/** * Base interface class other can inherits from */ var _ = require("lodash"); var tty = require("../utils/tty"); var readlineFacade = require("readline2"); /** * Module exports */ module.exports = UI; /** * Constructor */ function UI( opt ) { // Instantiate the Readline interface // @Note: Don't reassign if already present (allow test to override the Stream) this.rl || (this.rl = readlineFacade.createInterface()); this.rl.resume(); this.onForceClose = this.onForceClose.bind(this); this.onKeypress = this.onKeypress.bind(this); // Make sure new prompt start on a newline when closing this.rl.on( "SIGINT", this.onForceClose ); process.on( "exit", this.onForceClose ); // Propagate keypress events directly on the readline process.stdin.addListener( "keypress", this.onKeypress ); } _.extend( UI.prototype, tty ); /** * Handle the ^C exit * @return {null} */ UI.prototype.onForceClose = function() { this.close(); console.log("\n"); // Line return }; /** * Close the interface and cleanup listeners */ UI.prototype.close = function() { // Remove events listeners this.rl.removeListener( "SIGINT", this.onForceClose ); process.stdin.removeListener( "keypress", this.onKeypress ); process.removeListener( "exit", this.onForceClose ); // Restore prompt functionnalities this.rl.output.unmute(); process.stdout.write("\x1B[?25h"); // show cursor // Close the readline this.rl.output.end(); this.rl.pause(); this.rl.close(); this.rl = null; }; /** * Handle and propagate keypress events */ UI.prototype.onKeypress = function( s, key ) { // Ignore `enter` key (readline `line` event is the only one we care for) if ( key && (key.name === "enter" || key.name === "return") ) return; if ( this.rl ) { this.rl.emit( "keypress", s, key ); } };