInit] > 0) emitInit(asyncId, 'TickObject', triggerAsyncId, obj); } }