'use strict'; const async_wrap = process.binding('async_wrap'); /* Both these arrays are used to communicate between JS and C++ with as little * overhead as possible. * * async_hook_fields is a Uint32Array() that communicates the number of each * type of active hooks of each type and wraps the uin32_t array of * node::Environment::AsyncHooks::fields_. * * async_uid_fields is a Float64Array() that contains the async/trigger ids for * several operations. These fields are as follows: * kCurrentAsyncId: The async id of the current execution stack. * kCurrentTriggerId: The trigger id of the current execution stack. * kAsyncUidCntr: Counter that tracks the unique ids given to new resources. * kInitTriggerId: Written to just before creating a new resource, so the * constructor knows what other resource is responsible for its init(). * Used this way so the trigger id doesn't need to be passed to every * resource's constructor. */ const { async_hook_fields, async_uid_fields } = async_wrap; // Used to change the state of the async id stack. const { pushAsyncIds, popAsyncIds } = async_wrap; // Array of all AsyncHooks that will be iterated whenever an async event fires. // Using var instead of (preferably const) in order to assign // tmp_active_hooks_array if a hook is enabled/disabled during hook execution. var active_hooks_array = []; // Track whether a hook callback is currently being processed. Used to make // sure active_hooks_array isn't altered in mid execution if another hook is // added or removed. var processing_hook = false; // Use to temporarily store and updated active_hooks_array if the user enables // or disables a hook while hooks are being processed. var tmp_active_hooks_array = null; // Keep track of the field counts held in tmp_active_hooks_array. var tmp_async_hook_fields = null; // Each constant tracks how many callbacks there are for any given step of // async execution. These are tracked so if the user didn't include callbacks // for a given step, that step can bail out early. const { kInit, kBefore, kAfter, kDestroy, kTotals, kCurrentAsyncId, kCurrentTriggerId, kAsyncUidCntr, kInitTriggerId } = async_wrap.constants; const { async_id_symbol, trigger_id_symbol } = async_wrap; // Used in AsyncHook and AsyncResource. const init_symbol = Symbol('init'); const before_symbol = Symbol('before'); const after_symbol = Symbol('after'); const destroy_symbol = Symbol('destroy'); // Setup the callbacks that node::AsyncWrap will call when there are hooks to // process. They use the same functions as the JS embedder API. These callbacks // are setup immediately to prevent async_wrap.setupHooks() from being hijacked // and the cost of doing so is negligible. async_wrap.setupHooks({ init, before: emitBeforeN, after: emitAfterN, destroy: emitDestroyN }); // Used to fatally abort the process if a callback throws. function fatalError(e) { if (typeof e.stack === 'string') { process._rawDebug(e.stack); } else { const o = { message: e }; Error.captureStackTrace(o, fatalError); process._rawDebug(o.stack); } if (process.execArgv.some( (e) => /^--abort[_-]on[_-]uncaught[_-]exception$/.test(e))) { process.abort(); } process.exit(1); } // Public API // class AsyncHook { constructor({ init, before, after, destroy }) { if (init !== undefined && typeof init !== 'function') throw new TypeError('init must be a function'); if (before !== undefined && typeof before !== 'function') throw new TypeError('before must be a function'); if (after !== undefined && typeof after !== 'function') throw new TypeError('after must be a function'); if (destroy !== undefined && typeof destroy !== 'function') throw new TypeError('destroy must be a function'); this[init_symbol] = init; this[before_symbol] = before; this[after_symbol] = after; this[destroy_symbol] = destroy; } enable() { // The set of callbacks for a hook should be the same regardless of whether // enable()/disable() are run during their execution. The following // references are reassigned to the tmp arrays if a hook is currently being // processed. const [hooks_array, hook_fields] = getHookArrays(); // Each hook is only allowed to be added once. if (hooks_array.includes(this)) return this; const prev_kTotals = hook_fields[kTotals]; hook_fields[kTotals] = 0; // createHook() has already enforced that the callbacks are all functions, // so here simply increment the count of whether each callbacks exists or // not. hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kInit] += +!!this[init_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kBefore] += +!!this[before_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kAfter] += +!!this[after_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kDestroy] += +!!this[destroy_symbol]; hooks_array.push(this); if (prev_kTotals === 0 && hook_fields[kTotals] > 0) async_wrap.enablePromiseHook(); return this; } disable() { const [hooks_array, hook_fields] = getHookArrays(); const index = hooks_array.indexOf(this); if (index === -1) return this; const prev_kTotals = hook_fields[kTotals]; hook_fields[kTotals] = 0; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kInit] -= +!!this[init_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kBefore] -= +!!this[before_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kAfter] -= +!!this[after_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kDestroy] -= +!!this[destroy_symbol]; hooks_array.splice(index, 1); if (prev_kTotals > 0 && hook_fields[kTotals] === 0) async_wrap.disablePromiseHook(); return this; } } function getHookArrays() { if (!processing_hook) return [active_hooks_array, async_hook_fields]; // If this hook is being enabled while in the middle of processing the array // of currently active hooks then duplicate the current set of active hooks // and store this there. This shouldn't fire until the next time hooks are // processed. if (tmp_active_hooks_array === null) storeActiveHooks(); return [tmp_active_hooks_array, tmp_async_hook_fields]; } function storeActiveHooks() { tmp_active_hooks_array = active_hooks_array.slice(); // Don't want to make the assumption that kInit to kDestroy are indexes 0 to // 4. So do this the long way. tmp_async_hook_fields = []; tmp_async_hook_fields[kInit] = async_hook_fields[kInit]; tmp_async_hook_fields[kBefore] = async_hook_fields[kBefore]; tmp_async_hook_fields[kAfter] = async_hook_fields[kAfter]; tmp_async_hook_fields[kDestroy] = async_hook_fields[kDestroy]; } // Then restore the correct hooks array in case any hooks were added/removed // during hook callback execution. function restoreTmpHooks() { active_hooks_array = tmp_active_hooks_array; async_hook_fields[kInit] = tmp_async_hook_fields[kInit]; async_hook_fields[kBefore] = tmp_async_hook_fields[kBefore]; async_hook_fields[kAfter] = tmp_async_hook_fields[kAfter]; async_hook_fields[kDestroy] = tmp_async_hook_fields[kDestroy]; tmp_active_hooks_array = null; tmp_async_hook_fields = null; } function createHook(fns) { return new AsyncHook(fns); } function currentId() { return async_uid_fields[kCurrentAsyncId]; } function triggerId() { return async_uid_fields[kCurrentTriggerId]; } // Embedder API // class AsyncResource { constructor(type, triggerId) { this[async_id_symbol] = ++async_uid_fields[kAsyncUidCntr]; // Read and reset the current kInitTriggerId so that when the constructor // finishes the kInitTriggerId field is always 0. if (triggerId === undefined) { triggerId = initTriggerId(); // If a triggerId was passed, any kInitTriggerId still must be null'd. } else { async_uid_fields[kInitTriggerId] = 0; } this[trigger_id_symbol] = triggerId; if (typeof type !== 'string' || type.length <= 0) throw new TypeError('type must be a string with length > 0'); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(triggerId) || triggerId < 0) throw new RangeError('triggerId must be an unsigned integer'); // Return immediately if there's nothing to do. if (async_hook_fields[kInit] === 0) return; init(this[async_id_symbol], type, triggerId, this); } emitBefore() { emitBeforeS(this[async_id_symbol], this[trigger_id_symbol]); return this; } emitAfter() { emitAfterS(this[async_id_symbol]); return this; } emitDestroy() { emitDestroyS(this[async_id_symbol]); return this; } asyncId() { return this[async_id_symbol]; } triggerId() { return this[trigger_id_symbol]; } } function runInAsyncIdScope(asyncId, cb) { // Store the async id now to make sure the stack is still good when the ids // are popped off the stack. const prevId = currentId(); pushAsyncIds(asyncId, prevId); try { cb(); } finally { popAsyncIds(asyncId); } } // Sensitive Embedder API // // Increment the internal id counter and return the value. Important that the // counter increment first. Since it's done the same way in // Environment::new_async_uid() function newUid() { return ++async_uid_fields[kAsyncUidCntr]; } // Return the triggerId meant for the constructor calling it. It's up to the // user to safeguard this call and make sure it's zero'd out when the // constructor is complete. function initTriggerId() { var tId = async_uid_fields[kInitTriggerId]; // Reset value after it's been called so the next constructor doesn't // inherit it by accident. async_uid_fields[kInitTriggerId] = 0; if (tId <= 0) tId = async_uid_fields[kCurrentAsyncId]; return tId; } function setInitTriggerId(triggerId) { // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(triggerId)) // CHECK(triggerId > 0) async_uid_fields[kInitTriggerId] = triggerId; } function emitInitS(asyncId, type, triggerId, resource) { // Short circuit all checks for the common case. Which is that no hooks have // been set. Do this to remove performance impact for embedders (and core). // Even though it bypasses all the argument checks. The performance savings // here is critical. if (async_hook_fields[kInit] === 0) return; // This can run after the early return check b/c running this function // manually means that the embedder must have used initTriggerId(). if (!Number.isSafeInteger(triggerId)) { if (triggerId !== undefined) resource = triggerId; triggerId = initTriggerId(); } // I'd prefer allowing these checks to not exist, or only throw in a debug // build, in order to improve performance. if (!Number.isSafeInteger(asyncId) || asyncId < 0) throw new RangeError('asyncId must be an unsigned integer'); if (typeof type !== 'string' || type.length <= 0) throw new TypeError('type must be a string with length > 0'); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(triggerId) || triggerId < 0) throw new RangeError('triggerId must be an unsigned integer'); init(asyncId, type, triggerId, resource); // Isn't null if hooks were added/removed while the hooks were running. if (tmp_active_hooks_array !== null) { restoreTmpHooks(); } } function emitBeforeN(asyncId) { processing_hook = true; // Use a single try/catch for all hook to avoid setting up one per iteration. try { for (var i = 0; i < active_hooks_array.length; i++) { if (typeof active_hooks_array[i][before_symbol] === 'function') { active_hooks_array[i][before_symbol](asyncId); } } } catch (e) { fatalError(e); } processing_hook = false; if (tmp_active_hooks_array !== null) { restoreTmpHooks(); } } // Usage: emitBeforeS(asyncId[, triggerId]). If triggerId is omitted then // asyncId will be used instead. function emitBeforeS(asyncId, triggerId = asyncId) { // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(asyncId) && asyncId > 0) // CHECK(Number.isSafeInteger(triggerId) && triggerId > 0) // Validate the ids. if (asyncId < 0 || triggerId < 0) { fatalError('before(): asyncId or triggerId is less than zero ' + `(asyncId: ${asyncId}, triggerId: ${triggerId})`); } pushAsyncIds(asyncId, triggerId); if (async_hook_fields[kBefore] === 0) return; emitBeforeN(asyncId); } // Called from native. The asyncId stack handling is taken care of there before // this is called. function emitAfterN(asyncId) { processing_hook = true; // Use a single try/catch for all hook to avoid setting up one per iteration. try { for (var i = 0; i < active_hooks_array.length; i++) { if (typeof active_hooks_array[i][after_symbol] === 'function') { active_hooks_array[i][after_symbol](asyncId); } } } catch (e) { fatalError(e); } processing_hook = false; if (tmp_active_hooks_array !== null) { restoreTmpHooks(); } } // TODO(trevnorris): Calling emitBefore/emitAfter from native can't adjust the // kIdStackIndex. But what happens if the user doesn't have both before and // after callbacks. function emitAfterS(asyncId) { if (async_hook_fields[kAfter] > 0) emitAfterN(asyncId); popAsyncIds(asyncId); } function emitDestroyS(asyncId) { // Return early if there are no destroy callbacks, or on attempt to emit // destroy on the void. if (async_hook_fields[kDestroy] === 0 || asyncId === 0) return; async_wrap.addIdToDestroyList(asyncId); } function emitDestroyN(asyncId) { processing_hook = true; // Use a single try/catch for all hook to avoid setting up one per iteration. try { for (var i = 0; i < active_hooks_array.length; i++) { if (typeof active_hooks_array[i][destroy_symbol] === 'function') { active_hooks_array[i][destroy_symbol](asyncId); } } } catch (e) { fatalError(e); } processing_hook = false; if (tmp_active_hooks_array !== null) { restoreTmpHooks(); } } // Emit callbacks for native calls. Since some state can be setup directly from // C++ there's no need to perform all the work here. // This should only be called if hooks_array has kInit > 0. There are no global // values to setup. Though hooks_array will be cloned if C++ needed to call // init(). // TODO(trevnorris): Perhaps have MakeCallback call a single JS function that // does the before/callback/after calls to remove two additional calls to JS. // Force the application to shutdown if one of the callbacks throws. This may // change in the future depending on whether it can be determined if there's a // slim chance of the application remaining stable after handling one of these // exceptions. function init(asyncId, type, triggerId, resource) { processing_hook = true; // Use a single try/catch for all hook to avoid setting up one per iteration. try { for (var i = 0; i < active_hooks_array.length; i++) { if (typeof active_hooks_array[i][init_symbol] === 'function') { active_hooks_array[i][init_symbol](asyncId, type, triggerId, resource); } } } catch (e) { fatalError(e); } processing_hook = false; } // Placing all exports down here because the exported classes won't export // otherwise. module.exports = { // Public API createHook, currentId, triggerId, // Embedder API AsyncResource, runInAsyncIdScope, // Sensitive Embedder API newUid, initTriggerId, setInitTriggerId, emitInit: emitInitS, emitBefore: emitBeforeS, emitAfter: emitAfterS, emitDestroy: emitDestroyS, };